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Family & Relationships - 27 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

but is it wrong to **** with a guy who is over 18 and im still 15
i ask this becasue i have doen it and my friends gives me **** for it

2007-03-27 08:25:16 · 68 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-03-27 08:24:35 · 6 answers · asked by ""Ashley"" 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-27 08:24:05 · 45 answers · asked by cutiepie 3 in Friends

My ex boyfriend and I talked on and off for 2 years and then dated VERY seriously for a year after that. He gave me a ring... we basically lived together. We are from a small town and basically we got tore apart.We had a bad break up and i feel so bad when he told me he cried himself to sleep over me. I still love him as a person.But he won't talk to me !! at all.. he hates me being around our friends and everything. Is he doing this because he hates me, or just becuase our relationship didn't work out and he got hurt?
he talks really bad about me, and it hurts me. We also have been broken up for alomost a year now!! we both have moved on, but i want him to be my friend.. and he won't??
why won't he.. he use to love me to the point where he would give me a ring, and not he doesn't want to talk to me. Please help me understand why he does this?

2007-03-27 08:24:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I really like my boyfriend, and I believe he fells the same, but the problem is, I'm a leo, and as a girlfriend, I need attention from him, more than I think he's willing to give at this point, and its really irritating! I told him I am demanding and high maintenance when it comes to attention, and I feel like he puts me last when it comes to everybody else (friends and such).

Now, I'm not telling him to forget everybody else in his life, and just focus on me, but I NEED his attention in order to feel like I'm not wasting my energy or time on him. He tells me that between giving his best friend, mother and me attention, he feels like he has 3 girlfriends. I told him he should only feel like he has one gal - ME. When we first started dating, I lived in a city about 30 min away, and he had no problem spending the weekends with me. now, I moved to the same city because of a job change, and I feel like I'm not getting the same attention and time he used to give me. someone help!

2007-03-27 08:23:54 · 5 answers · asked by paris230425 3 in Singles & Dating

Lately all of my friends are talking about how they cant wait for the summer so they can hook-up with lots of guys. And come to think of it, im pretty excited too! So let me know if you plan to hook-up with someone this summer! =]

2007-03-27 08:23:35 · 6 answers · asked by Smile it's Sarah!! =] 2 in Singles & Dating

I'm just asking

2007-03-27 08:23:27 · 7 answers · asked by Ashley J 3 in Singles & Dating

Moral dilemma!!! Intruding nephew. What should I do?
I just got married on Feb 17 to my fiance of 4 years. Right before this his 21 yearold nephew came out of nowhere and asked my husband to help him get a job. My husband hired him. He would rarely make it to work on time or show up at all. He than asked to move into our house after the wedding so he could get himselg in a position to save money and make it to work. That was the plan. He goes out and parties all the time and still is rarely making it to work. My husband is in a very high position in his company and this is making him look bad. I told my husband that the situation is not working and the kid needs to leave. He tells me I can leave. He comes in at all hours whenever he feels like it. He hasnt given me any money for bills or food and he is a complete slob and wont clean up after himself much less offer to do any daily chores. I also believe he is doing drugs. What should I do? I cant help but think that my brand new marraige is coming to a quick end!

2007-03-27 08:23:12 · 24 answers · asked by vegasgirl 1 in Weddings

I am an American boy. I am from New Jersey and I live right next to New York City. It takes me 5 minutes to drive there. I play sport and I like to go to the movies. I really like going to New York. I am 6ft 160lbs. I am 17 and I like to travel alot. I know this isnt much about me just tell me what you think and what do you think of people from my area? We are completely different than the rest of this country. Also I really like this girl fom England and we are already friends. Any advice?

2007-03-27 08:22:59 · 8 answers · asked by DJIAE 1 in Singles & Dating

my mom is a total b**** cause she is always telling me to do the larndry,make ,dinner, clean, the house, and clean my room,

2007-03-27 08:22:27 · 38 answers · asked by girl_that_is_blue 2 in Friends


I was talking to a woman the other day we got on very well, she works for an agency we sometimes deal with. She showed me her new mobilephone. I was told later it meant she wanted my mobile phone number. She also brought me lunch.
My much younger work colleagues tell me she was flirting with me. Did I miss the sign she was flirting with me. I have been married so long I don't look any more.

2007-03-27 08:22:27 · 5 answers · asked by Lou 6 in Singles & Dating

i am a 14 year old boy just to get that out of the way. throughout my childhood my father has been the most important thing in the world to me. especially since my mother abused me to the point that he called the cops. our relationship was perfect until i turned 13. then we started butting heads on several different things. now that im 14 its gone from butting heads to the police being called and threats on my life. me and my father have had very serious and heated arguments in the last year. one of the biggest was 2 days ago. that started by me complaining to my mother that i didn,t want to get the groceries from outside because i had a torn ACL and couldn,t do well on the steps. every time me and my father argue he is drunk. this is one of those times. after talking to my mother i said i don,t want to talk about it anymore. i go to my room. he follows me in there and we start arguing. in the argument he tells me to get out of his house and threatens to kill me. this is normal.

2007-03-27 08:22:23 · 6 answers · asked by Riddles 2 in Family

cause i think so.

2007-03-27 08:22:20 · 17 answers · asked by classydiva?? 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-27 08:21:35 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Ive noticed that mostly women who work are down on STAY AT HOME MOMS. WHY? Whether they believe it or not, we dont just sit at home watching tv and eating. Most of us who do stay home have kids to work with. I just think they are jealous b/c they cant stay home. So, why do they think they have a right to b i t c h when we are the ones who sit home and Clean house, do laundry plus deal with the kids ALL DAY. Oh and usually we work every day. No weekend, no holidays..and we dont get paid for what we do. So why do you think you have a right to complain about us.

Im curious to what everyone think of those moms who stay home and clean house, do laundry, cook 3 meals a day plus takes care of her kids. You know, the mom who isnt LAZY! What do you think of her. I dont get to sit down but like 1-3 times a day for a short period and usually then i am working with my oldest on ABC's or something.

So ladies who complain, why do you complain and others what do you think of us?

2007-03-27 08:20:51 · 31 answers · asked by Sweetie 2 in Family

I was with this girl for 8 months, we had a really strong safe relationship, then last week we decided it wasnt as good as it used to be, and we werent as happy with one another....so we split up smoothly!
Then today she txted me saying i dont want you to go mad with what im going to say, but please text me back after i tell you...i was like right....i didnt have any credit so i gave her a quick bell to see what was up.
She told me that she is going out with her best mate now, i acted fine with it and that i didnt mind, i was happy for her.

But i have to say, i dont think it will last, i dont think hes boyfriend material, bit of a goon! lol, i know it prob sounds like im just jelouse but everyone thinks the same...

How do i make her realise she has made a mistake? im sending her a little somthing for easter in the post, with a note saying hope everfing is well etc....will this go down well??

Thanks for reading

2007-03-27 08:20:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My husband and I were just married this past year and already I'm finding out more and more about him that I'm really not happy with. I've caught him in many lies (none invlolving infidelities) and now have discovered a financial mess he's been hiding from me. I feel like I can't turn back now because we've made this commitment, but I'm stuck. I could really use some good advise on either how to get him to see the light on these matters or if I should just leave him.

2007-03-27 08:19:57 · 37 answers · asked by Drew 3 in Marriage & Divorce

Several months ago my bff asked a guy at work out. He told our boss about it and she got a lecture, but a few weeks later he started requesting that our boss send her to work on his project. When she's there he spends alot of time there - more than he does when she's not there. And he seems to try to hang where he can see her - but he doesn't talk to her much. She says he admitted a while back that he has her phone # in case he needs to have her pick up stuff as well. This has been going on for several months...and the one time she requested to be put somewhere else for a short time he was obviously upset. She keeps asking me if I think he likes her but I don't know what to tell her. I suspect he does but I don't want to get her hopes up. What do you guys think? Does he like her? I don't want to steer her wrong.

2007-03-27 08:18:54 · 4 answers · asked by okwriting 2 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-27 08:18:42 · 30 answers · asked by ladyindoor 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

First of all I have to say that I am a teenager girl, 15 years old.
Well, I think I'm in love with someone in my class, but I don't know what
he feels for me. His behaviour to me it's ok, normal but I don't know
if his the same to all other classmates. I think he feels something for
We get out many times, not just the two of us, but with some friends,
but we never spoke to much together. I feel an attraction for him, but I
don't know what he feels for me. I don't thinks he feels me like a
normal classmate, I believe (or I want to believe) is something more. Every morning at school, he smiles me and in the class most of the times he is watchng me.
I had a thought of talking him when we are going out or even via
messages (sms), how do I feel for him. But, I think I have to wait for a
while to talk him, so if he feels something to make the first step him (but
maybe it won't be any step).

Can you please give some advices what do I have to do???

2007-03-27 08:18:36 · 3 answers · asked by ???? 1 in Singles & Dating

Does anyone have any stories, experience, or non aggresive solutions to dealing with a future in law who ignores me and then causes trouble with my fiance only to turn it around and blame us for the argument? No one in their family seems to notice- or perhaps they just let it happen. We are always yelled at but nothing is said to the troublemaker.Sometimes I'm convinced they help feed the flames because they have nothing better to do with their lives. Has this happened to you, and what do you do?

2007-03-27 08:18:24 · 20 answers · asked by prettygirlsmakegraves 3 in Marriage & Divorce

im a lesbian and have a daughter from a previous straight relationship. my daughter is 13 and ive been with my partner for nearly 8 years we have had our ups and downs but just lately my daughter has been stealing from my partners mum ( who is a very nice lady) the first time she took £80 quid the second time she took an eyore pen, now i no its only a pen but she still took it without asking and my partner was the one who found it missing, my partner was brought up around kids that didnt steal e.t.c and my partner cant deal with it now she wants me and not my daughter. i love my partner and dont want to lose her what can i do or say to put things right for all of us? my daughter did love my partner im not sure now thou.

2007-03-27 08:18:15 · 22 answers · asked by munchkin 1 in Singles & Dating

What is something cheap but entertaining that I can do with my cousins tonight. Like something where I don't have to be really cooped up in my house. But something where I don't have to spend much money. Like something less than $10. I am trying to save up my money but I want to do something tonight. Not like a slumber party or anything. But maybe we can bake something in the kitchen. Does anybody have any good cookie, cake, muffin, ect. recipes?? Give me the whole recipe step by step. I am twelve years old and so is my cousin. PLEASE ANSWER EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL GIVE YOU SOME POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2007-03-27 08:17:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

There's a kid, who is my best friends friend, and I talk to him online, and we really hit it off. he's sweet, and quotes shakespear, and says the nicest things, but doesn't go to my school. I've actually never met him, I don't know if he's a jerk around other people, or really ugly or fat. Then there's my ex boyfriend, who is nice, and smart, kinda conceited at times, but we have chemistry ish. school is almost over, so I could wait, but I don't think I want to. so who should I choose? someone who's always there, goes to my school, aka the convenience, or someone who seems perfect to me, but is so far away?
please help me here.

2007-03-27 08:17:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-03-27 08:17:06 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

loves to pay Chess on the computer and sometimes he plays so much that I get really lonely. We have a 7 month old so when he goes to sleep and Im done doing all the mother/wife stuff and Im ready to hang out, he just plays and plays. Even when we have a coupe of drinks at night, he wont drink with me, he'll drink with the computer. This is making me get evil thoughts.

2007-03-27 08:17:05 · 31 answers · asked by Crash 4 in Marriage & Divorce

I am completely clueless as to what I should get my neice for a graduation present. She wants money but that is so impersonal. Plus I have to keep in mind she has three sisters so I can't go overboard because whatever I do for her I will need to do something similar for her sisters. I do spoil all of them rotten when I can (I don't have any children of my own) so I don't mind spending some money, I just don't know what to buy. Can anyone out there help me?

2007-03-27 08:17:04 · 7 answers · asked by luna340340 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

WE DON'T EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER, WE DON'T EVEN LIVE ANYWHERE CLOSE TO EACH OTHER!!!...yet im obsessed with him...please help...

2007-03-27 08:17:00 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I get alot of guys who send icebreakers or automated messages. Most of these guys have fairly blank profiles so I just return their message with another automated message. I never hear back from any of these guys. I don't see any reason to give them more info about me when I don't know very much about them. Are these guys non paying members that can't send emails or are they not getting back with me because they think I am a nonmember since I didn't send them an actual email? I would prefer to send an email but I don't want to give them additonal info when I know nothing in general about them as they have "I'll tell you later" on all their answers. I don't like to deal with those type of guys because I feel if they are too lazy to fill out their profile, they aren't serious.

2007-03-27 08:17:00 · 3 answers · asked by reallyfedup 5 in Singles & Dating

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