advertizing, and the schooling all creates...a "culture" or way of thinking which makes up a certain "economic climate" ---this climate is what makes it the best for people to buy and sell and not save. This has been devized in order to have global economic stability. America is the buying horse, and kept that way, through neuro-manipulative control through media...creating a sub-culture of thinking of learning facts and applying facts and being told what to do...
In essence, you all become a bunch of ants in an antfarm, with the media director as God..This has also evolved along the same lines in the internet...
a trend is announced and advertizers follow suit...not to mimick the sub-culture...but to create it...MTV CREATES the way the kids think, not mimick the way they think...It TELLS THEM how to act, and what is "cool"
This is associated positively..and therefore assimilated.
This is devised for economic stability. Industrial complex + ad industry control the US.
19 answers
asked by
jack d