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[Selected]: All categories Cars & Transportation Motorcycles

I thought it was a youth thing but I see more and more adult riders.

2007-12-03 07:29:08 · 34 answers · asked by JuDyLicious 3

You RIDE a motorcycle!
You DRIVE a sidecar rig!

Do you RIDE or DRIVE a trike??

2007-12-03 07:23:14 · 7 answers · asked by slimcolo 5

Maybe you learn to coutersteer from bicycles, I don't know about the balancing thing.

I want to know if a person who didn't ride a bicycle as a child learned to ride a motorcycle.
Did you smash into alot of things? Or did you catch on to counter-steering easily?
C'mon if you did'nt have a bike, what did you ride, a pony?

2007-12-03 04:53:14 · 11 answers · asked by Bob 5

have reverse?You know like Honda Gold wings and such.Not crotch rockets,big BIG bikes,thanks.

2007-12-03 01:58:01 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

does anyone had this kinda problem with the headlight?

2007-12-03 01:37:19 · 3 answers · asked by aviral s 1

I recently bought my first bike and have noticed that after riding for about 15-20 minutes, when I come to a stop (stop sign) and have clutch lever pulled in (engaged) the bike idles 2,000 - 2,500 rpms and seems jumpy. If I ease out the clutch and let the bike roll about 6 inches, then re-engage the clutch the idle will drop down to about 1,000.

Assuming this isnt normal - but could this be carberators needing cleaned? or a tune up needed? I called my local Yamaha dealer and was told that they will not service this bike because it is over 10 yrs old....(great....not)

Only idles high like this when engine is warm (after 15-20 minutes riding) and when stopped with clutch engaged waiting to take off.

2007-12-02 21:12:52 · 3 answers · asked by JustMe68_86 6

t goin too far out?? just enough to give it a custom look and still keep it low and level to the road?? its candy blue,cobra slashdowns, and sounds great..have already taken emblems off gas tank and side cover...tryin to go a little farther on a preachers budget??

2007-12-02 19:03:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

The bike is my buddies and i am hoping to buy it from him for my boyfrind for christmas. The peice where you put the key in to sart was ripped off, so we put the red and black wires on a toggle* switch. sorry for the spelling* Are those the only wires needed on the switch? there are other loose wires. the lights turn on and the engine tries to turn over, but i just wont crank! any help or suggestions would be helpful, thanx.

2007-12-02 17:40:30 · 5 answers · asked by help!!! 1

I don't care if it is an online store or a physical store.

He has a 2006 Kawasaki. Thanks!

2007-12-02 16:40:54 · 10 answers · asked by drewsgatorgirl 2

I am the sole employee of the parts dept in the motorcycle dealership I work at.
I have been running the dept for months. The dealership is in the process of changing hands and the new owners want me to train a new guy, starting tomorrow, that has no experience in the bike biz and knows nothing about motorcycles.
Then they want to make him the dept. mgr. My boss! I have been wanting that job since it became available but the current owner, the one that's selling out, has been trying to sell out and hasn't really given a crap about the dept. since he decided to sell. So he hasn't bothered giving me the official title of Dept Mgr.
I know I'm getting screwed, but my question is: should I train him? If not, then what should I do about it?

2007-12-02 15:38:42 · 18 answers · asked by dragonbiker69 1

ima buy a motorcycle

2007-12-02 15:04:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've just had my Shadow fork seals replaced (Honda dealer), and I notice faint oil rings after every time I ride. Should I expect this, and if so, is it enough to just wipe them clean regularly? Anything else I should be doing? Thanks.

2007-12-02 13:33:07 · 4 answers · asked by fly or die 2

who dictated this...

2007-12-02 13:10:39 · 4 answers · asked by pomjon1 2

From your experince how long did it take you?

2007-12-02 10:49:42 · 14 answers · asked by danio 1

i have a kick starter only motor bike ( a 50 cc) i would like to make it a electronic starter what is the best and easy way to do so. would i need to do alot of work.

2007-12-02 09:20:46 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son has recently bought a Honda NS125F (liquid cooled) and the head gasket has gone. He bought another, but on trying to fit it he found that the engine had been re-bored at some point and the standard gasket won't fit.

What's the best way to overcome this problem please?

2007-12-02 08:01:48 · 8 answers · asked by Great Eskape 5

Are their nuts I need to remove on the inside of the seat?

2007-12-02 06:28:59 · 4 answers · asked by znshields 1

So i posted a question saying i want a v-rod and everyone says its too hard to handle for a new rider. So what kind of harley should I get? It HAS to be a Harley, NOTHING ELSE!!! I want a nice one, and one with a loud engine. I crave that sound!! I'm 15 years old, female. And I DO have enough money, of my own, to buy a sportster right now, or something else, used. But I'm still going to save up.

So what type would be good for a girl beginner? I DON'T WANT ANYTHING SISSY/GIRLY, I want something tough, something that looks tough also.


2007-12-02 02:47:58 · 20 answers · asked by ? 6

2007-12-01 20:10:43 · 11 answers · asked by SALEEM AKBAR 1

Imagine it's 7º Celcius outside, and you got a cheap jacket. Now you're riding the bike to work. Roads are not wet or icy. You can reach it in 10 mins if you speed. You can take 20 mins if you go regular speed. But if you speed...you get more wind, and more cold. But if you slow down, its less cold incomming, but for a bigger period of time. What is better ? Or is it the same ? ( Not fair answering: Get a better jacket/equipment/transport )

2007-12-01 20:02:39 · 12 answers · asked by The Filosophers 2

2007-12-01 13:40:19 · 12 answers · asked by sheilasays 3

im wondering if its legal for a thirteen or fourteen year old to drive one of thoselike 50cc mopeds with the pedals where u have to pedal to start it and stuff, i thihnk one type of thems called a maxi puch or something like that??? i live in bc, canada

2007-12-01 13:35:19 · 9 answers · asked by yhami2003 1

when you start it is kinda boggy , but then soon as you hit around 60 it all comes together and is really fast. the carbs have been cleaned and rejetted by a local shop, but maybe still to big?

2007-12-01 11:02:54 · 2 answers · asked by b-rich 3

2007-12-01 08:14:41 · 3 answers · asked by Paul A 2

2007-12-01 07:33:11 · 4 answers · asked by Beverly s 1

Just gone and brought a kx 65 for my son and am a little bit confused about the year i was sold it as a 2004 but it has a green frame the bike is mint so it could be a 2004 but every other 2004 i looked at had a silver frame but this one was buy far the cleanest so i brought it. but is it a 2004???
it is a uk kx 65
frame number JKBKXEAC9YA00462


2007-12-01 05:42:21 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous