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Business & Finance - 24 January 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

I am waiting for a form 1099 c cancellation of debt form to come in the mail.Do i have to have the form before i file my taxes or can i just show my tax preparer the information i have from the letter they sent me when i made the settlement agreement.

2007-01-24 12:40:04 · 5 answers · asked by ash219772 1 in United States

Currently, I'm considering studying theology as a major or a minor, and I was curious to see what kind of jobs I could get if I got a degree in theology. If possible, please list the job, what it requires (or what the main idea is) and an estimated salary.

2007-01-24 12:38:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

We bought our home in June 06. Can we use the interest we paid on our mortgage as a deduction, and if so what form do we use? i cant find it on the 104ez or 1040....

2007-01-24 12:38:21 · 4 answers · asked by LydonPuggles 2 in United States

The property's in CT. I'm renting one half of a duplex, she lives in the other half and owns the property. She is elderly. I work a lot and am often not there. She has several times told me she went into my apt for some bogus emergency (we had a storm and she wanted to make sure "my side" didn't lose power, she had to close my windows because she heard it might rain, etc) and "happened" to see something she didn't like (I left a light on, I left wet clothes on a chair etc). I very strongly suspect she does it a lot more than she's telling me, and only mentions it when she sees something she doesn't like. I tried to tell her I would let her in anytime she wanted if she would give me notice but she didn't like idea at all. The problem is the location is perfect and it took me a long time to find a decent rental in this rural area. So I guess my question is, is there a way for me to prove she's been doing this and if so what can I do about it. Thank you.

2007-01-24 12:35:45 · 12 answers · asked by moira 1 in Renting & Real Estate

Recently I had my boss do our yearly evaluation, I was rated as average and did not get excellent marks on any of my job aspects.

I agree with her on the aspects of my performance that need to improve, what I find negative is that she did not mention a single positive attribute when before I have gotten excellent reviews from my peers and other executives.

She mentiones that I need to become an expert on my area of responsability, before I had a much larger area of accountability (where I achived a 20% growth yearly) and I was a more of a generalist, wich did not enable me to concentrate in one area.

She replaced me in my position, because the area was enlarged

She seemed very future oriented on what I can achieve, but the thing that puzzles me is that she did not mention anything positive.

How should I take it? Should I try to improve and be positive, or have reality check and move to another company.

Your advise and experience will be appreciated

2007-01-24 12:33:08 · 1 answers · asked by Freck 2 in Careers & Employment

THis sounds like a 'duh' question but really, there are archeologists and stuff and are they allowed to dig under your land?

2007-01-24 12:33:07 · 11 answers · asked by Smo 4 in Renting & Real Estate

I'm planning to buy 6 or so sweaters from Japan to sell on eBay and I was wondering how the tax/law works on them. Each cost $2,000, so they are NOT going to overlooked if opened by the customs

Will I have to be an "importer" in order to do so, or do I not need such status?

If I happen to get audited by IRS, I don't want to into trouble by not following the right steps to buy goods from overseas, so please let me know in detail.

Thank you.

2007-01-24 12:30:51 · 4 answers · asked by Biz B 1 in United States

is it necessary for a person to start at the lowest level of an organization and gradually move upward to become an effective chief executive in that organization? provide illustrations and site sample of stories of sucess.

2007-01-24 12:30:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

If I have a service business and am looking for a bond how do I get approved for an insurance bond?

2007-01-24 12:30:29 · 3 answers · asked by Mae B 1 in Insurance

2007-01-24 12:28:45 · 1 answers · asked by johnnythepresident 1 in Personal Finance

what is the salary for this job as a beginner and as a regular teenage psychiatrist?

How many years of training does it require or training?


2007-01-24 12:27:15 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

2007-01-24 12:25:52 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

im having problems and i was thinking abt asking the therapist for anit-depresants. i really need to at least see the psychiatrist. what do i do? i dnt have the money to pay to see one.

2007-01-24 12:25:03 · 5 answers · asked by Chanel 3 in Insurance

My friend is a consultant and helps people boost there business profit. She has one client who wants her social. Noone has ever asked for it before. She is just paid by check from her other clients and does her own taxs. Her accountant is i in Europe of the next month and she doen't understasnd this and is naturally hesititant to give it out with the incidence of identy theft etc. Can someone give me someinfo on this for her. We are in California.

2007-01-24 12:20:24 · 5 answers · asked by onedot.darling 4 in United States

I'm buying a house an it's in attorney review. Attorney review is stalled because the seller will not go to a different county at closing. Can I call the seller directly (avoiding the attorneys and agents) and offer to take her myself? what are the repercussions?

2007-01-24 12:13:09 · 5 answers · asked by xperiencedinvestor 2 in Renting & Real Estate

I am about to leave a job that pays about 42,000 a year but only about 21,000 of that is taxable. I am consediring accepting a job that pays about 39,000 and all of that would be taxable. How/where could I go to figure out apporxamatley how much the differance in pay would be.

2007-01-24 12:10:15 · 7 answers · asked by nathans183_99 1 in United States


2007-01-24 12:08:37 · 20 answers · asked by $$$money$$$ 2 in United States

just got my w2 there are no state taxes taken out ne-body know y? and how i can fix it

2007-01-24 12:05:41 · 7 answers · asked by bissonsarah 3 in United States

2007-01-24 11:58:48 · 3 answers · asked by ADUBB 2 in Careers & Employment

I want to get a summer job. I am wondering if anyone knows if there are any jobs a fourteen yearold can get?

2007-01-24 11:54:10 · 7 answers · asked by Andrey B 1 in Careers & Employment

The insurance is so high in Florida after the hurricanes, we need to be able to deduct it on our income tax return.

2007-01-24 11:49:55 · 4 answers · asked by mossy1936 2 in Insurance

I was hired under a certain set of circumstances; i.e., I negotiated and accepted the position based on those. After six months, none of the agreed upon benefits, conditions, etc have been met by my employer. It's time to part ways. I've brought this up several times--documented in email form--and if they aren't going to live up to their half of the bargain, do I have to give the customary notice?

2007-01-24 11:49:09 · 7 answers · asked by jobseekeratl 1 in Careers & Employment

2007-01-24 11:48:43 · 2 answers · asked by abs 1 in Small Business

I am doing my own taxes and I need help on something. On the W-2 to send to the state and federal places only 15,16,17 (boxes) are filled in and on my copy 15,16,17 are blank and 18,19,20 are filled in. When I am doing my taxes on line should I go ahead and fill in 15-20 just to be safe or is 18,19,20 not required?
I am so lost!

2007-01-24 11:47:51 · 1 answers · asked by mommyofone1998 2 in United States

2007-01-24 11:46:40 · 7 answers · asked by kana f 1 in Other - Business & Finance

I just got my checking and savings account opened in November, but I'm moving out of town this weekend. I don't want to close my accounts b/c I still will go to college here in this town and i'll be using my debit card alot here for gas and also the bank charges an early closing fee on accounts. Should I transfer to a more local bank or keep this one? Also, is it necessary for me to reorder new checks? I still have almost 2 boxes of checks left b/c i never use my checks. Will the bank make me reorder new ones? plus, do i just go into the bank and tell them i'm moving and tell them my new address? Thanks for any help.

2007-01-24 11:46:26 · 2 answers · asked by nicole r 2 in Personal Finance

2007-01-24 11:45:45 · 2 answers · asked by bill 1 in United States

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