I went through the same thing!! You need to look at yourself and find what the good in you. Never compare yourself to others. Your girl may be very attractive, but you need to see your own beauty!!! When you see that in yourself, your confidence will definately be high! They guys like that!!
2007-01-07 11:05:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
lol i know how you feel, i went through the exact same thing in highschool. I had a friend that was exactly like your best friend and i always was secretly alittle jealous but after a while you learn to get over it. Just stop comparing yourself to her, everyone is there worst critic. I learned to get over it and i know you will too. Just enjoy the time that you and your friend have together and try not to think about who's prettier. If she tells you that a guy likes her, be happy for her, tell her if you think he's cute, have fun. Have fun while you guys are together in high school, dont dread on looks or who's more popular, that will only bring your self esteem down and thats not a good thing.
2007-01-07 11:13:21
answer #2
answered by Lady B 3
My best friend was like this. My last date was freshman year in high school for Homecoming. I'm going to be 27 in a month. That should give you an idea of how long ago it was.
Anyway, she would constantly tell me about guys checking her out and whatnot. She was married and has a son and she would still tell me about the guys that liked her in high school and the guys that checked her out daily. It really bothered me because she was married and shouldn't she have moved on?
Ultimately, she cheated on her husband, divorced him and now lives with the guy she cheated with. All this happened in a matter of months. Quite shocking.
Mostly, they brag because they aren't confident enough to believe that they are attractive and they feel that they need reassurance.
My recommendation is to tell her honestly how it makes you feel when she tells you about all the guys interested in her. If your friendship is genuine, she'll accept what you say and consider your feelings.
2007-01-07 11:09:43
answer #3
answered by DragonWrites the Fire Faery 3
It's tough being friends with a really pretty popular girl. If you don't think you have the self-confidence to handle it then maybe spend more time with other friends and less with her.
A lot of the pretty girls from my h.s. ended up old and ugly later on in life, if that makes you feel any better.
2007-01-07 11:17:47
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Don't be down about it all those boys just want her for her body and all you have to do is fix your self up nice and find that special someone and be happy im sure that the guy youll find will look way better than hers just be yourself and when she tells you someone likes her say well thats kool but somone likes me to
2007-01-07 11:09:15
answer #5
answered by MARCiiA 2
pretty is really on the inside, so just dont be jealous and love yourself cause looks change as u get older.
dont feel ugly, feel beautiful inside and u will look beautiful outside.
be nice and go wid the flow
2007-01-07 11:12:35
answer #6
answered by sunflare63 7
You just tell her how you feel and then if she doesnt respond to it just ditch her I mean a real friend would change her looks for you.
2007-01-07 11:24:09
answer #7
answered by Cassie Rose 1
Find an ugly friend...or someone uglier than you to hang out with. Seriously you'll feel prettier! Has worked for me, lol.....
2007-01-07 11:06:26
answer #8
answered by shygal 5
It's okay, I'm a girl and I like this guy..He's my best bud, and he's really cute. So, just feel confident about yourself, dress cool, and if she does't like you the way you are; get another girl.
Hope I helped you out a bit..
2007-01-07 11:05:20
answer #9
answered by Sexy Lilian B 2
dress like her? and change your look like her? but i bet your really pretty too...its just the guys at your school think she's prettier....and try to get to know her frineds
2007-01-07 11:06:26
answer #10
answered by 123 2