1. Go to college and obtain a degree or your life will be absolutely miserable. You can't get a half way decent paying job anymore without a degree. Employers will demand degrees for jobs that don't even pay much or require degrees. It doesn't matter what your degree is in...just get one. Get a degree in "Wine Tasting" if you have to...just get one. There's a position and pay ceiling in the workplace for non-degree holders. You will not break that ceiling without a degree. Get a degree, and break the ceiling. You don't want to be stuck in one low pay bracket. That will happen if you don't get a degree. Uhh, degree holders will compete for jobs with non-degree holders. Who do you think will get the job? Yap, you guessed it...the degree holder. Society is obsessed with degrees, you have to feed the beast by getting a degree or you won't be valued, and you'll live a miserable life. Satisfy all the college requirements no matter what you have to do. BEG, BORROW, OR STEAL...JUST GET A DEGREE. Degree holders are the masters. Non-degree holders are the slaves. Would you rather be a slave or master? Well, without a degree, you might as well be the slave. Degree holders are valued. Non-degree holders are not valued. If you don't have a degree, you're screwed. You might as well be dead if you don't have a degree.
2. Join the military (not the best thing to do) if you can pass the ASVAB, get through basic training, and technical school. The Air Force should be your top choice. The Air Force has higher standards of living. Actually, they have higher standards of everything.
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Higher Education (University +)