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Beauty & Style - 7 December 2006

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Fashion & Accessories · Hair · Makeup · Other - Beauty & Style · Skin & Body

I have this friend with a mane of long, gorgeose, really tight corkscrew curls. I think they're to die for, but she allways says that she wishes her hair could be strait for just one day to see what it looks like. Her hair is the curliest head I've ever seen, and with strait hair she'd look like a completly different person. Anyway we have a really good quality hair straightener, and I think it would be fun like at a sleep over to straighten my friend's hair temporarily to see what she would look like. It's just a hair straitener with no chemicals or anything.

However, it would be a nightmare if her curls didn't come back for a while. Her mom would kill me. Would straightening this girl's hair be a safe thing to do? Would her curls come back the next time she would wash her hair? I have pretty strait hair so I have no idea what cork screw curls tend to do.

2006-12-07 22:15:33 · 13 answers · asked by mandamandapanda 3 in Hair

My gf says that it is super hot for a guy to use these stuff and i think too but there is a problem,i don't know i should do that with my left ear or the right one or both(i don't want to be suspected as a gay)

2006-12-07 22:13:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

i have red hair and i'm 16, havent tried eye liner yet, i was wondering if black would look nice or a different colour. pls help

2006-12-07 22:12:15 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Makeup

I've seen many girls wearing tight outfits which outline their vagina shape under such tight outfit.They look so hot in their hotpants or short shorts or in their tight jeans or tight sex pants.
I want to know how to show mine...........how can I do that and what to wear in order to show my cameltoe............should I shave my pubic hair to make my cameltoe appears better..........I need your advise on how to make me outline my vagina under my clothes so please help.

2006-12-07 22:02:12 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

I have had an appt booked for months for a haircut (and colour - see previous question) as my stylist is very popular. Unfortunately it turns out I have a night out that night (my appt is 6.45pm) - do I cancel the hair appt (she has no other appts and already has a cancellation list) and have crap hair for Christmas etc. or do I miss the night out?

2006-12-07 21:58:42 · 13 answers · asked by Campbell M 2 in Hair

I really want to get my ears pierced. I am wanting to have them done with the blomdahl system which uses 16 ga (1.28mm) thick ear piercing posts. Will this hurt a lot more than 18 ga (about 1mm or so?) I don't see how people can say ear lobe piercings don't hurt when it is such a thick piece of metal going into your ear. Please answer truthfully. Does it hurt alot worse than a blood test at the Drs or an injection at the Drs which uses thin needles?

I don't see how it can be almost painless when it is such a thick piece of metal going into your earlobes. I am fine with injections and blood tests. How much more does it hurt? On a scale from one to ten. Please answer truthfully.

2006-12-07 21:57:28 · 5 answers · asked by Rosie L 1 in Other - Beauty & Style

I am going to our company Christmas dinner with a male friend whom I have seen a couple times now... no kisses yet though... And I need to purchase something this weekend to wear. I am not into wearing dresses, I wear jeans to work every day. I was thinking of black slacks, black blazer and a tank underneath that is red or gold. Does anyone else have any suggestions? This is really important to me. Even though he and I have been out on a couple of other occassions and he knows I am heavy, I just want to look my best. I am 5'6" and pretty evenly proportioned but I am thicker thru the middle than I want to be for sure. And I am 47yrs old. Any serious suggestions would truly be appreciated. Thanks and Holidays to all of you!

2006-12-07 21:53:34 · 3 answers · asked by offmgr100 1 in Fashion & Accessories

i use dream matte mouse and whenever i want to look good it always goes wrong,after a few hours it looks like i got a bad sunburn and my nose is peeling. what can i do to prevent this from happening.

2006-12-07 21:49:24 · 33 answers · asked by Jaid B 1 in Makeup

2006-12-07 21:49:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

Abercrombie for example

2006-12-07 21:47:18 · 2 answers · asked by donnagarrison928 1 in Fashion & Accessories

just to get you in bed, then after he got what he wanted he started acting like a asshole?

2006-12-07 21:45:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

thanks for all your answers, i just dont want to be classed as mutton dressed as lamb as at 40 well im getting well you know, but i am going to take advice and have 5 inch cut and as you all say it will proberbly look more healthy and i will still be able to put it up, thanks everyone and merry xmas

2006-12-07 21:42:02 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

I love Light Blue by Dolce & Gabbana - I haven't purchased it yet but tried it on and it smells amazing. I used to wear Be Delicious by DKNY and Chance by Chanel and am looking for new ideas for which fragrance to get next. My fav. cologne for men is Chrome.

What is your current favorite perfume or cologne on yourself & on the opposite sex?

2006-12-07 21:40:47 · 8 answers · asked by sweetienat123 6 in Other - Beauty & Style

2006-12-07 21:40:39 · 25 answers · asked by Jimmy Mac 1 in Fashion & Accessories

Where do I go to create a face for me (instead of a grey person on a side view? I have noticed that the majority of the people have faces on their yahoo id. How do I get one?

2006-12-07 21:38:03 · 6 answers · asked by Need advice quick... 1 in Other - Beauty & Style

I always though of tattos as personal expressions of yourself, but ive started to realise, not every 1 get it for that like my friend got a skull on his leg... i was like does it symbolize ne thing?"no its just cool" hmmm.... like my tattoo on my side symbolizes freedon from fear and society...to me its a floc of sparrows flyin and it coves my whole right side... what does your tattos mean

2006-12-07 21:31:57 · 17 answers · asked by Tig 2 in Tattoos

my husband loves my hair but at 40 i think its time to have a shorter cut, proberbly to a bob or somthing like that never had short hair, am i too old for long hair honnest replies please

2006-12-07 21:27:33 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

but was VERY VERY sweet asked you out and gave you CAndy and flowers would you give him a chance, or just be his friend?

2006-12-07 21:27:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

Please look at the photos on my site and tell me how I can look a bit better. I just feel fat and horrible all the time. Thanks

2006-12-07 21:20:55 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

2006-12-07 21:15:15 · 12 answers · asked by bbwkristen 1 in Fashion & Accessories


I recently bought some a shirt and a pair of jeans from Guess? and the quality SUCKED. The embriodery of the shirt was thinning and coming off in the wash and one of the belt loops on the jeans came off when I hung it up by the loop and the (black) jeans are now gray after 6 washes.

And they charged the SKY for it! 100$ for the jeans and 69$ for the shirt.

So, do you guys think that this whole "designer label" stuff is crap? Because I feel really cheated. The "100% Quality" printed on the label is really ironic

2006-12-07 21:10:10 · 14 answers · asked by hugo_yap 1 in Fashion & Accessories

Can you tell I'm bored today?!

2006-12-07 21:09:56 · 24 answers · asked by lizarddd 6 in Hair

1) i'm 16 yrs old
2) i dont wanna use any gadgets or medicines
3) and i want quick results
4) and no dieting

2006-12-07 21:08:58 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

cucumber and cold teaspoons. Many thanks. I don't mind having to resort to buying something.

2006-12-07 21:06:44 · 22 answers · asked by Say It Like You Mean It 4 in Other - Beauty & Style

How can I tell what size I am. I don't know if I'm a 32 or a 34 band. I am not sure if I am an AA, A or a B (US) sizing

How can I tell?

Also, I am sick of wearing crop tops. Is there an online store which has small teen or good looking girl bras? If so could you please name them (no UK sites please!). I have tried measuring myself but I keep coming up with 32 and 34 inch bands and usually A or even AA and B cups.

I don't know what I am. Would I be better off with a small or larger band (32 or 34 inch?)

Thanks for helping. Are there any good online clothing stores for small teens? Please name them.

2006-12-07 21:00:19 · 6 answers · asked by Holly W 1 in Other - Beauty & Style

2006-12-07 20:47:42 · 8 answers · asked by ladygrl06 2 in Fashion & Accessories

Those little white things I have to put in my collars to make them point out properly have a name.... what is it? And can I buy them anywhere?

2006-12-07 20:35:53 · 9 answers · asked by peanut1973 3 in Fashion & Accessories

2006-12-07 20:34:38 · 15 answers · asked by uma 1 in Hair

All I can find on ebay is cheap chinese-made ones.. anyone know of a decent kit? I want a round footswitch.. please help!

2006-12-07 20:29:12 · 5 answers · asked by Lucy 2 in Tattoos

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