Child support Calculator, problems and issues; did the court (lawyer or case worker) explain these things to you? They are supposed to explain these things to you at court. How many of you are explained to about these things? The honor system doesn’t work. Its proven ineffective. Its child SUPPORT, not child TRUST FUND. All of our states are tired of paying for children that the parent (male or female) doesn’t pay for.ARREARS: arrears will follow them, no matter what they do.their wages are attached (then some suddenly become ‘laid off’ or work under the table [money is their God]). Once it reaches a certain amount, Its listed on their credit report, their tax refunds (state and federal) are intercepted, drivers license taken away, their property can have a lien put on it, and they are put in jail for small periods of time (released for a small portion) etc. if he tries to run over state line to avoid child support, its now a federal offense. HAS ANYONE explained things to you? Who?
4 answers
asked by
Yvette B yvetteb
Marriage & Divorce