If you have not heard of the SQ3R method of reading, it is used for reading textbooks.
The S stands for Survey- you are supposed to think about the title of a chapter and guess what will be included in it. You are to read the introduction, the main headings, the summary, and the questions at the end of the chapter.
The Q stands for question. Here you rephrase (and write) each heading and subheading as a question.
The first R is for read, which you are to do selectively, moving quickly and ignoring content that does not relate to your question.
The second R is for recite, in which you answer the question in your own words. You write the answer using only key words and important parts. You do this for each section in the chapter.
The last R is for reveiw. Here is where you go over and over the information you have taken notes on.
Certainly SQ3R has it's benefits. My question is, what are the flaws and shortcomings in using this method?
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