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Higher Education (University +) - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Education & Reference Higher Education (University +)

I have this lump near my underarm. If I'm wearing a strapless shirt, it shows because it hangs out over my shirt a little bit, whereas my other side looks completely normal. It was painful too so I went to a doctor and had a simple surgery to "remove" it. According to the tests that were done, it was just a clump of old, hard breast tissue. Anyway, although it doesn't hurt so much anymore, it still looks like a lump, only smaller near the bottom and the scar, after one year, is still pretty dark and slightly thicker than I thought it would be. Anyway, do you think another doctor could take out more of this fatty tissue so that the area could flatten and possibly stretch my skin a little towards my armpit and close it back up there, creating the new scar under my arm so that it would only show when I raised my hand? I forgot what kind of doctor he was, but if I want this done now, who should I go to? Thank you!

Weird question, I know, but this has really been bothering me.

2007-09-15 18:14:13 · 3 answers · asked by Curious 1

2007-09-15 18:13:03 · 2 answers · asked by JAMES 4

According to the number of credits I have, I have just entered my senior year in undergraduate schooling. I may actually end up having to complete an additional half year though because I changed my major and transfered schools after my first semester. Therefore, those classes did not pertain to my actual major and I might need a few more courses to complete all the requirements. Now I am also wondering if I should take an additional semester on top of all of that and retake the 3 classes that I scored less than a C+. I currently have a 3.07 gpa, but that is a far cry from where I'd like to be and looking over the website for the University of Minnesota's cognitive and biological psychology program, I think these grades of C+, C, and C might hurt me. What would you do? Is it a good idea to retake these classes?

2007-09-15 17:55:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am looking for a list of bachelor degree programs for online schools and schools within 100 miles from my location, which is Teague, TX. I'm lazy and don't want to have to search zillions of different websites to find this info. If someone has an idea or a website to visit, please let me know!

2007-09-15 17:38:45 · 1 answers · asked by Purple Sparks 4

Im a senior in a public school in Florida.
GPA: 3.98 (on a 4.0 scale)
AP classes taken and scores:
World History (2)
US Gov't (4)
Comparative Gov't (3)
US History (4)
English Lang and Comp (4)
Biology (5)
Psychology (5)
Spanish Lang and Comp (5)
Extra curricular activities:
National Honor Society
Spanish Honor Society
Science Club (secretary)
Drama Club
Tutoring/community service
Academic Games
Class rank: 3 or 4/ 400ish
SAT: 710 verbal, 660 writing, 610 math (I'm retaking it though)

Schools interested in:

Williams College
Bowdoin College
Lehigh University
Brandeis University
Cornell University
University of Chicago
University of Florida
Tulane University
Princeton University
Harvard University
Florida State University

So, what do you think my chances are?

2007-09-15 17:29:20 · 7 answers · asked by cargentina0102 2

I am going to major in marketing/public relations/advertsing with a bachelors degree, but after i graduate should i quicky just get my masters degree right after that or should i find a job with my degree and find an apartment and settle down for a few years and then get my masters degree???

2007-09-15 17:24:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

from a UC in two years? and how would I go about doing this?

2007-09-15 16:34:17 · 1 answers · asked by yeeyeeyee 2

I am doing a study on individuals in distance learning programs. If you are enrolled in a distance learning program or online university please answer these questions as completely as you can...SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY:

1. How would you describe yourself as student in a distance learning environment?

2. What distance learning program are you enrolled in? Major or Area of Interest?

3. Why did you choose distance learning vs. a traditional learning institution?

4. What are the challenges that you face with distance learning programs?

5.What are the advantages you experience with distance learning?

6. Do you think distance learning is the new wave of the future? Why or why not???

Thank you for your input!!!!

2007-09-15 15:33:07 · 2 answers · asked by MadameJazzy 4

2007-09-15 13:46:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-15 13:07:12 · 3 answers · asked by chriscornelluv@sbcglobal.net 2

2007-09-15 13:02:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am planning on earning a mba, what kind of math is needed

2007-09-15 12:53:29 · 1 answers · asked by asad b 1

Self explanatory.

2007-09-15 12:47:56 · 5 answers · asked by fluorescent adolescent 4

-starting salary
-average salary
-tell me the salaries in the government sector not in a private company

2007-09-15 12:42:05 · 3 answers · asked by asad b 1

I'm an atheist, and I just read that you need to take two courses in Philosophy and Theology at Georgetown University. These courses seem interesting to me, so I wouldn't really mind having to take them (I think I'd actually enjoy it). Is this the only religion-oriented thing that is required of students? I wouldn't be required to go to services or observe any holidays, would I? And would there be a problem with being an atheist and going to Georgetown?

2007-09-15 12:39:18 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

these are options in all mba programs
-buisness management
-human resources
-i am planning on going to cal-state northridge
-i am going to live in southern california
-i want to get a job in a government branch, not in a private company

2007-09-15 12:38:19 · 3 answers · asked by asad b 1

I'm moving into college tomorrow into a new dorm.

Does anyone have any experience? How does it go the second time around? The first time wasn't too bad because I'm pretty organized, but this year I have to bring in new stuff and fish my old stuff out of storage (it's already at the new dorm).


2007-09-15 12:25:37 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

# Admissions Criteria. Admission to Lehman College is based on a variety of factors, including students' combined SAT or ACT scores and their overall academic performance. We review students' high school transcripts, the number of academic courses completed in high school, and the high school English average. Students who achieve a combined SAT score of 1100 or higher are admitted to Lehman College.

We suggest students complete a minimum of the following high school courses:

4 years of English
4 years of Social Studies
3 years of Mathematics
2 years of Foreign Language
2 years of Lab Science
1 year of Fine Arts.

Each application is considered on an individual basis. Admissions criteria are subject to change. To make inquiries or appeals, contact the Office of Admissions at (718) 960-8706.

# GED and TOEFL. Students with a GED score of 310 or higher will be considered. Applicants who hold a student or other non-immigrant visa and were educated in non-English speaking schools must sco

2007-09-15 12:06:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous


about how much does some have to spend for one year in college ? (private college or university)

2007-09-15 10:18:47 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

My GMAT score is 570/800 and GRE score is 1170/1600. Will I be able to get MS in Management Information Systems degree in US university? I am on H4 visa in US. I hold B.E. in Computer Science with aggregate of 79%. On basis of this I guess my GPA is greater than 3.0. Also I have 2.3 years of professional experience. What are my chances of getting thru??? I would like to know the order of selection criteria. Please reply.

2007-09-15 10:16:33 · 2 answers · asked by aks 1

4.4 unweighted, 4.0 weighted
1700 SAT (550 550 600: math, CR, writing)
150+ hours of comm service
2 years of a sport
SAT II: 600 600 in world history, french
resident of CA
a few clubs, a few awards
8 APs
play an instrument

2007-09-15 09:34:49 · 5 answers · asked by Vineet P 1

I'm in my first semester, I'm just curious. Lets say I'm taking a chemistry course, would two semesters be ONE year of Chemistry? or is it 4 semesters make a year of something? I know it seems like a simple question, but I'm just curious.

2007-09-15 08:50:25 · 4 answers · asked by kk_jediknight 3

I don't have any flying experience yet, though.
I was thinking Emery-riddle, Purdue, Coast Guard, Georgia tech... and some others, but these mostly.

2007-09-15 08:18:45 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

What classes MUST you take to become a pediatrician? How long will it take? Can you graduate early? If so how early? What are the benefits of being a pediatrician? What are the cons? What other stuff should i know before finally deciding that i want to be a pediatrician?

Can ya'll please help me by answering at least a few of my questions?

Thank You.

2007-09-15 08:13:55 · 4 answers · asked by ebbi™ 3

I am currently a sophmore in University of Florida studying Biochemistry and pre-medicine. My overall GPA is 3.75/4.0 and my science gpa is 3.72/4.0. U.S news rank shows that Florida is # 47, and its pre-med progam is famous for being weed-out.

By the time I finish this fall term, I would be completing Organic Chemistry, Biology, General Chemistry, calculus 1,2,3, several social science classes, and business major required courses for freshman. I also took one Honors program course. My GPA showed some great improvement starting with 3.5 in my first fall term to 4.0 in my last spring term.

I am currently involved several clubs, and I am a vice president of one as well. I joined every honors organization that requires one to have a certain GPA. I did some biology research, and I am currently doing volunteer work at hospital.

But the problem is that I am so worried about my weak SAT score from high school. I had about 1350/1600.

2007-09-15 08:09:13 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a hard time believing online colleges, however, i do not have the time, or the money, to go to a university or anything along the lines of that. I am wondering if anyone has had experince with online colleges. Are they worth it? How do the studies work? Are their any online colleges that offer Creative Writing or Art courses?

2007-09-15 07:59:35 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm considering applying for some of these schools: columbia university, cornell univ, standford, usc, ucla, and mit..im still not sure which type of engineering but i would really like to go to any of these schools. another problem i m facing right now is that some of these schools require an SAT 2 in either physics or chemistry. however, im a senior right now and am currently taking physics, i took chemistry when i was a sophomore so that was 2 yrs ago! should i take the chem one anyways, even though i know im not gonna do so good? or should i just not consider applying to those schools (cornell, columbia, and mit)? ..please be free to offer suggestions of other schools.

2007-09-15 07:57:37 · 2 answers · asked by jo 2

i'm want to transfer to one of these schools following this year...ill probably have a 3.0 gpa or higher, plus i'm a pretty good righter and bullshitter so i can write a good essay or two....i hear transfering to schools is easier than getting in right out of high school

florida state
university of south carolina
virginia tech
georgia tech
michigan state university
ohio state university
university of florida
university of north carolina @ chapel hill
louisiana state university
university of alabama
university of maryland

2007-09-15 07:51:39 · 4 answers · asked by youngjeezy 1

2007-09-15 07:41:33 · 1 answers · asked by Chef F 1

fedest.com, questions and answers