i have this best friend, or was a best friend, we've been mates since we were lil' tods, and lately shes got together with this bloke, and it was lovely to see her so happy as she was never great with the whole relationship side of things.
Anyway i could see things were starting to change...
"I'm sorry, i'm not allowed to hang around with you, my bf says its for my own protection"
i was a lil confused by this but gradually accepted it
then she said "oh ive had to delete all my contacts on my phone and computer, except you, its for my own protection" i could tell he was starting to control her, being a best mate 'n' all i had to do something about it, so i told her how i felt with her new relationship... she just flew off the handles and walked away from me, and now she's deleted me from any kind of contact, she did speak to me the other day and said "we can't be best mates anymore, he says its for my own protection"
it hurts that shes put him first....
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