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Family & Relationships - 12 February 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I feel like I am utterly surrounded by them...I'm even one myself!!! Everywhere I've gone today I've seen at least 2 pairs of twins, and the ones I know and talk to I can't tell apart today, and my sister only makes me more confused than ever. HELP I'M SEEING DOUBLE!!!!!!!!

2007-02-12 06:18:10 · 4 answers · asked by Kaylie 2 in Family

What in a guys eyes tells u hes likes/loves/adore u?

2007-02-12 06:17:46 · 26 answers · asked by Cassý 1 in Singles & Dating

This is for the girls who have had their hearts broken and their hopes dashed by someone too cavalier to have cared in the first place; this is for the nights spent dissecting every word and syllable and inflection in his speech, for the nights when you've returned home alone, for the nights when you've seen from across the room him leaning a little too close, or standing a little too near, or talking a little too softly for the girl he's with to be a random hookup. This is for the girls who have endured party after party in his presence, finally having realized that it wasn't that he didn't want a relationship: it was that he didn't want you. I honor you for the night his dog died or his grandmother died or his little brother crashed his car and you held him, thinking that if you only comforted him just right, or said the right words, or rubbed his back in the right way then perhaps he'd realize what it was that he already had.

2007-02-12 06:17:22 · 3 answers · asked by g13player 1 in Singles & Dating

My best mate and I do. Cat= Moukey ( because cats meow, and 'key' makes the word sound cute). someone or something that is helpful is called 'Stella' can't really tell you why... Sorry Stella! words with L in them tend to have the letters rearranged e.g feel becomes flea. Don't becomes 'no'. When we want sympathy we say 'You no claire bout how I flea'

OK, OK I know it's sad .... so how about you what's your language like?

2007-02-12 06:16:40 · 6 answers · asked by Little miss naughty 2 in Friends

Does this guy have class or what???

2007-02-12 06:16:26 · 51 answers · asked by Turtleshell 3 in Singles & Dating

I believe she doesn't want to process the extra paperwork, as she was originally obtained by my "husband". she says it must be done seperately - after the divorce is final. But a friend said it all was done on the same day for her 15 years ago.

2007-02-12 06:15:17 · 11 answers · asked by Lynne C 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i didnt take one for 2 months now

2007-02-12 06:15:15 · 12 answers · asked by AlvaDaGansta 4 in Singles & Dating

We are broke up right now - why would he do that?

2007-02-12 06:13:28 · 16 answers · asked by baby_rost 3 in Singles & Dating

I'm having serious suspicion issues with my girl...

Basically, we had a long talk about the relationship last night. After 8 years, she wanted to take a break, I told her no, we're together or we're not. I told her if we break up, it'll be the last time, and we're over for good. I re-assured her I loved and everything was fine from there.

Main thing she said was, "I don't even know whats going on with this relationship anymore.." But a week ago, we both agreed to continue the relationship, boyfriend/girlfriend, and suddenly she doesn't know whats going on??? I kept asking her, "so, are we together?" and she said, "are we?" and i said, "If you want to be" and she said, "ok... sure" Just seems weird to me. Normally she says yes, straight out.

Whats going on??

2007-02-12 06:13:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

well if a man is married to a girl and later realises that she is of an immoral character, pshycic, and that she had hooked this man with complete intentions of extortion, then one day runs away, now after almost a year if this man wants to remarry, without a divorce from the first lady, as she will be extorting money for giving a divorce, is there no provision in the indian law for these type of women, that a good cultured man can set free from her without much hassles?

2007-02-12 06:13:08 · 14 answers · asked by Sameer 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I have a friend who I love alot. The problem is, when him and I are fine relationship wise, we have a GREAT time together. But there are moments when he has these mood swings, like I did something wrong, but I don't see anything that I've done wrong. And if I ask what's wrong he'll be like "nothing". But I sense it cause of his facial expression, and how he gets quiet all of a sudden. How can I confront this?

2007-02-12 06:12:39 · 4 answers · asked by Ben D 1 in Friends

When you got married and your dad walked you down the isle, made a speech etc, did he at any point cry?? Also if anyone has any other embarassing stories that happened on their wedding day they would like to share please feel free!!

2007-02-12 06:12:25 · 26 answers · asked by Budapest1 2 in Weddings

i need an ex boyfriends door number so i can send him a valentines card i dont want to ask him as i want it to be a surprise but i also dont want to pay to get it can any one help?

2007-02-12 06:12:24 · 4 answers · asked by borolass76 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I went to the tanning bed yesterday morning. When I got out I had white bumps all over my hand like bug bites. After I put lotion on my hand the bumps went away but there are still white marks. Can somebody tell me what they are??

2007-02-12 06:11:15 · 13 answers · asked by Jenny 2 in Friends

My gf and I broke up 8 months ago and I am still thinking about her, I tried e-mailing her but she wouldn't reply, I've seen her a couple of times in the mall but she keeps avoiding me so I can't do anything... Man this is stupid... What should I think? And also I've heard rumors that she has another bf, so she kinda broke her promise that she won't have any relationships just yet... Did she really love me? Or was I used for something? I thought something clicked. But still I cherished our relationship, yeah I know it sounds gay but I need to know. I'm serious

2007-02-12 06:11:08 · 14 answers · asked by Dark Valentine 2 in Singles & Dating

well i asked her out and she said i'll think about it and then after a week her friends told me she said no. But after that whole thing she began to be really shy around me and we don't really talk anymore. she looks at me alot during class and turns away when i look. did she say no to hide that she liked me? she also trys to get my attention alot. i'm just not sure what to think anymore. does she like me?what should i do?

2007-02-12 06:10:57 · 11 answers · asked by mugiwara luffy 2 in Singles & Dating

My ex and I broke up a couple months ago, we were together for three years, We had broke up beacuse we were always fighting, at first when we broke up it was good, we were great friends and always hang out, but as time went on, we grew farther apart, its been about three month since the break up, now he is acting like he is over me and doesnt want to be in a relationship where their is fighting all the time, he tells people he still has feelings for me but has to ignore the feelings beacuse he dosnt want to get hurt, the last month has been bad, he goes out and partys alot and i think he might be trying to get over me, I want him to give our relationship another chance and i want him to know that i love him and I believe we can work it out, I am always up at night worried that he is going to meet someone else and that we could never be together again, how do I get him to trust me again and for him to want to be with me again, I dont want to let go beacuse three years is along time.

2007-02-12 06:10:23 · 6 answers · asked by Brooke 2 in Singles & Dating

How many girls out there....would rather be with someone other than who they're currently with..?

2007-02-12 06:10:00 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am in the process of getting divorced after being married for 5 years. Basically, he cheated on me 3 times and I found out on the day he announced that he wanted to leave me. I ended up in a new relationship about 4 months after he left me and it just ended after 8 months. This was a really nice guy, who never gave me any reason to not trust him. He knew how I felt about cheating and assured me he would never cheat on me.
However, I found myself questioning him all the time. I thought that he liked a mutual friend of ours and it drove me crazy. After a while, he couldn't take it anymore and he broke it off. My friends tell me that he should have been more understanding because of my situation, but I don't want to sabotage all of my future relationships because of my bad marriage. How do I stop the jealousy and learn to trust again?

2007-02-12 06:09:06 · 7 answers · asked by Congalineof1 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-02-12 06:09:03 · 8 answers · asked by madkatz@sbcglobal.net 1 in Friends

Do you think George Strait - Heaven is missing an angel is a good Mother/Son song for our wedding. My fiance picked this song, but I think it is more of a song that would be sung to your significant other instead of your mother, what do you think?


2007-02-12 06:08:56 · 8 answers · asked by sundragonjess 5 in Weddings

Okay so heres my situation ive been with my girlfriend for about 18 months and weve had our ups and downs .. shes cought me cheating twice and is still faithful (or so i think) anyway shes attractive ...... but i cant help but wanting to have sex with another woman (badly) not anyone i have in mind but still when were at the store and i see an attractive woman my mind races... i knw im pry a perv but i think its cuz 6 months ago i started working out and now im in the best shape ive ever been and more women hit on me now that im cut... what could i do to avoid cheating on her and having her leave me?

2007-02-12 06:08:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Lets face the facts dudes -- she is a corporate big wig and lives in a different state from him. He is a hairy Karloff who brings important things to the relationship such as taking out the trash.

Darn right she's gotta be cheating on him. What do you think?

2007-02-12 06:08:06 · 9 answers · asked by weege 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My wife and I were seperated and she applied for an order of protection. I went to court to argue against it and was told that they would reset the hearing. Later my wife said she dropped it, and she called wanting to reconcile. We moved back together for 5 months and the argueing continued. I am now being charged with violating the order of protection. She apparently didn't drop the matter. After living together for 5 month is the order still valid. I was never notified of the reset date for the order of protection.

2007-02-12 06:07:29 · 7 answers · asked by trd1635 1 in Marriage & Divorce

The older I get the hard it is to keep up with my friends. I'm about to be 26 and I'm so focused on my career and higher education I don't have the time to talk about there cheating boyfriends or a sale at the Gap. When this happens do you say somethingto them or do you just let it go?

2007-02-12 06:05:56 · 27 answers · asked by TD 3 in Friends

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