America is known for FREEDOM and LIBERTY something that was and has always been a symbol of AMERICAN ideals, our value system and even synonymous with the AMERICAN way of life.
Hillary "Hitlery" Clinton- Before everyone in the Honda Prius F**k BUSH bumper sticker global warming club breaks their ankle jumping on the Hitlery "Socialist-Elitist" Clinton bandwagon here are a few things you might want to google:
Hillary Clinton: Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Rupert Murdoch Hillary Fund Raiser, North American Union (NAU), Amero Declinig Dollar.
Bill Clinton: NAFTA, Trilateral Commission, Rhodes Scholar Cecil Rhodes, Bohemian Grove.
And I don't want to hear that crap about "Things used to be all peaceful and prosperous when Bill was in office " Bull S**t bombs fell on Iraq from when Poppa Bush was in Office through the entire Clinton era, they didn't make CNN everyday but it is recorded history, and Thank Bill Gates for the 90's tech boom NOT Bill Clinton.
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RON PAUL for President 2008