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Friends - January 2007

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basically, I live in this apartment. and its shared. everybody else is living with each other fine. but there is this one roomate who thinks she owns the whole place. she is messy, inconsiderate and leaves her things everywhere. she doesnt know how to control her stuff! i understand how people get messy, but WOW. she is MESSY! and to top it off she talks crap about everybody behind their backs. no matter how nice you are to her. she'll find something to not like about you. and she complicates things to the MAX. she thinks that she can walk over each and every one of us. she'll offer you somehting and use it against you. for example. she'll ask you if you want to go to the market with her. and then when she's mad at you she'll use it against you saying that she's been so nice and takes you to so many places ugh. she also has this problem with her roomate and has started ignoring her. im not taking sides cuz im still living with them so i dont wanna cuase trouble. gosh, how i hate her!

2007-01-07 17:55:59 · 11 answers · asked by sweetpea2007 1

I am fine as far as friends, but if you need a friend, Then I could be your friend. I know that some of the more immature people will just mock me by sucking up my points, but if you need a friend, guys or girls, well then, here I am.

2007-01-07 17:49:04 · 6 answers · asked by TheSilverBeetles 4

I have lots of friends,63% of the people i meet like me, and I"m kind to all furry little animals. It seems to me however that people I try to talk to just don't like me.Is it that I may have an alter ego that I just not likeable? Thanks for your insight.

2007-01-07 17:48:42 · 9 answers · asked by timgisme 1

My best friend of 6 years all of a sudden trying to dictate my love life. Example, for some of last year, I really liked this guy who I was friends with, & she didnt want me to be w/ him [shes never even met him, she only knows him by walking by him a few times in school] She told me, if things ever got romatic w/ this guy, she would stop talking to me. Now there this new guy I like, & our scheduals have been conflicting w/ trying to hang out. She told me I should be "just friends" w/ this new guy, because, "I dont have enough guy friends." And she also said she wanted proof of it happening, in IM conversation, telling him I just want to be friends.

Is it me, or does my friend have NO RIGHT doing this?! Shes a lesbian, & I could care less about happenings in her love life! She dosent even like me talking about guys I like, but she still does this! I'll be damned if Im gonna have some tell me who I can & cant be with. How do I tell her this w/o it effecting are friendship?!

2007-01-07 17:44:04 · 8 answers · asked by woah 2

if your to best friends are in a HUGH fight and they both want you to be on their side, but you dont want to take sides???????

2007-01-07 17:41:33 · 8 answers · asked by Caroline Z 1

Please don't say school, or online.

2007-01-07 17:39:31 · 5 answers · asked by hotgirl 2

I have this friend who is causing a lot of stress in my life. He has anger issues, he yells and screams at a drop of a hat. Now he also has poor credit and he wants me to sub-lease an apartment for him. When he sees my reluctance he gets mad. I see that he really has noone else to ask (naturally he doesn't have that many friends), that's why he's so upset. But this is really too much for me to takem and why should I be responsible for his financial mistakes of the past I just don't see. It really goes on and on. Why is it so hard to leave someone like this behind? I really can't take this anymore. I mean, he's a good person to hang out with, but when he needs something and doesn't get his way he's just impossible. Tell me something. tell me that I'm an idiot, it might do me some good. I'm sick of it all, but he just wouldn't go away.

2007-01-07 17:34:43 · 13 answers · asked by Everybody's Favorite 5

She always hangs around my locker at school, runs up my phone bill telling me how much she likes this guy, is a complete drama-queen, etc. I don't want to be rude because she tells everyone that I am her BFF (nobody else will put up with her). HELP!

2007-01-07 17:22:46 · 6 answers · asked by Meme 2

I m 16,I like a guy,he's 8 yrs elder 2 me n we have know each other wen i was just 8...v hv met after a long time n v talk a lottt..v hav a good understanding n he treats me very well...shares everything...i have many friends in my life but nobodyz like him..i want him 2 b my best friend 4ever..wot shud i do?? is this rite?? plss..help me out..i dont wanna loose such a gr8 human being....but i guess he also terms me as a very good friend of his....helppp

2007-01-07 17:13:35 · 10 answers · asked by Coolgal 1

Me and my friend haven't known eachother too long i guess but i feel really connected to him. It's cool cuz its like we can read eachothers thoughts just through looks and our eyes and stuff. It surprises me. We haven't known eachother that long but we both swear that we look familiar but we just can't figure out from where we know eachother. So its like we have known eachother forever but not... and i just find it odd that we can connect so quickly. Why is it that some people can read eachothers thoughts so well? I mean i could understand if we knew knew eachother for a long time but we've only (at least i guess) known eachother for a few months. But seriously we can have a conversation with our eyes!

2007-01-07 17:00:50 · 4 answers · asked by genuine♥ 3

i don't know what to do
i told her not to get with him becuz his 20 and she only 16 years old. come on she should of known that he was going to cheat on her. i know the girl that his been, with i know her name and where she lives
but i don't know how to tell my friend

2007-01-07 16:59:23 · 17 answers · asked by vanessa c 1






2007-01-07 16:49:03 · 5 answers · asked by sammyantha 1

theres this guy who i was very close to... we were extremely good friends for 2 months ,, sharing secrets getting close (we neva met tht often) its lik best frnds.. he went to london for studies in sept..it all like drifted apart.. i mailed him n i neva got a reply for lik 2 n half months...i called him n got thro a wrong no... i was heart broken.. i cried soo many times thinkin about the awesome time ive had with him and now tht its like over... i din expect this from him.. he dint even bother to get back in touch.. i left a lil rude kinda msg on his public blog so he realised n got back to me sayin hes begging sorry for acting so rude and tht he was busy adjusting there.. we kept in touch like this for a month..n now hes back here from london since 8 days n yet hes not bothered to get in touch..i felt soooo bad..theres nothing i can do...i dont want our relation to end... but i cant stand this behaviour...because in the 1st case i dont know what went wrong for such behavioue form him

2007-01-07 16:48:43 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My brother has hwe'll say, female, not a woman, but we won't go there, aha. She's already had 8 kids, all different Dad's, none of my brothers (THANK YOU LORD), she's raised NONE of them, foster homes have. She's always lived off of welfare, one tooth, clothing up to her a**, you guys getting the picture? Anyway, she wants to have ANOTHER, this time with my brother!!!! This is almost embarrasing to even tell you guys! Anyway, she got her youngest back recently, and her welfare stopped, go figure why she wants another, at 47 years old! What do you all think, you think it's highly possible she could have another, and totally trash our family? HELP, very upset, our entire family is.

2007-01-07 16:47:09 · 6 answers · asked by Wutz it worth 2 ya? 6

i would like to be switch my classes, still be taking the same classes jsut different times
i think my reasons are good but i need a better reason to tell to the conselor
i dont know barely anyone in this class, and the conselor is going to say well then make new friends
but most of the people alreayd have there groupp of frineds and my school is very cliqueish
i only have one okay friend and her best friend in this class hates me because of something ive done with her boyfriend in the past
nad this class is PE, and we dont do anything except talk to friends in it or partner up and do excercies
so i really need to switch to a pe hour with friends
so please someone give me reaosns i could give to teh conselor!

2007-01-07 16:35:38 · 3 answers · asked by bionca 3

i never had a boyfriend in my life but i messed around "friend with Benefits" and i don't want people to think less of me becuz of that. but i do it becuz all my friends are always getting hurt by their boyfriends. but the guys don't care, their a$$holes they don't care and i wanna know how they do that.
i do want a boyfriend but i don't wanna end up like my friends crying and don't wanna get out of the house
but the guys over here don't care they just go out and get another girl.

2007-01-07 16:34:24 · 8 answers · asked by vanessa c 1

I'm 26 and I currently only have two friends. We grew up together and have always been really close friends. Lately they've both been very busy with work and girlfriends and stuff and I've been spending a lot of time alone bored out of my mind. I spend a lot of time on my hobbies, but I'm starting to get pretty depressed from a lack of contact with other people. I would like to meet new people with similar interests, but I have no idea where to start. Once I meet new people, I'm not even sure how to make friends...I haven't made any new friends since I was a kid and I can be a pretty shy person when meeting new people. All the friends I made in college were really just friends of my ex-girlfriend. Any suggestions?

2007-01-07 16:16:07 · 14 answers · asked by Link 5

would like a pen friend who like same things!
im 19 engaged hav a 2 year old and im 3 months pregnant again!

2007-01-07 16:16:03 · 6 answers · asked by kj15648 1

the top three worstest sins that canbe commited by a teenager???

2007-01-07 16:07:56 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


so i really need to to get switched out of my PE class and id still be take it, i just want to switch hours with another class
i think my reasons are good but i need a better reason to tell to the conselor
i dont know barely anyone in this class, and the conselor is going to say well then make new friends
but like theres like 2 cliques in it, one is cool but they dont really like me and theyd have no reaosn to talk to me anyways since like all of them are in it adn then the other cliqueis a bunch of losers and they really hate me
then im ok fends with one person and shes bff with this girl who hates me guts becuase me and her booyfriend kind of, idk
nad then theres another girl whos going out with my ex bf in the class too and i dont really like her,
so someone please give me reaosn to ge tout if that class

2007-01-07 16:03:17 · 2 answers · asked by bionca 3

If this one girl impersonated you and someone else online just to see your reaction when the person instant messaged you up to 5x or more a week and also started saying rumors about you and sent nasty email to you from her and also i think apparently from someone else from another account to rile you up....but you are ignoring it and sick of being a "sitting duck" as she told you on AIM, what would you do? This stopped for 2 weeks now because I blocked her, but I kind of have this feeling of wanting revenge creep up on me and its never happened before. Oh she also tried to kick me out of school based on false premises after telling other people at school lies about me. How to suppress my feelings or actually act on it without the impending threat for her to kick me out? Serious answers only

2007-01-07 15:57:34 · 14 answers · asked by kowalley 5

I ran into a high school classmate that told me how his life was from graduation day on. my dad was with me and was like - wow, I was wondering how much he was actually going to tell you. I left the grocery store mentally exhausted.

2007-01-07 15:45:10 · 7 answers · asked by Kisses 2

My friend passed away today. He's 17. Does anyone know any good funeral songs. He was a boy, and im his friend (girl) for a long time. thnks

2007-01-07 15:37:18 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

for instance, this guy my math tutor/classmate I know sees me and smiles, the other day, he seen me and he was sort of blushing, and I seen him later on that day, he was actually talking to someone else, but told the person to hold on and told me to call him, so he can give me another session, which I was sort of confused about because the last time we talked I emphasized to him that i couldn't afford to do any sessions, and he told me it's okay, and that there was no rush and that he wasn't talking to me for that reason, he said he just wanted to see me smile, and he went on to ask me personal questions, like where I work, and what did I do for the holidays,and asked me even more detailed questions like who did I spend my holidays with?.., and he's asked me a few times when will I be back up to the club, so what do you think, does this guy like me, or do you think it's about business?

2007-01-07 15:15:22 · 6 answers · asked by SugarHoneyIcedTea 1

i have a friend who is my age (17) and her family is real strict. If your bad, for a little kid, parents slap your hand, theres nothing wrong with that. if you're little, then spanking the butt is ok, but shes 17. if she does anything wrong, she has to lie on her stomach on her dads lap and her dad just spanks her. i really think this is wrong, dont you?

2007-01-07 15:01:35 · 31 answers · asked by Anika 2

I am already aware of Myspace and hoverspot and yahoo personals

2007-01-07 15:00:43 · 12 answers · asked by Lynn 2

fedest.com, questions and answers