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All categories - 21 November 2007

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A immortal vampire.

2007-11-21 09:58:38 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

Cheerio's, Honey Chex, or musli with yoghurt? :)

2007-11-21 09:58:35 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

wat the hell does this mean?
"Always remember that striving and struggle precede success, even in the dictionary.
Whats ur interpretation on this?

2007-11-21 09:58:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Quotations

My 8 month old son is starting to get pretty frustrated. He lies on his belly and tries hard to move but cannot seem to get going. I am just wondering how much longer will it take him to crawl? I have tried putting toys in front of him but this doesn't seem to work. Does anybody have different ideas to get him to crawl?

2007-11-21 09:58:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I just plugged my tester into my 1995 Ford Ranger to see why the check engine light is on it came back as "EGR flow insufficient". So what part do I need exactly? Just another EGR valve or is there more to it? I no absolutely nothing my vehicles BTW.

2007-11-21 09:58:07 · 7 answers · asked by midnightslasher83 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I am planning a trip during last week of December and first week of January a trip to Torrance, CA. Can anybody give me some advice about things to do and to see? I am planning to visit San Diego and Las Vegas as well.

Thanks in advance.

2007-11-21 09:58:04 · 4 answers · asked by cordial 3 in Los Angeles

Have a great holiday weekend. See you on Monday. Richard & Sheryl.

2007-11-21 09:57:59 · 8 answers · asked by TD Euwaite? 6 in Polls & Surveys

I need to know if this is a bad hairstyle!?? and what to do at school if it is!


2007-11-21 09:57:51 · 23 answers · asked by Leo R 3 in Hair

Criminals, Clintons, Campaigns
What do these three Americans have in common?
John Deutch, the CIA director between May 1995 and December 1996, faced criminal charges for storing state secrets on his home computer.
David Herdlinger, a former Arkansas prosecutor and judge, pleaded guilty to mail fraud in 1986, having accepted bribes to waive charges against those accused of drunk driving.
Alfredo Luna Pharr Regalado failed to mention to a Customs official that he was smuggling into America more than the $10,000 permitted.
If your answer is "They are all free as a bird, having been given a last-minute pardon by President Clinton," you are right, though that is not the answer the examiners are looking for.
The correct answer is that all three, who were indeed pardoned at the last minute by Mr. Clinton, have made recent financial contributions to the presidential campaign coffers of Senator Clinton. Mr. Deutch, now a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, gave the maximum of $2,300. Mr. Herdlinger, who has relocated to Georgia and now describes himself as "a coach, catalyst, and facilitator helping people and companies discover and develop their potential," gave $1,000. And Mr. Regalado, an "insurance agent," gave $2,000.
The news that Mrs. Clinton has accepted money from three criminals who were pardoned by Mr. Clinton in highly contentious circumstances — or, more accurately, two criminals and Mr. Deutch, who was on the point of being charged by the Justice Department when he was let off the hook — is sure to prove hugely embarrassing to Mrs. Clinton's campaign.
It revives a deeply damaging controversy about the ethics of the Clintons at a time when Mrs. Clinton is already fending off accusations that a member of her campaign has been smearing her principal rival, Senator Obama, by suggesting to a top Democrat, according to the columnist Robert Novak, that they are sitting on scandalous information about the Illinois lawmaker that is so damaging, it would stop his campaign in its tracks.
It throws into doubt whether Mr. Clinton is a clear political asset to his wife's campaign, or whether the prospect of his return to the White House in an as yet unspecified senior capacity might not bring with it a return of the procession of scurrilous accusations that severely hampered his ability to govern.
And it casts doubt on what has thus far been the pre-eminent efficiency of the Clinton campaign. Mrs. Clinton's defense when she found out that a major donor, Norman Hsu, was still on the run, having failed to appear in court after pleading no contest to a charge of grand theft 15 years ago, was that it was difficult to keep track of the back stories of all those who gave her money.
But surely the Clinton campaign, which is credited with being the most disciplined and determined in modern history, might have foreseen that if someone granted a pardon by Mr. Clinton were to give even a cent to his wife, the fact would become a major political story?
You don't have to be part of Mrs. Clinton's "vast right wing conspiracy" to realize that such a donation, never mind three of them in a row, might be considered by even those without dirty minds as likely evidence of a quid pro quo. It is not as if the list of Clinton pardonees is hard to remember. After all, Mr. Clinton pardoned only 140 criminals and issued commutations to the sentences of 36 others on his last day in office, each one of whom attracted maximum publicity.
Now the whole "Pardongate" affair, which attracted its own independent special counsel, can be revived as a legitimate concern. Which grateful recipients of Mr. Clinton's beneficence have given money to his wife? It is what Mrs. Clinton might call a "gotcha question."
Which of the 15 pardoned cocaine dealers, including Mr. Clinton's self-confessed coke dealer brother, Roger, has given? Has she received cash from the newspaper heiress-turned-anarchist terrorist and bank robber Patricia Hearst? Or the secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Henry Cisneros, who misled the FBI during his appointment hearings about payments made to a mistress?
Just three checks and $5,300 later, immense damage has been done. Not that you could tell it from the official nonapology of Mrs. Clinton's campaign.
"We have raised over $65 million from over 200,000 people," her campaign manager, Howard Wolfson told the suitably named Jake Tapper, the ABC News reporter who first broke the story. "I appreciate your bringing the instance of this $5,300 and these three people to our attention."
There is nothing to suggest that anything illegal has taken place. Pardoned felons have had all their rights as a citizen restored, including the right to give money to the campaign of their choice. But the whole affair calls into question the motivation behind such donations — and whether gratitude played any part.
As Mr. Clinton argued in a spirited defense of his actions in the New York Times just a month after he left office, presidents are free to pardon whom they wish. "There is only one prohibition: there can be no quid pro quo. And there certainly was not in this or any of the other pardons and commutations I granted," he wrote.

2007-11-21 09:57:46 · 8 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2 in Politics

Congresswoman Iris Varela stormed onto the set of Gustavo Azocar's morning program on Tachira Regional Television, shouting: "I'm demanding a right of reply from this man who has offended me all the time on this program."

The on-air confrontation, in which Varela slapped Azocar several times and then hit him with the microphone, grabbed national attention in Venezuela and is likely to generate a wider debate in the country about free speech issues and the news media.

Azocar is an outspoken critic of leftist President Hugo Chavez, and Varela is one of Chavez's close allies in the National Assembly.

See link - http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,312391,00.html

Question - What are your thoughts ?

2007-11-21 09:57:39 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

chose only one and chose wisely...none shall pass...

2007-11-21 09:57:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

me and my girlfriend are in a long distance relationship. we live 4 and a half hours away. i am 18 and she is 16. her mom is ok with us being together and has no problenm with her and me talking on the phone. but her dad on the other hand does not like us being together and does not like us talking on the phone either. i am kind of pissed at the dad because he does not even know me. he knows my name and age but thats about it. i am not sure if there is anything i can do. is there anything i can do or not?

2007-11-21 09:57:34 · 6 answers · asked by djfellowship3 1 in Family

Lots of people answered Al-Maghrebi's question, but then he took it off the the Yahoo Answers board. So I'm re-posting it for further discussion. By the way, Al-Maghrebi means "the Maghrebian" in Arabic -- it's an adjective. The writer is saying that he is from the Maghreb region, which includes Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

I'll post my answer to his question below and then all you kids can chime in.

2007-11-21 09:57:18 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

if so what do you like to order when you go?

2007-11-21 09:57:11 · 30 answers · asked by me 2 in Fast Food


2007-11-21 09:57:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

This is the assignment.
Measure the height of your computer monitor to the nearest tenth of a centimeter or sixteenth of an inch. Measure the width of your monitor as well. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the diagonal of your monitor. How do I measure it the the sixteenth of an inch? And how would I apply the Pythagorean Theorem to this?

I found the height which is 14 inches
The width is 15.5 inches

2007-11-21 09:57:10 · 5 answers · asked by cupnnas2002 3 in Mathematics

2007-11-21 09:57:10 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-11-21 09:57:07 · 14 answers · asked by April 5 in Polls & Surveys

Beckham took it on the nose ok

2007-11-21 09:57:01 · 25 answers · asked by Plato 5 in Current Events

I'm a bit bored. Please entertain me without being too outrageous - you know, no aliens or horror movie characters.

2007-11-21 09:56:55 · 9 answers · asked by AlongthePemi 6 in Soap Operas

I have been having the same exact dream for the past 4month.
I see something coming out of the water (monster or something) as it rises i cant help myself to notice that he has seven heads and ten horns ( in every dream ) after that he turns to a baby and i pick it up and care for him . Then i take the baby to a cabin where i kill the bay using a sword . weird . I keep having this exact dream every night since like June. so will any one help me and tell me if there's a meaning behind it?

2007-11-21 09:56:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

For Thanksgiving, do you eat the traditional meal for lunch or dinner??

2007-11-21 09:56:23 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-11-21 09:56:23 · 64 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singing

This is for a economics class. My instructor told me to start with the definition of a monopoly and then relate that to Microsoft.
Guys I've done the reading and am more confused then when I started. So any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

2007-11-21 09:56:20 · 4 answers · asked by bkm_71csi 3 in Economics

2007-11-21 09:56:14 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Malaysia

Come on, you remember 'em ... the ultimate in low-tech homework storage devices ... goldenrod, with ink drawings of happy caucasian basketball players in Chuck Taylors. You wrote the names of your beloved (TLA, true love always!) on 'em, alongside the names of your favorite bands. (Did you get good at drawing the little lightening bolt between AC and DC? I did.)

2007-11-21 09:56:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

If they are real how nuch could be cost. Thnk you.

2007-11-21 09:55:53 · 6 answers · asked by da4kinov 1 in Photography

Which one was it? Any year, any series, let me know.

2007-11-21 09:55:48 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baseball

2007-11-21 09:55:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

the singer seal has scars either side of his face that look a bit like little dots going across. i heard they were tribal marks is this true

2007-11-21 09:55:43 · 14 answers · asked by tracy d 1 in Tattoos

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