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All categories - 16 December 2007

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which is better? 9mm or .40 cal?

2007-12-16 12:12:56 · 16 answers · asked by jasper c 1 in Hunting

ok so here they are :

7.the worlds smallest cell
b_ _ _e_ _ _

6. a group of simmilar cells
_ _ s_ _ _

17. [hardest] describes an organisim that exists as a group of cells

_u_ _i_ _ e_ l_ _ a_

16. scientific discription of all liveing things in terms of cells

_ _ _ _ _ h _ o _ _

21. a large vesicle that stores enzymes or liqids

_ _ c _ o _ _

27. a structure preforming spefic function within a cell

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

thanks a TON i love you!!

2007-12-16 12:12:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Biology

i just draw when im board and try to draw flames on cars/trucks

2007-12-16 12:12:35 · 2 answers · asked by pringle 1 in Drawing & Illustration

and if you're already grown up, what are you???

2007-12-16 12:12:33 · 18 answers · asked by x_LITTLE_RED_♥_MCR_x 3 in Polls & Surveys

My doctor put me on tri-sprintec b/c he will be putting me on accutane soon and u can't use accutane unless u are on birth control. I have to get on accutane cuz i have really bad acne. but i was reading that tri-sprintec can make you gain weight...is that true?? I am 5ft. 4in. and i weigh 135 lbs. I already think that i am a little overweight so i don't want to gain anymore....will i?????

2007-12-16 12:12:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

As noted above, I fell on the ice and really bruised my right side of my ribs, I could hardly breathe. Been sore for a few weeks, now underneath my right breast I found a small lump about the size of a marble. It really hurts. I had a mamogram last December and no noted concerns at all. My ribs still hurt. Same side where I hurt my ribs. Thanks

2007-12-16 12:12:25 · 3 answers · asked by lynnette m 2 in Women's Health

i recently started writing to this guy in prsion i was trying to be nice and help someone out
i dont know him and he's in another state
and he wrote back and his letter was very nice
he sounds intelligent and like a nice guy
( even though hes in prison lol)
its not like a romantic relationship NO!! NEVER!!!
but i just want to be a friend and do something nice for someone who needs it
my friends say that its not such a good idea and they keep making jokes like he goona come get you when he gets out
but i thought i was being nice
and he seemed really appreciative
so should i keep it going?

2007-12-16 12:12:10 · 5 answers · asked by =) 3 in Friends

2007-12-16 12:12:02 · 4 answers · asked by C H 1 in Medicine

Hello everyone!
what was Herodias' relationship to King Herod in the Bible?

luckynumba23 ;-)

2007-12-16 12:11:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Sometimes when i stand up, walk, or strech i kind of blackout. I'm still totally consious and all but everything goes black and i cant see anything and i get really dizzy and unstable. This happens daily probably. Usually it only lasts a few seconds and my vision fades back in. but today I stretched my arms above my head and the usual thing happened, except it lasted a lot longer than it normally and I got a lot more dizzy. I almost fell over and had to like shake my head to get out of it.

is this something serious or what??

2007-12-16 12:11:44 · 5 answers · asked by Kat 2 in Other - Health

I have photoshop 7 and image ready. I want to learn how to create my own animation story starting from scratch, drawing characters, making scenes and objects, everything. Are there any web sites that have video tutorials, or where do i start? I want them to have a cartoon style, but some what realistic.

2007-12-16 12:11:34 · 2 answers · asked by ... 2 in Software

so theres this problem. my sister who is 11 got in trouble (im not going into the details). and when ever i find that she did something again (that has to do with the thing that she did in the first place) i tell my mom and i get proof and everything. and my mom always tells me she wants to know if anyhting happens but then when i tell her everything gets bad again. my sister tries to say i'm lying when i have proof and then everyone is mad at me even though they kno she really did it. she has a problem with lying and my parnts kno that and shes seeing a counsler. but evr since the day this happened everything has been bad at home. my parents fight over everything my mom is really depressed over all thats been happening. my dad is always mad and hes yelling at everyone. my sister says she hates everyone and she wants to switch families. but she is having a rough time at school. the kids are bullying her and she hates school. how can i comfort them andmakemysisfeellikeshecanloveme

2007-12-16 12:11:26 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous 2 in Family

I'm currently 15 almost 16 and I would really want to start strength training. I have some equipement (bench press and free weights) but i was wondering if you could help and give me some sort of routine to start. (Dont forget I'm 16) By the way I do not want to take steroids if that's to be in the routine!!!
So as I said, I would appreciate if you gave me a routine (training time and exercices to do in order with the equipement i mentioned before.)

2007-12-16 12:11:19 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I want to leave early in the summer, but it takes over 6 months for a passport to be approved. I need to be able to leave legally as soon as possible. Also, what information does anyone have about finding someone in a foreign country that you have never been to before and can barely speak the language? I need to find this person, but it is so difficult!! They have my heart, and I need to be with them!!! I would leave now, but I can't for various reasons. Please help me find a way to my lover before it is too late!!! Please!! I need to find a way to him!! He needs to know that I still love him before it is too late!!

2007-12-16 12:11:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

\TRied to start car ths mornign...wouldnt start......Later at night afetr a cold day..Started right up.....while running it was tesed with a volt meter and read 11 volts telling us it was not charging...it continuted to run and at one point it quit...it was rechecked with vol metere and read below 1o volts and would nto even begin to start....not even clicking.....wondering it is the alternator or the battery
Note: Battery terminals already cleaned
Replaced battery about a year ago
I also belive the alternator was replaced 2 years ago


2007-12-16 12:11:07 · 4 answers · asked by nell0056 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

Is aspartame a monosaccharide, disaccharide, or polysaccharide?

Same goes for saccharine and sucralose.

2007-12-16 12:11:06 · 3 answers · asked by rosie 2 in Chemistry

I seriously haven't seen one. No joke. Butanyways, to go with the question, What's your favorite topping on pizza!

2007-12-16 12:11:04 · 35 answers · asked by ? 5 in Polls & Surveys

I want to make one for free....anyone know where I need to go to do so??

2007-12-16 12:10:49 · 4 answers · asked by 2 in Programming & Design

Mine is Christianity.

Runners up are Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism---ehhh...theism in general.

2007-12-16 12:10:48 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

sounds kinda werid i guess but for some reason i still picture my ex as being pretty flawless. i am over him n all but i still kind of think of him like that....

2007-12-16 12:10:35 · 11 answers · asked by NAF SREWSNA OOHAY 4 in Polls & Surveys

2007-12-16 12:10:29 · 7 answers · asked by sweetlady1 3 in Other - Car Makes

I already know within the first quarter but when is that?

2007-12-16 12:10:09 · 2 answers · asked by justin h 1 in Other - Television

"at one point or another...no one knows the truth....even our own convictions are doubtful....they betray us... therefore we'll never know who's lying or not."

2007-12-16 12:10:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

2007-12-16 12:10:06 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

So, I really like this guy... In fact, I love him. He happens [or happened] to be my best friend. I play sports like volleyball and love playing football with the guys. I love the outdoors and can fight hard. But I'm pretty girly, but in an edgy way. I either wear skirts or skinny jeans with bows in my hair sometimes. I'm have a scene hairstyle, but I curl often. I'm usually tan, but I'm white at the moment with brown hair with natural blonde highlights and hazel eyes. I'm tall and thin too. Well, now my personality... I'm really friendly, but also shy, sweet, dorky, and funny. So, he broke up with his girlfriend and I guess after he got with a friend of mine named Chelsey. I thought he felt the same, but I guess not. I mean, he flirts with me all the time and is always hugging me, putting his arm around me, even kissing me! We've been mistake as a couple MANY times and we just smile when they say that.But, why did he ask Chelsey out and not me?Is she a rebound or something? Am I ugly?

2007-12-16 12:10:02 · 10 answers · asked by ? 3 in Polls & Surveys

A) Admit you are clueless and maybe consider researching it a little.
B) Deny you are clueless and answer anyway, thus mking youself look like a fool.
C) Hit the back button and ignore the quetion.

2007-12-16 12:09:39 · 22 answers · asked by queen of snarky-yack again 4 in Religion & Spirituality

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