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Family & Relationships - 6 October 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I will consider myself an honest person. Throughout my life the only types of 'friends' i find myself with are the ones who just use me and move on. I hv a few friends from school but they hv their lives. All I need to no is how do i meet someone whom i can consider a friend. Someone interesting, dependable and wont be like the others.........just for the moment.
Right now my only friends r my husband and my son. Well, he has his friends whom i 'share' but i want mine. Even one girlfriend......i hv nada. If any of u readers out there r like me and want to hv a 'true' friend who wont take u for granted please email me or drop me a line in this column.
Mind u im happy with my life just need a few good friends to enjoy it with. Sorry guys, i dont want to make my husband jealous. I'm looking for a female friend. Who has at least one kid. Im 31, stay at home mom. More info when u drop me a line. Hey, Im not a sorry case.

2006-10-06 10:31:40 · 6 answers · asked by Diva 1 in Friends

2006-10-06 10:30:49 · 29 answers · asked by calistyles 2 in Singles & Dating

My daughter suddenly wants to take a sandwich to school when she never has liked sandwiches.
She also used to wear t-shirts with cute sayings such as "CIA..Cute, Intelligent, Adorable"....but now won't even look at such clothes when we shop together.
She also always loved having her hair long but now it is quite short, especially in the back.
Well at least she has a job now and she and I are still VERY close.

2006-10-06 10:30:23 · 5 answers · asked by Dellajoy 6 in Family

its a great evening , nice outside, its friday, time for some relaxing, enjoying life, what will you be doing?

2006-10-06 10:30:05 · 8 answers · asked by wisdom 3 in Family

would you rather enjoy watching two girls having sex or your girl and her ex boyfriend have it?!?!?!?!

2006-10-06 10:29:53 · 12 answers · asked by (((uniquely.me))) 2 in Singles & Dating

I dont really say this but, i think its soo cuuuuute...


2006-10-06 10:29:36 · 8 answers · asked by julean33 2 in Singles & Dating

Ya know wha i's meens. Ha ha yeeaaahh, i keeps it real.

2006-10-06 10:29:32 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i have a friend who is male. i have known him for 11 years. we dated for about a year and decided to be friends after that. we have feelings for each other and have always had.

my dilemma is he really likes me. he has not had a successful relationship with any exes besides me. since i have known him. it has always been me on the side as a friend, he one he can run to.

my question is am i making it too easy for him by always being there for him even theough we are just friends. we care about each other greatly, and have for as long as i remember.

i dont want to distance myself from him because i would miss him too much.


2006-10-06 10:29:30 · 10 answers · asked by edcltu 1 in Singles & Dating

what is your worst memory of school dinners
are they still repeating on you? lol xx

2006-10-06 10:28:01 · 13 answers · asked by Mrs Chicagosgirl!! 5 in Singles & Dating

im in sixth grade

2006-10-06 10:27:57 · 18 answers · asked by Crazed_Wrestler 2 in Singles & Dating

For me it's any song of Los Lobos' album By The Light Of The Moon.

(One of the best american bands ever.)

2006-10-06 10:27:49 · 34 answers · asked by St.Anger 4 in Marriage & Divorce

Im currently deployed overseas. I met my wife in basic training and lately im wondering if I really do love her? I feel like I rushed into it so fast. I just turned 20 and im coming off my deployment.. and my son who will be a year old in a matter of weeks Ive seen a total of maybe 3 weeks. I want to see him so bad, but im already looking at volunteering to go on another deployment, just because of my marriage.. I would rather face the enemy then my wife. I feel like a coward, but also feel like a failure as a husband because as hard as I want to try to make it work..deep down inside I dont really want to, but I also dont wanna do that to my son. I say I love my wife on the outside but I feel different on the inside, I dont like who she is even though she is a good woman, she just doesnt fit "me".How to tell a wife who loves you more than anything with what most people would look at as a perfect family that you dont love her? and deal with myself afterwards.. or am I wrong completely?

2006-10-06 10:27:38 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce


2006-10-06 10:27:31 · 1 answers · asked by crazycheeroke 1 in Friends

I left my mom's house because she was very overbearing even though I am 21 and I was raised in an abusive environment for as long as I can remember. She wants me to come back home because she is worried about how she will present herself around other people and my dad is harassing her because I moved out. Since I am a Christian I am worried that moving out was a sinful act because it was against their will. Is this something they'll eventually get used to?

2006-10-06 10:26:15 · 3 answers · asked by jmrocket05 1 in Family

i love her but she doesn't feel the same way. how do i get her out of my mind? and find another

2006-10-06 10:26:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Hello everyone :)
I know it is long, but please read it

I've known my best friend for more than 5 years till now

The problem is that i share my secrets with him since ever, but he only speaks about school and "some" of what happened in his week.

He says im his best friend and he is proud of it. but i sometimes feel he is lying. because he never talked with me as I do with him (sharing deeeeep secrets). when i ask him 2 tell me whats up.. he never tells me whats going on.

i tried 2 b frank with him and said I SHOULD KNOW. he said: "I will not tell u, because i dont want 2 tell u".

This id driving me crazy. I'm trying to speak with him about any subject but he dont help me. while if he was speaking with some1 else, he will be a radio.

Last thing: I mostly go 2 where he want us 2 go 2. but when i ask him 2 come to where I choose, he says that my place is boring..

After all of this he says: "Beleive me, u r my best friend"

Any suggestion or useful comments?

2006-10-06 10:24:35 · 13 answers · asked by J J 1 in Friends

In a relation you want to trust the other, but it's a bit though when they go out with another guy (friend). At the end they sleep together and it's probably your fault for some reason?

2006-10-06 10:24:04 · 2 answers · asked by Richer C 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

Iam kind and such an understanding youngman. Pliz if u are there dont hesitate to help aperson like me.

2006-10-06 10:24:01 · 8 answers · asked by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1 in Friends

I know I would. I have a thing for bearded men with turbans, though.

2006-10-06 10:23:35 · 27 answers · asked by cdrfish15 1 in Singles & Dating

She can be so unreasonable some times.

2006-10-06 10:23:03 · 18 answers · asked by S K 7 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm in love with my best friend's ex. He also happens to be a great friend of mine, so we see each other quite often. I really don't know what to do. I think he's attracted to me too, but have the same apprehensions I do. Should I tell him I love him? Or to my friend? Please, I need some advice. Thanks

2006-10-06 10:22:52 · 13 answers · asked by clueless 1 in Marriage & Divorce

We have both been married twice before. She is a widow from her second marrage. I have two sons: 22, 11, and 7. She has one daughter: 20. We would like some ideas to make the day special.

2006-10-06 10:22:31 · 8 answers · asked by Dave R 1 in Weddings

Okay, I have a huge problem.
My best friend at my school smokes.
Although she's never mentioned it, whenever I hug her or something, I can smell it on her.
Only me and a few other people know, though the teacher's not one of them.
I REALLY concerned about her, but I don't know how I should even bring up the subject without her hating me.

2006-10-06 10:22:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

i feel really left out because im the only one in my group without a bf. no one makes fun of me, but i just dont like being the only one bymyself when me and my friends are with their bfs. i dont wanna stop hangin out with them, and i wont, but the only guy i like has a gf and is supposed to be my worst enemy according to my reputation.ill act retarded with their bfs and be like a little sis,(and no it doesnt bug my friends when i do that) but its not the same. i miss my old bf but he has a gf too. and no theres not anything preventing guys from asking me out. everyone says im really pretty AND smart. lol no to brag...lol but suggestions if any possible...go ahead!!!!! :D thanks

2006-10-06 10:22:13 · 11 answers · asked by Counting the Days. 3 in Singles & Dating

If you saw a girl with chestnut brown hair and very large blue-green eyes with a rim of gold around the pupil, a bit on the chubby side in the tummy-thigh regions but a nice butt, a curvy hourglass figure, what would you think?

See, guys my age never look at me (I'm in high school) but when I'm out guys 18 and up are always staring at me! What's the deal?

2006-10-06 10:21:53 · 23 answers · asked by acct4em 3 in Singles & Dating

When I first introduced my littlest sister to my husband (at the time we just started dating) everything seemed to go well, Until that fateful evening. That first night, my sisters (I have another sister who gets along well with my husband as she and him respect eachother and not cross boarders when they interact and I feel no problem with him complimenting her and calling her beautiful in any way because it comes from a solid place as she is beautiful) my littlest sister (the one who took it upon herself to flirt with my husband and my other sisters boyfreind =( and him were "playing games" as he now refers to the incident, as it took him very long for him to admit! there were ALOT of small talks between them, her giving him the eye bat to appear mysterious and he fell for it..it dragged on through his encounters with her. He treats her the way he treats me and it feels awkward. When I brought it up to him when it first took place he called me insecure but the thing is I wasn't.

2006-10-06 10:21:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i have been with the same guy for going on 4 years now. he used to say that we would get married as soon as we both had jobs. well we do and i bring it up and he avoids it, but if another girl hits on or even talkes to him he and his friends both them to back off b/c he's getting married!!! i really love him and i know he loves me but i dont understand why he does that? why he tells every one else we are but not me? i just dont get it.

2006-10-06 10:21:41 · 5 answers · asked by Kasper A 1 in Singles & Dating

my dad is sooo strict when it comes to guys......why are dads like this??

2006-10-06 10:21:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


do you find really sensual to eat?

mine is fresh raspberries!! x

2006-10-06 10:21:26 · 9 answers · asked by Mrs Chicagosgirl!! 5 in Singles & Dating

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