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I want to look pretty tomorrow, from head to toe and i have no idea what to do....I am a tom boy now trying to be girly and I want to look pretty.

The only thing is I am a cold person so i want to be warm.

I usually wear big sweatshirts because i have no small ones, and it makes me look stupid, Please pointers girls.
thank you so much!

2006-12-07 11:32:53 · 21 answers · asked by green and blue knight 3 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

21 answers

I suggest sticking with your look, but different. Wear tight jeans with you big sweatshirt, and curl you hair, wear earrings. It's a really pretty look, i use it all the time. Good luck with whoever you are trying to impress! :)

2006-12-07 11:36:19 · answer #1 · answered by abigillygal 2 · 0 0

Well, cutiepie, since you're getting out of being a tomboy, you should start being girly just a little bit so you won't over do it! Try wearing a cute tight jacket, (since you like wearing sweaters) try wearing tight jeans or cute skirts! I would prefer namebrand clothing! Remember you have to match! Accessories is the key! Wearing make-up doesn't always make you girly! If you have pretty skin, you dont need any make up! All you really need is lip gloss and probably mascara! I hope I helped!!

2006-12-07 19:44:03 · answer #2 · answered by lusciousgurlc 2 · 0 0

I think you should wear brown gauchos, thank goodness those are back in style! So, wear gauchos with a pretty pink tank top. And if you have a brown shawl or trenchcoat, put that on top. The hair, make it simple but elegant. Maybe a loose ponytail with a decorative clip would look nice. The shoes, pink ballet flats would be awesome. You're going to school, so keep the makeup simple with natural smoky eyes and light pink lip gloss. Good luck and have fun!

2006-12-07 19:38:18 · answer #3 · answered by sPrInG LiLY 6 · 0 0

you wanna look cute but since ur a tomboy and ur tryna get out of tht faze u dont wanna look like ur tyring too hard i used to be a tomby. ok so wear some skinny jeans a nice tight tunic shirt /sweater that has a nice cut and wear a cami underneath and ballet flats. wear 2 chunky bracelts and a ur fav necklace some hoopz and a cute purse and ur all set to go. so tht ur not cold bring on of ur oversized swetshirts to keeps u warm till u get to skool then bam take it off and stut down the hallway i do it all the time. for you hair do anything you want just no a pony tail

2006-12-07 20:34:30 · answer #4 · answered by Lana M 3 · 1 0

if you have a longer type skirt, you could wear that, with a blouse and a sweater,,,,,, stockings will help keep your legs warm,,,(the thick "tights" kind are always good in winter,,, since this is for the next day, you will probably have to use what you have on hand,,,,,,,,if not a skirt, do you have dress pants ? that with a tshirt and sweater,,,, or blouse, would look better then sweats,,,,,,
for the future, if you dont have one,,, a nice black skirt,,,, long , way past knees but not to ankles, is always good to have,,,,,, it can be paried with all types of tops , for a really dressy look or a more casual look,,,,,,,
you can also, if your about the same size as your mom,, ask for her help, she might have sweaters or tops that will fit,, even if she is bigger ,

2006-12-07 19:38:02 · answer #5 · answered by dlin333 7 · 0 0

Well how big are the hoodies like really wide, over your knees do you have any type of turle neck or long sleeves, jeans that are a little tight or not too baggy.....put on some natural makeup cover blemishes if you have any with like covergirl clear makeup its lightweight and only cost 5 bucks put a little mascara on if you feel like it would be too much put on brown mascara and a beige, nude eyeshadow and clear gloss or a tint of brown or pink gloss depending on your skin tone (olive/dark: brown) (pink/light: pink).....blow dry your hair you probaly where it up most of time and if its usually down put it up......maybe paint nails a nude or clear polish.....some perfume or light body spray.....=) Good Luck!

2006-12-07 19:45:03 · answer #6 · answered by April 2 · 0 0

you can try my advice but if its not comfortable-itz up to u...wear a pair of close jeans-not too tight...a little shirt-not exposing anything..and a slender bellt...make sure that the belt,shoes and shirt match..make sure tha pants are not high waters...for you hair you could make a little lean part in the front and brind it bak into a high-pony tail with a little sweep..i f u want more help u can contact me nice4upplz@yahoo.com...have fun sweeti3

2006-12-07 19:42:13 · answer #7 · answered by nice4upplz 2 · 0 0

Oh man I have so many tips! I would reccomend wearing a henley with a cami underneath. Then you could wear jean cuffed capris or a long pencil skirt. Compliment this look with bangles, hoop earrings and nonpointy pumps. Sweeeet!!

2006-12-07 19:42:59 · answer #8 · answered by -AlexAlexAlex- 1 · 0 1

i would say to try on some things early in the morning or tonight.if you used to be a tom-boy don't were pink it will be too much. try something like a blue long sleeved tight slim fit shirt with your nicest pair of slim jeans!

2006-12-07 19:44:32 · answer #9 · answered by zoe s 1 · 0 0

Wow, thats a little hard problem.
Hair-Up In A Nice Bun Might Do
Pants-JEANS or Khaki's, nice fitting clean ones.
Shoes-Anything, other than ratty old shoes.

Hope this helps.



2006-12-07 19:35:38 · answer #10 · answered by nicole 2 · 0 0

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