I'll be turning 18 on the 13th of July. It's a turning point in more ways than the obvious. What I need to know, though, is if I want to get inked on my birthday, can I go in for a consultation about a week before that? I mean, obviously if I bring in my mother, but I need this to be the first thing that I did right all on my own, regardless of the fact that I'll need a ride out there. I know better than to walk in with a sketchy design expecting to get it inked looking perfect on my skin, and flash is out because getting a tattoo that someone may have already or get in the future doesn't excite me. Will the artist talk to me, seriously, even though I'll be a little shy of a legal adult?
Also, which areas of the foot are fit for a tattoo? I knew this, I know I did, but I think I should ready a backup now if the area above the heal on the inside of the foot is un-tattooable.
Anyways, thanks much.
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