I am 37 years old. She has been heavily flirting with me since I was 18. I have come to the conclusion that she has gone insane. My dad died when I was 13 and she was 49. She strangely never dated again. I am very angry with her because she acts so crazy and flirts with me like a woman in bar would and at every oppertunity. She did this to me all the way through college which I never completed and failed miserably at. I blame her for that. I was so distracted. I became discusted with females and that is a terrible thing for a college kid to miss out on. I am 37 year old virgin. Nobody believes me but its true. I went through hell because of that woman. I have siblings and tried to see what they say about it but they always deny knowing anything when the truth is it is just to big a problem for them so they deny it when ther own kids could be molested by her. It seems incest runs deep in my family. I always loved my mom, like any one. But my family is not perfect, but what can I do?
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Other - Family & Relationships