She is 7 1/2 months old, and I think that shes in heat for the 3rd time. She starts meowing loudly and a LOT! She paces, rubs on everything, and rolls on the carpet. The 1st time seemed to last about 5 days, about 3 weeks later the 2nd time lasted about 10 days. Its been about 4 weeks and she has started and its lasted for 2 days so far.
I came on to ask another question, was researching, and I saw that somebody said that their cat tries to pee on things in heat. I noticed that my kitty does hunker in that same position just wherever, but I havent noticed her actually peeing. She also kind of crawls on her belly with her hind end in the air. While this is only mildly annoying (especially when done in my face or to my leg), I wonder if she has been peeing or having menses (like people). I did have a smelly situation after the last heat cycle, but I had some apples and potatoes go bad too. After cleaning the house , the smell was mild and gradually gone. Could it be her?
7 answers
asked by
Barefoot Chick