At my school, as in many, there are groups of people, the groups at my school are the brainy, the party guys, nerds, losers-antisocial and the others, well i don't belong in any of them (i am brainy-antisocial) but i talk to all of them my only two friends are in the group of the losers anti-social and i'm very confortable with them, the thing is that today i was speaking with my friends and we saw a brainy guy i salutate him and he stared at my friends with a rejection face and feeling superior, and i didn't like that, and then i asked myself why do i speak to these people who believe that they are the best? so, i started to think this: my life, my little world is like a game of chess and everyyone is like a piece of the chess, you need to think your move very carefully and smartly to win. And then i answer myself the question about why do i speak to the brainy?, and it was because they're pieces of the chess. What do you think of this? Am i doing right or wrong?
8 answers
asked by
Anne Greco