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Consumer Electronics - 26 December 2007

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Camcorders · Cameras · Cell Phones & Plans · Games & Gear · Home Theater · Land Phones · Music & Music Players · Other - Electronics · PDAs & Handhelds · TiVO & DVRs · TVs

i have the new ipod nano 3rd generation and i wanted to know how much songs and videos ect. it could hold with 7.41gb

2007-12-26 16:48:36 · 4 answers · asked by Reesie 2 in Music & Music Players

Where can I purchase a X-Box, either online, or in store?
I am looking for X-Box not X-Box 360.

2007-12-26 16:43:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Xbox

I recently got a PS3, and I dont have an HDTV, so can I buy a cable that will "turn it into" an HDTV?

2007-12-26 16:37:26 · 7 answers · asked by Joel 2 in TVs


i jus got and HDTV Sharp LCD 42" tv, and for some reason, the picture on is so wackk, its like a lil fuzzy u can tell...its on "analogue" how do i put it on digital or make it sharp picture...its not on dvd, im talkin bout tv...


2007-12-26 16:37:03 · 2 answers · asked by Random G 1 in TVs

i jus got and HDTV Sharp LCD 42" tv, and for some reason, the picture on is so wackk, its like a lil fuzzy u can tell...its on "analogue" how do i put it on digital or make it sharp picture...its not on dvd, im talkin bout tv...


2007-12-26 16:35:54 · 3 answers · asked by Random G 1 in TVs

My brother got an HDTV for christmas and I now see how crappy the images are on the standard definition channels. Although the picture looks great hooked up to the HD channels, the PS3 or Blu-ray discs... the majority of the channels (around 200 of the 250 channels available) are the grainy garbage we've come to hate.

I will be buying a TV in a few months and was wondering if there was a way around this. Is there some type of TV that has a hybrid mode where it can show the 480i channels as good as a standard tv while showing the 720 and 1080 channels in their HD glory?

2007-12-26 16:14:55 · 2 answers · asked by rollaracergts 3 in TVs

if i get one of those little fans and set it not too close to my ps3
not the one created for th eps3 the ones u see that bus driver shave wen its really hott lol

2007-12-26 16:14:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in PlayStation

I'm trying to save PS games (Final Fantasy V) on PS2. It recognizes the memory card is in the slot. When I try to save, it seems like saving, but when I return to the save screen, there are no files saved on the memory card. I reset and try to continue the game from the memory card, but it says there's no files saved on the card.

I bought brand new PS memory cards (3 pack), made by "Hip Gear."

Are the memory cards faulty? Is FFV, for some reason, not compatible with PS2? Or some other reasons?

2007-12-26 16:13:42 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in PlayStation

Are 80GB packages of the PS3 already beginning to not include MotorStorm?

2007-12-26 16:01:45 · 4 answers · asked by boringlived 1 in PlayStation

In addition to what I should look for, recommendations will be great. I want one thats 30-ish inches. It's for my room. And I want one I can play games on.

2007-12-26 16:00:20 · 4 answers · asked by O_O ; 3 in TVs

Mine adjusts from between an 80 inch to a 110 inch. It is massive and it still hasn't gotten old even after 5 months.

2007-12-26 15:53:25 · 4 answers · asked by HoofHearted 3 in TVs

lyk 2 hours str8 or more

2007-12-26 15:48:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in PlayStation

Hi, I got my ps3 for xmas (finally :) but am not sure whether i should keep it in a cabinet underneath the tv. All my other electronic things are kept there, but im not sure whether it is bad to keep the ps3 in an enclosed space. When i got my ps3 and played it for the first 1/2 hour, the back of it (near the power cable port and av multi etc) was really hot! i couldnt really feel the fans blowing like i could on the game cube so i am not sure whether it is a good idea to keep the machine in an enclosed space. I don't mind keeping it on top of the cabinet, but it will have to be positioned horizontally

sorry if i blabbered on for too long :)

p.s. I live in malaysia, does that mean i qualify for the 5 free blu ray movies? no one at the shop i bought it from told me i get free movies so i am just wondering :)

2007-12-26 15:46:02 · 7 answers · asked by Joe J 2 in PlayStation

I cannot get files to transfer to my Sansa e260 player from Napster. I am using a comp other than my own so I installed the player and it says it is working fine both in MSC and MTP mode. Of course, I am in MTP mode for Napster. The comp sees it and Napster sees it but when I drag a file it starts at 51% (instead of at 0) done and then does not show up on the player. What could be causing this?

2007-12-26 15:44:50 · 1 answers · asked by Lady Geologist 7 in Music & Music Players

Okay well I'm about to turn 14 in February the 11th, and all I really want is super smash bros brawl,so now I'm concedering about just having like a big party and I'll just tell people to give me money. After all on my sister's b-day she got over $600(she turned 15 btw)
Another solution I have is that I start looking for a job as soon as I turn 14, and I really want a ps3!!
I'm kind of tired of haveing just a wii it's fun and all ,but I mean I can get a game that's more funner and with better graphics on the ps3. Like svr08 for example I got it for xmas and I really found out all the downsides it has and how much it's lacking from the other consoles, and that really dissapointed me because I'm a huge wwe fan.
So I was wondering if anyone had any ideas to share?

2007-12-26 15:35:03 · 5 answers · asked by Daniel C 1 in PlayStation

Hey everybody, I'm going to buy my first digital camera soon and I have a question regarding video recording. Roughly how many minutes of video is equal to 1 gig? I really have no idea what the compression rate is like and need to figure out how large of a memory card I should buy.

Thanks everyone!

2007-12-26 15:22:00 · 3 answers · asked by Chris 1 in Cameras

I don't want specific models; just general models like Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, etc.

Is there a general comparison website that I can go to to check out prices and stuff without having to hop from one website to another?

I have a Samsung T-619 but it's not working anymore and I'd like to get another phone but I want the exact same model and I'd like to do some "comparison" shopping alongside it, too.

2007-12-26 15:20:46 · 1 answers · asked by chrstnwrtr 7 in Cell Phones & Plans

2007-12-26 15:19:17 · 2 answers · asked by Steven T 1 in TVs

I just got mine and I want to keep it in the best condition possible.

So, which is better?
To leave it in standby or shut it off completely?

2007-12-26 15:08:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in PlayStation

I have a home theatre setup, where, when I sit facing the screen, my equipment rack comes to the right side of me, just next to the seats. I have placed my subwoofer between the equipment rack and the right side wall.

Now the problem-
The distance of my subwoofer from the listening position is around 2 metres (if measured in a straight line). There is my equipment rack in this path and while sitting the subwoofer is not even visible because of this. When I use automatic setup with a microphone, I get a distance of 7 metres (I suspect that this is after a bounce from some wall). Is there some other way to calculate for this kind of sub placement?

I don't want to change the sub position as this placement gives me the best low frequency response, with no smearing, tight, and without any boom. The listening position also has to remain the same. The subwoofer is a front firing, ported design.

Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks.

2007-12-26 14:40:33 · 3 answers · asked by Shivam 6 in Home Theater

i have the first alert where you open it where the 1-9 numbers are and you have to do a code or something im not sure? help me out .....


2007-12-26 14:34:30 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Electronics

i would turn it off but how can i turn of a watch? how can i remove the batterys or just how can i make it not beep

2007-12-26 14:24:18 · 14 answers · asked by mistoemegan 2 in Other - Electronics

for example if followed by 1-000-000-0000. I'm in India.

2007-12-26 14:17:04 · 2 answers · asked by LoCo#33 1 in Cell Phones & Plans

So can I get away w/ a $20 cable instead of $200? It's not carrying an analog signal, so it should be the same right?

2007-12-26 14:01:39 · 9 answers · asked by DougDoug_ 6 in TVs

what kind and where do you get your music for it from and how much does it cost

2007-12-26 14:01:08 · 38 answers · asked by I love Dionne 3 in Music & Music Players

There is NO, NO, NO way I'm gonna spend some $50 EACH for four controllers. So if I want 4 Sony wants me to spend $200 total??

Yeah, right!

Anywhere I can get some on more...reasonable prices?

2007-12-26 13:53:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in PlayStation

i already have a linksys router, and can i use it with my cable bill? that's what i pay my internet with.
here's a link


2007-12-26 13:53:12 · 2 answers · asked by guitarfreak 1 in Other - Electronics

I have a handful of video tapes with my kids on them from when they were young. I fear the tape is going bad and would like to know the best way to get it into the computer to do some editing and them preserve them on DVD

TY in advance...(or do I have to take it to a professional with all the bells & whistle equipment?)

2007-12-26 13:48:33 · 3 answers · asked by Empress Jan 5 in Other - Electronics

i have a lg plasma tv the model number is 50pc5d and i was wondering if it wld hurt the tv if it was used to play xbox or other game systems on it

2007-12-26 13:44:19 · 5 answers · asked by waleedakhter 3 in TVs