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Renting & Real Estate - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

i have a first and a second and some bills to pay. i have been in forclosure for about a month now. i want to find a lender that can combine all this and give me a low APR and a reasonable payment. the bad thing is i have to do this and have it done before the 10th of Feburary. i don't have much time or else they will sell my house in a estate auction or just take it from under me.

i forgot to mention that the 2nd mortgage is with a hard money lender. please help me!!! my husband and i and our kids want peace of mind and we also want to keep our house. we've been living here for goin on 7 years in May 2007.

2007-01-25 13:35:13 · 6 answers · asked by DEE DEE 2

I moved into my home about 2 years ago. My loan was a First Time Homebuyer Bond Loan that said I must occupy the property as long as that loan is active. I've always made my payments on time. A few months ago I got married and moved into my husband's house. I tried for several months to sell my house with no luck so I rented it out. I never told the lender, I just kept paying the mortgage payment on time each month. They just sent a letter saying I've moved and that's against the terms of the loan and I have the following 4 options: 1) Refinance, 2) Sell the house, 3) Move back in, 4) Submit a request to temporarily vacate the property. How did they know I moved? Could it be from when I changed my Social Security card and drivers license to my new name and address? What can I do to not have to not refinance but keep my tenant renting from me? Can I keep the house for sale for a whole year without it selling and not be penalized? I need advice from people who really know.

2007-01-25 13:25:41 · 2 answers · asked by Ryan B 2

Trying to find the name of the owner of 5920 Streamview Dr. San Diego, CA 92105...........Can someone help me find out the owners name? Or is there a free site that can help me with looking for the owners name??? THANKS!

2007-01-25 13:13:58 · 6 answers · asked by DOLLARZ 2

I am currently in the process of a long fight with my brother to my rights of my mothers house. My mother died in 1996, SHE DID NOT HAVE A WILL. However she put the deed of the house in my name in 1991 when i was only 5 years old. My grandmother was appointed the administrator after her death in 1996. I am trying to move in the house now. We were recently renting the property. My brother is trying to say that he is heir to half of the house even though the deed was quitclaimed to me long before her death. I want to know is there any way for him to have any inheritance in the house? Also what steps do i need to take to probate the house into my name? Therefore i can legally live in the house.

2007-01-25 12:51:25 · 10 answers · asked by JAY 1

can a landlord change the locks on your garage that he rents to you?
I rent a garage in NJ and first I found that the landlord was using the same garage to store his stuff in and they scratched my truck and used the bed of the truck for shelves. I called the landlord and all he said was he was sorry. The next time that i went to my garage my washer was missing when I called the landlord again his secretary said that he was on vacation, he would call me back, I then asked her how much notice I had to give to get out of my lease, she replied "30days" I then told her consider today my 30 day notice. I now recieved a certified letter stating that he changed the locks on the garage and if I enter he will get me for criminal trespass. The secretary called me and asked me if I got the letter and I told her that I had given my 30 day notice and I still had till the 29th to remove my things. She then told me that I did not give the notice in writing. What can I do?

2007-01-25 12:37:46 · 2 answers · asked by ubetterrelax 1

It looks like we've made a very bad financial decision and signed a loan with a huge pre-payment penalty. We've only been in our home six months and we cannot afford the payments - we over spent. We're going to have a hard time selling the home only six months after the original purchase, at a price that will cover the huge penalty we'll owe.

Any suggestions?

2007-01-25 11:51:48 · 6 answers · asked by Nina W 1

I want to know how to find online where you can look up a residence and find what price it has sold for in the past.

2007-01-25 11:47:06 · 8 answers · asked by wilsonkeith 1

pay? someon one told me they have to pay their broker and the buyer agent. so if a seller agent got 30,000$, how much would they have after?

2007-01-25 11:44:16 · 7 answers · asked by beach_babe971 1

Looking at an average purchase of $175.000, also need to know how much I have to payback every month.
thank you

2007-01-25 11:33:06 · 6 answers · asked by kumarie j 1

I am considering purchasing a house with my fiance. My father is still very skeptical and I know will think I am "making too big of a financial commitment" (despite the ring on my finger). Not that we have any intentions of splitting, but so that I can discuss with my father... if we theoretically bought a house (together, both names on everything) and then split, what would happen?

2007-01-25 11:14:26 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Opinions please? I love my apartment. I'm paying $700/month. For that amount, I could purchase a trailer with a mortgage and own it in a little over 4 years. What would you do?

2007-01-25 11:09:08 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

it BOUNCED. We gave him the keys already on the 13th since the home is in TN and we live in VA. We've given him over a week to get us a new deposit check, but we haven't gotten it.
Is the lease good or is it considered canceled since we have no deposit ?
We've called him, and emailed but he will not return our call.
If he has any personal property in the home can we set it out?

2007-01-25 11:02:03 · 13 answers · asked by GoogleMeBiotCH 1

2007-01-25 11:00:04 · 7 answers · asked by bnice 1

I am looking into purchasing the upper duplex unit of a duplex property. My uncle owns the bottom unit, and I want to purchase the top from my father. I am looking up some information on this idea regarding taxes, contracts, etc. and cannot find the exact name of what I am trying to do. I tried "shared property" and that didn't work. Any ideas? Thanks!

2007-01-25 10:20:19 · 6 answers · asked by Happy Girl 3

Does anyone have info about the taylors family restaurant in waterbury ct. When and why it closed?

2007-01-25 09:56:17 · 1 answers · asked by sasaat 1

You always see the ads on tv and online about homes for a few hundred dollars but no matter how much I search for these so called steals they don't seem to exist. Is it just a scam to buy they're system or it there truth in they're claims?

2007-01-25 09:54:04 · 3 answers · asked by twennyficent 1

OK, so I wanted to refinance my mortgage. Everything was going fine, even for having a lower credit score. The closing was set, all we were waiting for was the appraisal. Well, when it came in, it was over $30,000 less than comps near by. It seems that the appraiser decided that the Family Room, which was enclosed from a carport in the mid 1980's, should not be included as living space. "The garage was converted by sealing the opening with T-111 siding, carpet on floor, it is under central a/c, this area is calculated seperate from the living sf for comparative purposes of this appraisal, and is typical and not adverse as it may be readily converted back to car storage purposes at minimal cost." The problem with this is that it never was a garage. There was actually a block foundation attached to the concrete slab, that would not be easy to tear up! He used 936 sq. ft. as the living space, when all the other appaisals stated it was 1183 sq. ft. What do I do to fix this?? Or am I stuck?

2007-01-25 09:50:49 · 10 answers · asked by Katslookup - a Fostering Fool! 6

My credit score is at a measely 529 right now. A few yearas back i drowned my self in credit card debt totalling $5,000 that i couldn't pay back at the time but over the past 6 months i just paid everything off and my score is still bad. What can i do to better it?? i only have 2 active accounts that are in good standing a student loan about $12,000 and car $7,000 that i'm good with. I'm rying to buy a house and a realtor told my the least the bank asks for is a 620 score. How can i get it that high if no one will give me credit?? I've tried getting credit cards, furniture, appliances etc to establish more credit but everyone turns me down. I know exacly what is on my credit report but every bad debt i have in it (totaling 10 ) have been paid off. So what now?? How can i get it to go up some more??

2007-01-25 09:39:02 · 9 answers · asked by mari d 2

First time homebuyer.

2007-01-25 08:59:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-25 08:55:06 · 2 answers · asked by blizzzzzzzard03 1

There is an amount that shows left on the mortgage, is that the asking price? Or if not, how do I go about getting a price on a foreclosure?

2007-01-25 08:49:49 · 5 answers · asked by sunshinebb2000 1

obviously i provided all the paper work but how can someone be so sure. Am i right too feel excited or should i wait. Noone guaranteed it before. Yes its legit and registered with FSA etc.

Please tell me i aint dreaming,,

2007-01-25 08:32:47 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-25 08:24:50 · 1 answers · asked by brightstar 1

I am interested to open a restaurant, I am looking for a location that used to be a restaurant in San Antonio, Texas. Thx!

2007-01-25 08:12:10 · 1 answers · asked by Gaby G 1

It's in the Southside in an average neighborhood. I want to know how much I should ask for rent.

2007-01-25 08:11:08 · 4 answers · asked by thefedd 1

The term is up and the buyer/owner just called her to say she can not pay her the full balance of the second loan which is due in March '07. What type of recourse does or would my mother have? Thanks in advance.

2007-01-25 08:07:58 · 3 answers · asked by Kim S 1

2007-01-25 08:00:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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