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[Selected]: All categories Cars & Transportation Car Audio

I have ordered my new car, it comes with the bluetooth kit, which I think is more for connecting my mobile phone. Is there anyway I can connect my MP3 player via Bluetooth? Or what would you recommend?

2007-08-31 12:46:53 · 4 answers · asked by wifieinstrife 2

I have grounded the amp in the trunk and it doe's not work. I have tried connecting to pre existing bolts (cleaning the metal and all) I have alson tapped new holes for grounding, the trunk simply does NOT work as a ground. when I have it ground in the trunk the amp simply will not power on.

2007-08-31 08:24:07 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

some one sliced the wires out of the car im tring to find out what goes where

2007-08-30 15:43:36 · 2 answers · asked by dirtycowboy6969 1

1900 Watt Amp, 2 12 Inch Boxed Subwoofers

What are some good Classic Rock songs that would sound good?

2007-08-30 14:52:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can anyone tell me how to do this or direct me to a site? Thanks alot for all the help.

2007-08-30 11:51:57 · 5 answers · asked by Wastedmilkman61 3

I don't know much about cars but I wanted to buy a DVD screen for the front of my car, I found one on eBay in a car http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Celica-ST2-0-Modified-Car-Audio-DVD-Screen-Subs-Focal_W0QQitemZ220142751349QQihZ012QQcategoryZ18290QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
It is the 3rd picture down on the left if you scroll to the bottom of the page.
I just wondered if anyone knew what they are called ?
My friend said he thought they were called DVD Head Units as it says on the description on eBay, but when I type it in it doesn't have the ones where the screen flips out ( Which is what I want so people can't see I have one! )
Sorry about the simple car jargon words.
I will choose a best answer. Thanks.

2007-08-30 00:41:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've decided to go with the option of adding a MP3 CD Changer to a BMW Business System cassette head as i don't won't to ruin the look of the dashboard. However i am not sure whether the existing head can play MP3 CD players.

Does anyone know whether it will be an issue. (If possible i will also add a connector so that i can play my ipod).

2007-08-29 03:16:43 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


can anyone explaine what is the 4ohms 2ohms in the sub and amp???

what is the difference within the two??

is 2ohms gud than 4ohms?

2007-08-28 16:15:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I heard that you could blow out your speaker if you have the wrong amp but i'm a noob at this so I don't understand anything about this kind of stuff, so if you know a place that could show me understand the basics about all the subs, amps, etc. that would help or someone could explain that would be great.

2007-08-28 15:56:54 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Radiomobile car radio

2007-08-28 00:11:29 · 3 answers · asked by Dave R 1

2007-08-27 16:41:02 · 3 answers · asked by cbloomfield@rogers.com 1

2007-08-27 11:33:17 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Rover 600SI I live in Herefordshire, a place called Bosbury.

2007-08-27 00:35:29 · 6 answers · asked by Dusty(5654) 1

2007-08-26 13:49:27 · 6 answers · asked by Romando B 1

I saw and heard the work of the guy at Sterling Myer Emco, Joe If I remember correctly, hispanic guy. The system sounded terrible and he broke stuff in the guys car! The staging is terrible and the sound quality is atrocious!

2007-08-26 05:40:57 · 4 answers · asked by Be responsible towards others 2

I want one of those tapedecks but i think they don't sell those anymore, so whats the next best choice to play music from my ipod in my car?

Also, i'd rather if it didn't have to run on batteries but if thats all there is out there then of course mention it please.

2007-08-26 03:05:49 · 4 answers · asked by i messed up 2


2007-08-26 01:15:13 · 3 answers · asked by kurau15s 1

Do you guys know where i could buy ( i mean freely or actually to buy) a GPS navigation system of the earth or any country such as america,england, newzealand and specially Sri Lanka.

And do they comprise of road maps?

2007-08-26 00:06:09 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i recently purchased a cd/tuner for my car,connected it up,tuned it in to all available stations,drove 500yds along the road and it lost all stations apart from bbc radio3,4 2 &classic fm,they are the only stations it will pick up,if i purchased a new ariel would this help??...is anyone got a clue how to rectify this problem??

2007-08-25 20:42:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok I have a 1/8 stereo headphone cable that had a plug on one
side break. I cut the plug with a bit of wire still attached from an old pair of head phones to splice and fit it.

Ok on the cable that I'm repairing there is a big black wire containing two separate smaller insulated wires, one red (pink), one white and there is an uninsulated wire as well totaling three wires.

On the wire and plug from the old head phones there are two separate black wires containing two wires each. In one of the black wires there is a blue coated (not insulated) wire and a uncolored uncoated wire. On the other is a red coated (not insulated) wire and a other uncolored uncoated one.

I have burned off the coatings on all these wires at the tip and am ready to connect them to my original cable but I have no idea how they are to be correctly connected to ensure that the music is stereo and that it is coming out how it is supposed to sound.


2007-08-25 15:50:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I turn the radio loud , the amp shut off and I have to turn off the radio and turn it back on, then the amp work fine but with the volume not to high. I'll appreciate your help if you know the solution. Heeeelp!

2007-08-25 15:10:34 · 6 answers · asked by yisarizoe 1

dont give me like a wikipedia link or nothin i want ur definiton or somethin because i need 2 know what 2 look 4 so i dont clip my amp.....i was told from the guy from circuit city that a way 2 tell it is to see if the lights r dimming....anyways i got my gain 7/10 bass boost 5/10 crossover 1/10.........sub rms=720........amp rms=400

2007-08-25 15:01:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a CB radio with a 5 watt output for a PA system and a PA speaker that takes 75 watts. How do I go about upping the output so I can broadcast my voice to everybody that doesn't want to hear it?

2007-08-24 15:43:15 · 2 answers · asked by spnkwht 1


could someone please let me know how I would go about powering a portable cd player from a wagons cigarrette socket, like you would in a car, apparently they run at 24 volts as opposed to those found in cars that run at 12 volts, is this a problem, and if so how do you get around it?


2007-08-24 08:45:05 · 3 answers · asked by Keiko 2


i have alpine cross overs (i have 2) and i dont know how to hook them up they got like - + t and - + s and - + mi

i think its like that any ways i have 2 tweeters and 4 mids and one sub so how would i hook them up???

2007-08-24 08:09:25 · 3 answers · asked by andrew c 2

is there any difference between the audio wire use for home and the one use for the car.... or can i use a quality home theater cable for wiring the speaker in my car?
there is a monster cable MTX certified, it will be fine using it in my car?

2007-08-23 16:57:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 4-5 year old car radio/cd player. It has a built in cd player and also a radio (with flashing dials etc).

For some time, the radio has malfunctioned. It will cut out for longer periods time (short to up to days), then play with no issues for days to weeks at a time. The less common radio malfunction is there will be crackling in and out of radio reception/play and then it work.

There has been no issues with the cd player. It has worked consistently during this time.

I could easily replace the radio/cd unit, but since only the radio has malfunctioned, is there an easy way to distinguish if the failure is due to car radio unit malfunction, as opposed to attennae malfunction (thus making replacing the radio unnecessary and a waste of money)?

2007-08-23 13:19:42 · 1 answers · asked by otterpop77 2

i tryed to hook them to the fuse but i cant get the wires on the fuse right to plug them in..can any one tell me how to hook them to the fuse or a better place?

2007-08-23 11:20:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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