I have to write a one paragraph, at least six sentences, using sensory description (...the five senses) for "The Pizza Was Delicious." I have to describe pizza but with like many adjectives and descriptive words.
could you give me help me write it? like some examples for each sense?
which category would "greasy" go under? smell, taste, or touch?
i also need help on how to start the paragraph.
also could you give some good strong adjectives i could use for each sense? i need 3 adjectives for sight, 2 for hearing, 1 for smell, 1 for taste, and 1 for touch. after i write down these words, i need to look these words up in the thesaurus and write like four words for each so i really need help with some starting words so i can look them up. i need to include these thesaurus words in my paragraph. THANKS!
7 answers
asked by
Sarah S
Homework Help