i was looking through some questions about weather or not guys find peircings and tattoo's on women attractive, and it made me kind of mad when i read the answers. just about every guy said somthing implying that tattoos are only hot on guys and if a girl get's it, it's probably for attention. this makes me want to find one of these stupid guys and punch em' in the face. i envy girls with the guts to get tons of tattoos and pericings. i think they're beautiful. and the few that i do have, i didn't get to impress any dumb man. i get them because they are beautiful, a way of expressing myself and because i love art and what could be more appealing to an artist than becoming a peice of walking art. is it only conservative main stream males who feel this way, how about more alternative looking guys, do you think female body mods are gross?
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