I am playing a game which simulates Medieval Europe in the from 1080-1260, and I am trying to add some realism. I think that this game horribly underestimates how far a ship can travel in a year. I was wondering if some history buff knows about how far an average ship from that time period could travel in a year through the waters of the Mediterranian, or the Atlantic Coastline.
An answer to just that would be great, but just in cast there is some highly knowledgeable person out there I'll list all the ships in the game in so you can list specifics for each one.
Dhow, Cog, Viking Longboat, Galley, Ladya, Dromon, Holk, Dragon Boat, War Galley, Fire ship, Caravel, Lanternas, Galleass, Baghlah, and Carrack.
Thank you very much!
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