Love and romance seems apparently similar but having lot of differents.Romance
is unnatural and has been created by the two persons ,who having the similar taste.
Those person who will be affectionate can be effected for romance.It is not as an
happens,but it born by the people efforts.It has been started from the mind without
involvement of heart feelings.Mostly,romance ie related with the body,not with the
soul.It is thew persence of mind as well as an contract,compromise,an monotonous
and as an object of the two persons.Neither ropmance is the gift of god nor happen.
It can the way of fulfilment of bodies biological requirements.
But love is not anly an happens ,but it is also the GODs gift for humanbeing.When
any person fall inlovethen he/she feel themself as an most happiest person in this
universe.Love have nothing any objects in the life similar as an humans heart is bre
-athing without any objects.Love is the humans nature similar as the fragrance is the
flowers nature,and becoming fruited is the trees nature.therefore any person who is
in the love shall be create the peaceful atmosphare aroune them selves,also beco
-ming full sprits of bro therhood,humanity and keep away from all type of limitations
/boundries regarding regions,language,relegious and nationalisms etc.Love is totaly
different with romance,but romance having same charactoristics like friendship.Two
persons having same taste/views are the nassassory in the romance and friendship.
But romance having an important object to fulfilment of sexual/biological need/desire
,because romance can be with the another gender and frindship can be with both ge
nder,friendship has no genders boundries.Main object of the friendship is the shari-
-ng the views/thoughts and joys etc.T o think about express the views is the friend-
ship and donot forget to express the views and sharing,surrender the oueself to the
partner without any object is called love
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