you have to identify who/what they are, explain how/why they are significant to colonial foundations, and assign a categorizing symbol next to each term (symbol: economics, social, science/tech/art/literature, gov/legal/, and domestic/foreign policy
Treaty of Tordesillas, Spanish Armada, conquistadores, encomienda, John Rolfe, Oliver Cromwell, John Smith, joint-stock company, Virginia Company, House of Burgesses, royal charter, Mayflower Compact, "Rights of Englishmen", slave codes, primogeniture, indentured servitude, headright system, Nathaniel Bacon's Rebellion, Leisler's Rebellion, starving time, Toleration Act of 1649, mercantilism, salutary, neglect, Iroquois Confederacy, Roger Williams, William Penn, John Winthrop, King Philip, the "elect", predestination, Anne Hutchinson, antinomianism, Massachusetts Bay Company, Glorious Revolution, Fundamental Orders, Dominion of New England, Sir Edmund Andros, middle passage, half-way covenant, jeremiad
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