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Family & Relationships - 11 July 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

i know a lot of people say whether make friends or get into a relationship, the important thing is to be yourself
but what if being myself aren't satisfying others? cause i'm not an exciting person to begin with

2006-07-11 12:52:42 · 10 answers · asked by Rock 4 in Singles & Dating

this boy i like(and who likes me) stopped answering the phone when i call and stopped calling me??

2006-07-11 12:51:50 · 18 answers · asked by coca cola babe 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

yo i got long but what do girls like etter

2006-07-11 12:51:31 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

been married 14 years...found out in may he is seeing another woman. he actually would leave and say i am going to see her (after i found out) anyways, now he wants to get his own place..(currently he is living with his mom and dad)..but says he doesnt want his marriage to be over yet, and doesnt want a divorce. he says he is confused and doesnt know what he wants. she spends money on him like crazy, while we are broke and he lies about going to work--and insteads drives 2 hours to see her. He says the g/f is fun and she makes him feel good and he has no responsibilities to her.he can just have fun! He tells our teenage daughter that we arent over but that he just wants time to figure out what he wants. I am going insane! He will actually call me while at the g/f house! He is so selfish right now..and its so NOT like him. Hes been an incredible husband! Could it be a midlife crisis?? He is 37 and its hit him hard. Please help!!!

2006-07-11 12:51:23 · 10 answers · asked by wilma f 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Women- What is the best pick-up-line you ever heard?

Men-What is the best pick-up-line you ever used?

2006-07-11 12:51:11 · 4 answers · asked by tnn34 3 in Singles & Dating

when I was 8 years old we had a family friend (whom was a male and at the age of 15 at the time) come babysitt my older brother my sister and I one night while my parents went out for dinner. half way through the night he told me that he need to talk to me and to meet him in my bedroom. he then shut the door behind us and locked, then came twoward me and started beating me up and raping me. Now 10 years later I am still having nightmares from it and having a hard time of letting it go or forgettting it, that way I wont have it take hold of my life. Theses nightmares have been getting progressively worse over the years and bring me to tears and tormant every night. I don't know how to get rid of them. Please Hellp!

2006-07-11 12:49:40 · 8 answers · asked by stinkerwits 1 in Friends

2006-07-11 12:48:43 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Why dont guys at bars realize that no matter what dumb pick up line they got or opening statement they wanna say, if there not sexy and hot, i say NEXT. If there not a hero then i drop the zero

2006-07-11 12:47:46 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

What are the top three things you look for in a guy?

2006-07-11 12:47:30 · 10 answers · asked by grannypincher8 2 in Singles & Dating

I have been lonely through my entire life with no peers, no friends.so i lack some important social skills in communication. I usually spends my time alone at home. I am not really good at anything. i am not that bad looking. Can I have friends too? Tell me how can I meet people and make friends and stay the same.Thank you

2006-07-11 12:47:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

my mom and dad seperated when i was a baby and then when i was 3 my mom married someone else. i went on my life calling him dad, but also knowing i had another dad somewhere. i want to have a better relashonship with my bio. dad, but its hard because he has 2 other kids and a wife and a demanding job. i only see him during the summer, sometimes not even that. i want to talk to him about how i feel, but im scared. i also want to know why they seperated in the first place. please help!

2006-07-11 12:45:21 · 14 answers · asked by aly 2 in Family

i am a 95 yr old man and i want to marry a 98yr o;d woman.my mom says that she is to old for me ,and i am to young to settle down.my gran says that she does not think that my future wife is a virgin ,and i should wait till i meet a virgin, what should i do

2006-07-11 12:45:19 · 11 answers · asked by jagtic 5 in Singles & Dating

It seems that everywhere I go the women just flock around me.

2006-07-11 12:44:20 · 19 answers · asked by Evon 2 in Singles & Dating

Wife has made plans with three other men behind your back, atleast thats how many time she's been caught.

once stayed with ex over night (pretended it was family busines), made plans with a another guy from canada to meet him 5 hrs away on his side of the border, and slept with another while she was pregnant with your child..

Do you try to work it out for the kids or just say screw it and let the kids deal with the Consequences?

2006-07-11 12:44:07 · 27 answers · asked by blinded_by_blunts 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i never stopped having feelings for this guy but its kinda weird ya kno i want him cuz he was minez first but how childish does that sound?

2006-07-11 12:43:55 · 3 answers · asked by Chelly 1 in Friends

2006-07-11 12:42:43 · 17 answers · asked by Da 1 n only Queen 1 in Singles & Dating

I crave and desire it just like my boyfriend. I want to have a threesome, so I can get this outta my system but i don't know where to look. I wont feel right if it was a friend of mine. I live in Charlotte, NC. Please Help. Also how can I make this pleasureable and not ackward??

2006-07-11 12:40:27 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

coke or pepsi........easy two points

2006-07-11 12:40:18 · 50 answers · asked by Tigg 4 in Friends

there is a girl at my school named natasha chabot and she is amazing shes smart ,pretty, funny, everything but it seems she only likes me as a friend what should i do

2006-07-11 12:40:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

is tossing salad bad for your health?

2006-07-11 12:39:59 · 10 answers · asked by juju 3 in Singles & Dating

After post graduation started earning provided entertainment to my lifeless family .Provided cloths ,watches,money. financial and all physical help to entertain and protect peace possible at my best.through out all these 29 years. Managed sisters' marriages assisted in-laws like servantThey arranged my marriage publicising my pity to people in administration who schemed the system so cleverly that I had to marry only one which was the ultimate .Even brother in laws marriage was kept secret despite his presence.No sister helped even in owning a house nor the in-laws.I had earned under much risk and went on to fulfill their unjust demands time to time.I refused allot ment of houses in the midst of city.to comply them and their long camps. I usually spend for my colleagues. Helped my in-laws.attending to their economy,marketing,travels,health hazards,entertainment.Paid back marriage money,blocked transfer.Now ailingwife&self,aged father with 8lakh loan seek justified solution

2006-07-11 12:39:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

whats wrong with me? i didnt do anything wrong i tell him i luv him all the time i kiss him i hug him and he still cheats on me? he cheats on me with my best friends and every1 else.. i feel like a total *****...can u just try to cheer me up or sumthin plz..

2006-07-11 12:39:08 · 21 answers · asked by lipstick 2 in Singles & Dating

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