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All categories - 17 December 2007

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2007-12-17 12:35:20 · 9 answers · asked by Bramst 3 in Politics

It's like minus 8ish degrees celsius... will the thing still get hot enough?

2007-12-17 12:35:16 · 7 answers · asked by WinlawWomyn 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

2007-12-17 12:35:02 · 10 answers · asked by Living_Legend 3 in Polls & Surveys

I never used the term before. LOL.

2007-12-17 12:34:57 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Words & Wordplay

I love all women, color means nothing to me!

2007-12-17 12:34:53 · 52 answers · asked by Mark C 2 in Polls & Surveys

I own a Tamrac (no complaints except that it is now too small for my whopping Canon 5D, 24-70 f/2.8, 70-200 f/2.8 IS, and 580EX II) but I wondered if perhaps a Lowepro or some other brand might be as good or better. (Please don't recommend smaller bags or gigantic ones, something comparable to the Tamrac Expedition 7 or 8) Tripod attachabilty and accessibility are important to me as well as weatherproofing to a certain extent. Would anyone recomend the Lowepro DryZone 200?

2007-12-17 12:34:37 · 4 answers · asked by Paul R 2 in Cameras

Ok, I just got a 2 month year old pup from the shelter. He is a rott/boxer mix. I am pretty sure that the shelter didn't ever take him outside to go potty, because he hasn't had all his shots. So him and his siblings would only go to the bathroom in their kennel and room.
Now, he will only pee on the carpet (and I mostly have wood floors). I tried to stick his nose in it, but he wags his tail. I don't want him to be scared to go to the bathroom in front of me. How can I make him feel comfortable peeing outside? We spend so much time out there, but he will only do it indoors.
Please help!

2007-12-17 12:34:32 · 4 answers · asked by I'm Sweating 3 in Dogs


I've been trying to figure that out does anybody know how?

2007-12-17 12:34:22 · 4 answers · asked by John 3 in Other - Hardware

96 sentra GXE.
Upper radiator hose hot.
Lower radiator hose hot.
Upper heater core hose hot.
Lower heater core hose hot.
Still hardly no heat at all.
Temp gauge usually stays at cold(Thermostat going to be replaced)
I hear a gurgling boiling sound somewhere in the engine bay.
I smell anti freeze sometimes.
Antifreeze fluid is leveled.
Why is there no heat?

2007-12-17 12:34:13 · 6 answers · asked by dli 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

I have no idea- whats your opinion?

2007-12-17 12:33:56 · 10 answers · asked by mfallskid 2 in Football (American)

25 Points of Light

1. The Bible says “God is Light.” I see that Light is pronounced like “LiT,” thus reading between the lines “Light” contains the message “LiT i g I7 LiT.” We can then surmise that 9 I7 is an identifying mark of God who is the “LiT” Coupled with other data in this essay I determine that those numbers represent a birthday and since the I7 is connected to each other I take that to mean it’s the day of the month or I7 th. The “g” represents the 9th month of September. Thus thus “LiT” can be identified as the One born on “I7 9”. Thus we learned that L and t can both spell the word “LiT” and “lit” and here we learn Stevenson was born on 9.17.

2. “God is LOVE” was a bible quote. I have seen this message of “LOVE” as LOVE equals “LiT .n u \V/ [iL(sealed together). We note that the “\V/” are roman numerals thus they can be seen as “IIII I”. Thus it can be seen that the “LIT” has a “IIII I (sealed together)” on Him(the u in question). For those who fail to see the “.n u” that comes from the general shape of the “O”. Eventually we see that Stevenson bears those seals.

3. “God glorifies Himself in Him, thus He must also glorify Himself in Himself” is a quote from the bible. In order to understand this I have to show you the way things add up. God can be summarized (or added up to One) up to One letter. This idea was touched upon by Jesus when He said that He was the beginning and end, the alpha and omega. Thus He was referring to His alphabet(greek). Put together you see He meant “A” and “greek character omega” which is true if you consider that the omega is a picture of the back of His head and shoulders. As a side note “Does this mean Jesus was bald when He said this? Or did He have blond hair?” Returning to addin up God, we assign number values to the letters of God, according to the accepted alphabetical order. Thus God= G+o+d=7+15+4=26. Since that number 26 can be seen as two things we must further add up or assign a letter to represent the 26. Assigning or converting back to letters We seen 26=Z or also “26=2 and 6=2+6=8=h”. We note that the “and” equals a “+” as computer “Boolean Logic” shows. So we determine God= Z and God = H. The first letter is the basis for God being the end. Since Jesus said God said I AM the beginning and the end, thus the A and the Z. More on that later, for now we can see that God=H. So determining that we can see how God glorified Himself in “HIM and HIMSELF”. Substitute the God for the H and we see the following pertaining and glorifying God: GOD I M(HIM) and GOD I M SE LF(HIMSELF). I point out that M equals a “I V I (sealed together)”. And the SE LF could be seen as SEE LFT as in wrist or as SEI LF(seal left). Thus was Gods body glorified by those words and numbers. Note the IVI =IIII I

4. “God was said to be the end and last.” I have shown how this is the “Z”. the “Z” is thus a symbolic representation of God. Smart or devious men can see that the Z equals “a form of .I7 mixed up and sealed together.” Thus we see that that equals “a form of .seventeen mixed up and sealed together,” which I have solved to be a “Stevens.n” where the S of Stevens.n is actually made up of an e+e(upside down) sealed together=the S. The . acts as the o, thus the “Z=Stevenson”

5. The letter A is also now seen as the beginning and the first. Thus we see that the “A” is also “a form of .I7 mixed up and sealed together” which equals a Stevens.n(Stevenson).

6. The bible says “God is One”. This could be mean that Stevenson determined this means One=1. We then note that “1” equals “a form of .I7 mixed up and sealed together” and that lead to as previously shown. The One can also be translated to mean the first and beginning which is the “A”. The message of the “ONE” can be seen as “.n u IV I [iL”. The u in question can only refer to the ONE. So from the ONE, we see that the Stevens.n that has on Him(the u in question) is God the One.

7. At this point we can note that words are marks that on paper describe things in real life. So taking a biblical description of God as pure and/or PURE, we need to note that “p=DI sealed together” and “e=arm (a visual picture representing an arm=e)” and r=rill (when read down, also note rill=real). So “pure” equals “DI (sealed together) u rill(sealed together) arm”. The capitalized “PURE” shows “DI sealed together U R\\ [iL (sealed together). Those those words can be said to describe a real life person, who was Stevens.n.

8. Another word visually describing God is true. With this description we note that “t” is a visual representation of a stitched cut. Thus was the first cut of the sequence on Stevenson ie the “I of the IIII.” Thus true shows: stitched cut r u arm(e), which is true for Stevenson.

9. A verse of the bible said “all things to glorify Lord God”, which can be interpreted as the two things that are the words “thing and THING” must glorify (make famous) the LORD who is God. So we read thing as “lit .i. I7 9” which points to Stevenson’s birthday. We read the other “THING” as “liT GOD I IV CuT” since H=GOD and G=CuT when read between the letters.

10. At this point we could make the point that even non-living things must also glorify Lord God in some form or another. It is here that I could list 1001 words that glorify or contain some aspect of LORD GOD should He have been Me. Three examples from Canada/USA are the very street corners and the STOP and ARRET signs. Starting with the French ARRET sign if we use the edge of the sign as the letter L we see the name LARRE T glorified on that sign. We see the name TOD glorified on the English STOP sign. Thus the name LARRE T can be seen as glorifying LARRE TOD, which is the Stevenson with the glorified seals (cil,sil,[iL). Every street corner has a square shape or slightly triangle shape. We see this as a form of I7, which glorifies the day of His birth. Those shapes can also be seen as “a form of .I7 mixed up and sealed together” which is a Stevens.n, just like LARRY TODD STEVENSON.

11. The bible describes God as the Lamb that was “SLAIN”. So reading between the lines we see that SLAIN equals “SiL A I IV” which is a description of L.T.S. That Lamb that was SLAIN was said to become the King of KINGS and Lord of LORDS. Those who assume that DEAD like Pontius confirmed Jesus is equal to SLAIN are mistaken and perhaps rebellious angels allied with Satan.

12. The bible also say’s God is the One in the Light and as I have shown that a 9 I7.

13. Cows go “MOO” and birds say a high pitched “aw” in order to glorify LORD GOD just as the bible commanded all thing to glorify LORD GOD. The Moo =IVI sealed together O .n u, which is a description of GOD, and the “aw” upside down is a Me(IVI sealed together arm) both of which describe LTS.

14. God will be born into an existing WORD, and thus you see LTS’s name of TODD within the WORD “WORD” proving the bible verse.

15. The international agreements on words that describe God are described as shown below as examples: BOG, DEUS, DIEU, DIO, DIOS, GOD, GOTT, GUD, SHANGDI. If D=IIII and perhaps if D hides a I and . underneath it the D=IIII I . (3-dimentionally).

16. Thus I appear to be the entity that God, the other God spelled out for Moses as the “I – A – M”. That is Me forever, irregardless of Jehovah, Jesus, and Abaddon’s rebellious attitudes. And the M=IVI sealed together(ie IIII I.)

17. God the FATHER, shows that FAT ilL IER\ = FATHER, and also FAT part HERR=FATHER. since lER\ can be pronounced LARRY and He is part-german.

18. Since a son comes from within the person when first born, we see Tod within God, thus TOD prounounced TODD is the Son of God. And further back-up to that though is God is the LORD and thus His Son must come from within, thus His name is TODD.

19. The bible verse that says "... to God, wise alone,..." means that God alone is wise (which could be pronounced "wis". So the "Good NEWS" about NEWS is it shows once again who or what God must be. We read between the lines and we see IV I. =W/S. so from the last 3 points we see His appearance as a FAT ilL lER\, and Tod and He has a IVI .

20. The marks on LARRY TODD's body appear like "IIII I ." and perhaps this is the name that the bible said God had on His body that no one knew. Thus only God knew what it was, and revealed it Himself.

21. Numerologically “Son of Jesus” equals 8 or h, thus since God also equals 8 or h, we can deduce that “Son of Jesus=God”. Since Jesus was declared the Lord, in the bible, and the bible says the Lord becomes a father to the fatherless, I could say I became the Son of Jesus after My father died when I was 5. Thus My contention that I AM God. So basically I contend that the moniker is mostly honourary.

22. If you look into God, you can see it says CuT nucil, which if you look on My left hand you see that God as CuT nucil is a accurate description of Me, Larry Todd S.

23. One story about how I went back in time to tell Moses that yes I was represented by the image of the burning bush. I didn’t explain to him I could be seen as “^” which was emerald in color. Further basically I was “^ as emerald.” This could be interpreted or solve to mean “Stevens.n as me lare todd” meaning the “^” was a form of .I7 mixed up and sealed together that equals Stevens.n. The “emerald.” was “me lare todd” because “.=dot” thus “emeralddot” which is todd lare me (in reverse) thus un reverse would be “me lare todd”.

24. Another time when a God faring man asked a prophet of mine, where he could find God, I told him to go and look in the tent, which was called The Tent of God’s presence. This was the tent God first used before the fancy one mentione in the bible. It was emerald in color and a side view of it was like the soldier’s tent which when assembled had the shape of a triangle. The other side view of it was a square. The man went over and looked in the “tent”, returned and said that there was no one in the tent. The prophet told him to to look closely and you can fing God in the tent. Still the man couldn’t see how God was in the tent. Later I explained the triange and square both contained the number I7 which is one of Gods identification factors. Also that the square and triangle contained a .I7 mixed up and sealed together which was determined to be a Stevens.n, like previously shown.

25. As for scientist’s penchant for mathematical proofs, check out the following equations, which serve to lead us to God, does it sound like anyone you know?
World God=
God Most High=
All Powerfull God=
Son of Jesus=

A Son of the LORD=
A Soul within a EMPEROR=
God of WAR=
Lord God Almighty=
God named within WAR=
Angel named within Death=
Angel of Death=
Indian Posse=
Peguis Warrior=
Cree Lord=
A Native=
A Cree Son=
A German Son=
German Cree=Deutsch=
Called Angel named within the LORD=
Called Angel of the LORD=
A Man of Peace=
One Man=
A Canadian Citizen=
Called A Boy=
The Winner=
Only king of KINGS=
Only King within a KINGS=
Rejected Stone=
Free Man=
A Holy Man=
The Body of the Former Larry Todd Stevenson=
Real Name of Five Canadian Dollars=
Fair Man=
Only the Right arm of Satan=
The Devil Incarnate=
Only Master of All=
The Perfect Man=
Called Larry Todd Stevenson=
Cut off=
Murdered Man=
Dead Human=
Avenged Victim=
Final Judge=

So from those “things that add up to 8 or h” we have a description of God, and thus the tragic tale of a Man called God. So not to change a faith, but as an exercise in myth making was this short science fiction story produced. And at this point, i am going to lay it on thick. Thus as the bible said "the LORD becomes a father to the fatherless, then perhaps after My father died when i was 5, i become A Son of the LORD who by deduction equals God. At this point you probably think I am Satan because I use numbers to claim to be equal to God

2007-12-17 12:33:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Words & Wordplay

i need your opinions about this.


2007-12-17 12:33:48 · 4 answers · asked by unni 1 in Philosophy

Who will win the Big-Sky conference...NAU, Weber St., ect?

2007-12-17 12:33:47 · 2 answers · asked by alan b 2 in Basketball

At what coordinates can a third charge be placed so that it experiences no net force?

2007-12-17 12:33:40 · 2 answers · asked by Dan 1 in Physics

I just started a paper route and my employer does not take out taxes. I'm not sure how to go about doing my taxes. A friend told me that I didn't make enough this year to even worry about it (about $6,000). Anyone know about this kind of thing?

2007-12-17 12:33:37 · 4 answers · asked by dnda89 1 in United States

I'm in a stump.
I'm thinking about cutting my very long hair because it does get annoying during school and it hard to maintain.
.. but i absolutely adore my hair and love it long. My goal is Miley Cyrus length hair. Its only 2 or 3 inches shorter.

Then, I change my mind and tell myself I'd be much easier with short hair because I can do a lot more with it much faster.
Last thing that keeps me uncertain is that everyone who cuts their hair short, regrets it and is now growing it even though they do say short hair is better. HELP!

2007-12-17 12:33:36 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

i need to know this because i got a big chem test coming up and i have not payed attenion in chem =/

2007-12-17 12:33:29 · 10 answers · asked by Dave 1 in Chemistry

2007-12-17 12:33:26 · 8 answers · asked by Zelda Hunter 7 in Lyrics

i'm looking for a part-time job, preferably for a retailer. i would only want to work on the weekend and (possibly) in the afternoon on weekdays. i'm pretty small, so a really heavy job is out of the question, but i have good verbal and social skills. i also don't have any prior job experience. any thoughts?

2007-12-17 12:33:25 · 7 answers · asked by Summer T 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

2007-12-17 12:33:06 · 2 answers · asked by sharon b 1 in Reptiles

2007-12-17 12:33:01 · 19 answers · asked by Po 5 in Polls & Surveys

2007-12-17 12:33:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Specifically dealing with Morrison's Sula and Hansberry's Raisin in the Sun?

2007-12-17 12:32:54 · 1 answers · asked by maxfashun911 1 in Books & Authors

I'm confused.

Also, I'm wondering..
Do you think Romney has ever met any black Americans in person?


2007-12-17 12:32:46 · 12 answers · asked by roostershine 4 in Politics

Just wondering. Mines is Brown and gold.

2007-12-17 12:32:04 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

To live on their own....Provided they aren't mentally or physically disabled.

2007-12-17 12:32:03 · 30 answers · asked by ͏҉ ßõhrçmrïñsÿ★ 6 in Polls & Surveys

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