deja vu is an odd thing i have started to come to the conclusion its connected to the soul somehow of your past memories........err well kinda of your future ones too it works like this your memories and dreams and actions in this world are predetermined and recorded or printed into your soul the very core of your existence so deeply with in your subconciense you already know whats going to happen but consciensely you dont but sometimes that feeling arises in moments where the strongest of your memories or occur and you remember something that has happened before but is really happening now and also in the future, confusing i know but the better you are linked with your soul the more insight you have and the more trust worthy your gut feelings are , this is also linked to the being of premonition the seeing of the future before its actual occurance. feel free to state your beliefs, remember its just a theory and not very organized so i cant explain to you as i can to myself.
9 answers
asked by
danny d