I'm 23 and have been shy all my life and never had a girlfriend. So I've had sex with escorts. We always use protection. I don't believe there is anything morally wrong with having sex with prostitutes, as long as it's consensual and the girl is of legal age and was not forced into it. The escorts I've seen are professional and mostly very nice people, and my experiences with them have actually been educational and helped me overcome some of my shyness and insecurity about myself.
However, it's still not something I'm proud of (because it would be nice if I could get sex without having to pay for it). And so I haven't told anyone about it. When people ask I pretend I'm still a virgin (which I am, in a relationship sense).
But when I finally DO begin dating, I'm afraid my girlfriend will be able to tell that I'm not a virgin (because I've had so much practice by now) and she will ask about my former sex partners. Should I still tell her I'm a virgin, or tell her the truth?
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Singles & Dating