My skin (usually oily) has now become seriously dry coz of the changing weather and the panoxl gel and calamine lotion. (I used to have bad acne, now just some pimples.)
I used the St. Ives Aloe Vera Advanced Therapy Extra Dry Skin lotion in the huge bottle on my face.
CAN THAT BE USED ON THE FACE? I did, and now, a few days later, my face is covered with pimples. And I haven't used it in a day, and i'm getting more pimples.
I also used the Estee Lauder Hydra Complete Multi Level moisture cream at the same time in a desperate attempt to get my face plump enough to apply concealer. I believe that is for facial use.
Now I have tons of pimples.....!!!!
Could someone please help? Can the St. Ives lotion be used on the face?
I was also having period trouble and was taking antibiotics for it. But this ocurred when my period was almost over, so I don't know if I can blame hormones.
I also use MAC makeup daily and am 14 years old.
Please help.....anything??
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Other - Skin & Body