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Family & Relationships - 1 July 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

i loved this woman with all my heart but the problems we had seemed unsolvable.it wasent till i got back to cali i relised i made the mistake of a life time..now she has closed her heart to me and im miserable

2006-07-01 19:44:11 · 2 answers · asked by foreverlostsoul94541 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

o.k. men or women. my dear husband said this to me the other day and I was like shocked. "I don't need a mother." When ever he get ready to fly out, he doesn't get this luggage pack before hand, he do it like before we drive out to the airport. He'd forgotten his passport, work tag, and a few other stuff before. Still when I remind him to do it before hand, he said that to me. I get irritated because we have to run around looking for his things.

2006-07-01 19:39:27 · 14 answers · asked by KaPaul L 3 in Marriage & Divorce

through a wedding where a precessional song was sung in German (It's a Lutheran Hymn written by Martin Luther Himself) and the pastor did a small sermon or speech on each of the verses explaning what it means and how it ties into marriage instead of the same old speech pastors usually give at weddings. My mother hates it because hates Lutheran music, so she thinks everyone will hate the idea. Will they?

2006-07-01 19:38:57 · 13 answers · asked by i_luv_the_irish23 4 in Weddings


I know i be so horny

2006-07-01 19:38:54 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

as the topic said, do I beleive this or write it off as complete crap???
Because i've got no idea, I mean I know she loves me, but does she love me that much??

2006-07-01 19:37:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-07-01 19:37:03 · 12 answers · asked by Paul S 2 in Singles & Dating

Is it weird that instead of looking at my lady in short shorts and a tanktop, i find her cuter just the way she is in sweatpants and a sweatshirt?

2006-07-01 19:34:27 · 18 answers · asked by Chic-a-Leek 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

ok for 6 months my girlfriend and i have been dating. when her and i are together everthing is nice, relaxed and sometimes we fool around like wrestle and **** like that.. but i have seen her around sometimes from a distance without her knowing im close.. what i see and hear is she is really flirty, like she chooses some guy over her friends to go on rides at a theme park or when she is just around she likes hitting on them and talks with them online giving these guys little nicknames saying she loves them and when i ask her about it she gives me a whole new story than what these guys are telling me that she does.. so what is this girls problem cause im getting tired of her being so flirty with these guys and i get bitched at when i hangout with other girls.

2006-07-01 19:33:26 · 2 answers · asked by skat3r_prep22 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

aight so my bf is acting up again..he tells me he loves me and he wants to have sex but then the other day I asked him if he would have sex with this one celeb...and he was all oh no I couldnt...shes too beautiful..so like he had just got done telling me he wanted to have sex then the next minute he is saying that if he thinks someon is really that awesome then he wont do it...I dont know what to do this time...help me out here guys......he tells me he loves me...does he?

2006-07-01 19:33:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

do you hate blondes? do u like them? wut do u think of them? im not going to say if i hate them or like them or anything for the simple reason that idont want answers like "ur a bitc_h and ur just jelous of blondes" and stuff like that lol

2006-07-01 19:32:51 · 18 answers · asked by Juno. 4 in Friends

guys say im hot but i dont know if they r lieing or what. is there something wrong with me?

2006-07-01 19:31:58 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I do not get along with my mother in law because she is very nosy and like get into our private buisness, and more, she likes to tell everyone about anything that she finds out about my husband and I so i have no privacy.
It is really making me sick of her, I do not like visiting her, I do not like chatting with her but all the same I do not want to hurt my husband so i do not complain but all the same he notices that I am silent around her and comments on it.

2006-07-01 19:31:24 · 13 answers · asked by Gal in red 3 in Family

Here's the thing. I get a ton of messages - at least 1 two 2 per day average. I don't respond because it was just for fun, but I actually get a few double messages where people resend their message and ask why I don't like them, etc. Yet I don't get that sort of response in real life. What gives? Is there simpy a lot of horny women online???

2006-07-01 19:29:47 · 5 answers · asked by Maggs 1 in Singles & Dating

im havin truble beco there somone who is tryin to break us part becoz they think im goin to play an i dont even like play or usein people im just a sweet niceguy also shy =.= so wat is the best way to stop these thing

2006-07-01 19:28:39 · 7 answers · asked by watismeaning 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-01 19:26:55 · 33 answers · asked by Paul S 2 in Singles & Dating

My girlfriend of 2+ years took a vacation to Orlando FL with her best friend and her best friend's family (best friend=girl). This is the third time since we've been together that she has gone on a vacation without me. Should I be worried?

2006-07-01 19:25:32 · 19 answers · asked by romantemple16 2 in Singles & Dating

I thought people liked people because of their personality, not how "hot" they were. What do you think?

2006-07-01 19:24:50 · 13 answers · asked by Birdhouse In Your Soul 2 in Singles & Dating

I'm extremely shy and all I can do is look at an attractive girl. If she looks at me I'm able to hold the stare for a second or two before looking away. But I cannot get myself to smile, which obviously comes across as weird. What would you recommend I do?

Last week on the train, two days in a row I got on and saw the same girl. I looked at her and we kind of glanced at each other for at least 6 times then stopped. The next day was the same although when I first looked at her I gave her a quick smile but she didn't seem to reciprocate. Admittedly, I probably looked down too quickly and she may have missed the smile.

2006-07-01 19:23:44 · 9 answers · asked by Maggs 1 in Singles & Dating

Why is it that when you see someone you barely know they say things like this:
"I saw Sue the other day and then Joe stopped by and the twins were there too. Then Connie, well she's John's mother's uncle's Sam's neice 3 times removed and she's not doing well at all. Jessica will be graduating next year and Tim got married but it lasted 2 years. And the doctor told Bud to lose weight but he won't and Paul on Jim's side of the family got arrested but he was framed and I told Jo she better hire an attorney. "

Is it just me or does anyone else think, "WTF are you talking about and who the hell are these people???"

2006-07-01 19:23:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Me and my boyfriend have been together for two years. I found out a month ago that he was talking to anonther girl on the phone. when i found out i called the girl and asked her first what was going on with them. she told me that they were just friends and that i need to talk to him about it. So i call him and he tells me the samething. I forgave him. because i think everybody deserves a second chance. he tells me he wont lie to me again, and that he will let me know if he is talking to any of his girl friends on the phone. But a couple of days ago i find out that he has still been lying to me because i have asked him if he has been talking to that girl on the phone and he said no. but i had proof that he has. He hasen't stopped talking to her. And the bad thing about it is that it seems like he calls her more than me. I don't know whether they are really friends or if they are something more.

2006-07-01 19:22:46 · 11 answers · asked by jred 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

My Mother has Borderline Personality Disorder, has all of my life. It's not something I can explain very well, but the book "Stop Walking on Eggshells" is about dealing with a parent like that. All of my life my Mother was putting me down and telling me how bad I was. She would ignore me for hours and then come downstairs and drag me around by my hair or scream at me for no reason. I was suicidal at 5, and have been diagnosed twice with Major Depressive Disorder. I function pretty fine and am good at putting on a facade, but the way she is has effected me a lot. There have been many minor incidents where she hit me or screamed at me, and she's never thought I was good enough. There were two events worse than the rest. Both of them I ended up being taken away from her by children protective services. The first time she just kind of spazzed out and acted like a possessed person, she scared me half to death but didn't do any real physical damage, she just threatened to kill me and all...

2006-07-01 19:22:33 · 12 answers · asked by Skitz628 2 in Family

My babydaddie is playin games with me he say he loves me tho but im confused about a lot.His cousin wants to mess with but i dont know how to tell him.He wants me to have an girlfriend whats that a joke?Someone help me please

2006-07-01 19:22:22 · 3 answers · asked by wild cherry 69$$$ 1 in Friends

if you where going out with a guy/girl and they where having a sexual in counter with a nother guy/girl, would you care?

2006-07-01 19:21:58 · 15 answers · asked by Maranda G 1 in Friends

i have always know who i am,i have always know that i dont care what people say or think about me,i know that im the rebel me,i know that i dont dress like the fashion way,but i know that i wear my own fashion,the one i like and makes me comfortable,not what the rest of the people like,i know i wana be me,and i dont wana be like the other people,maybe i dont know what i want sometimes,but i know that u wont know it until u do it,and u wont do it if ur afraid to,u just do it and then live the consecuences.
my friend is always changing identity with other people,when his with me,he acts normal, the normal him,doing stupid things,laughing,dressing like whatever he likes it,hes hair all whatever.thats him,but last nigth i was with him,he had an old short and a t-shirt of florida,then a girl called him to say she was coming,fast he ran to take a bath,he puted jeans,with his(new)shoes and a really cool looking t-shirt,just to spend 30 minutes with her, and me at the left, then she left.

2006-07-01 19:21:35 · 1 answers · asked by jose r 3 in Friends

Hopefully this isn't too weird. But my girlfriend and I have not had sex yet but is it wrong to fantasize about it

2006-07-01 19:20:53 · 31 answers · asked by mtugodfath3r 3 in Singles & Dating

I owe my first love an apology about something I did while I was young & inmature!... I knew it was wrong, but I did it anyway.

2006-07-01 19:20:40 · 10 answers · asked by DRAG RACER 7 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

If I have sex before marriage or if someone has sex to another person when they are married, do they go to hell or get punished by GOD.

2006-07-01 19:20:10 · 10 answers · asked by Sexy Susie 1 in Marriage & Divorce

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