I am going to ask a series of questions; thank you for the most helpful answers that you can give.( I KNOW THAT EVERYBODY IS DIFFERENT, ASSUME THE PERSON IN THESE SITUATIONS IS NORMAL-AVERAGE)
1. In mathematics do you think that it is intrest in the class that can help a student, or do you think that it is all based on natural ability?
2. Is consitancy in a math class crucial to the studen learnig mathematics?
3. Do you think that a person who is average in math with an intrest to learn and be very good; can become kind of like a genius or very good at it?
4. In all forms of mathematics both advanced and low are there formulas to evey problem?
5. Is math based more on formula, or figuring things out?
Thank you for the most helpful answers that you can give.,
If possible can you also leave the last math class you took, the grade, and your relation to math, thank you.
2 answers
asked by
Q guy