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All categories - 3 November 2007

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My school project is due 2morrow i thought it was November 15th it turned out it is on November 5th, i have to write a speech about anythin but i have NO TOPICS in my mind at all i cant think of anything, please help?

2007-11-03 15:37:27 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Primary & Secondary Education

I know in the state of Texas, when BUYING a home, this information has to be disclosed, but I'm not sure about a lease.

2007-11-03 15:36:53 · 4 answers · asked by Corona 5 in Renting & Real Estate

Is breast pain a sign of breast cancer? I only have pain in one breast on the side...I don't do breast checks because I am squimish...I just can't seem to touch myself there. I am 24 years old. It doesn't run in my family. I am overweight, and I have never smoked.

2007-11-03 15:36:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

. . . that refers to the 'cute' visuals qualities that pertains to baby mammals that describes their 'cuteness'.

What is it, please?

2007-11-03 15:36:31 · 5 answers · asked by Freesumpin 7 in Words & Wordplay

Hey there, I am looking for a bottle of Lloyds bbq sauce . . . not the tubs of shredded pork / beef from the brand Lloyds, just the actual sauce . . . thanks!

2007-11-03 15:36:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cooking & Recipes

Becoming a vegetarian?

any ideas?

*Best title*
*Best Answer*

2007-11-03 15:36:11 · 13 answers · asked by J3$$!C@ 2 in Vegetarian & Vegan

but yet still choose to follow their own religion, which also has fantastical tendencies??
I mean, like Christianity, for example, having a huge following. Parting a sea? Being beamed up (to heaven) in a golden ray of light?? Does this not scream at people in todays world? I mean, I realise that people in the dark ages might have seen these things and thought there must be some all knowing being that can do magical stuff.. But then why persecute those others who seem to be able to do things too, and burn them as witches? Why laugh at, or minimise other people who believe in aliens?
Why go on mass killing sprees, (long ago), and kill anyone who doesnt believe, as heretics? How does someone say things like "murder is wrong, but if you believe something different than me, I will kill you"?
In todays world, why do people believe so strongly, and so easily, in a story, which in any other context, could be put in a childrens fairytale book?

2007-11-03 15:36:08 · 7 answers · asked by Kaaia 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Psychiatrists have classified me as one. But its not my choice and I have to exercise complete and total control over myself every waking hour to be even remotely acceptable to society and i still manage to mess that up by becoming extremely violent with some moron who pissed me off and then become totally calm again, or when i see some woman crying for her lost child, i laugh and could care less...she should have had her eyes on the child....

its not by choice that i am like this, but i have been ever since i can remember...the thing is, i control myself...so why is it when people find out what i am, they act like i have some deadly contagious disease like sars or the bird flu? not only that but they start avoiding eye contact....that actually makes it worse and harder to control

2007-11-03 15:35:55 · 3 answers · asked by vampychic727 2 in Psychology

Every time I come on here, I think of a poem, "The Cold Within" and how it relates to this section. It's saddening that this poem describes this area so well. I had started coming here to share my knowledge and to learn about other religions and points of views. Instead, All I see is hatred.

For those that don't know the poem "The Cold Within", it's about six people, huddled around a fire in the middle of winter. Each has a stick that can cause the fire to burn longer, but none give up their stick for selfish reasons. You have racism (one won't because another is black, and he won't because another is white), religion and economic status.

So, would you give up your stick to help light the fire if you were in the circle, or would you hold back because a Christian/Athiest/other belief was sitting across from you? Would you be burned by the cold within?

2007-11-03 15:35:32 · 11 answers · asked by sister steph 6 in Religion & Spirituality

holy holy holy
how great thou art
i love you lord


2007-11-03 15:35:31 · 1 answers · asked by shibankai 1 in Religion & Spirituality

okay my friends say taht im not ugly and they say i am pretty(personality wise and appearence)i mean guys look at me abd stuff also.but i dont know i just see other girls and it seems like they have something that i dont have but i cant put my hand on it :( does someone else her efeel the same way or do you know a way i can get better?



2007-11-03 15:35:29 · 13 answers · asked by loveable.panda 1 in Other - Beauty & Style

I am looking at online universities and have checked out 3 so far. can you help me with which is the best of the 3.. thanks.

2007-11-03 15:35:23 · 7 answers · asked by Grace S 3 in Higher Education (University +)

Can you give me some bean, peanut, etc recipes if i am on a veggitarian diet and need protien? my friend wants to go on one, and i want to help her !

2007-11-03 15:35:22 · 2 answers · asked by koko 1 in Vegetarian & Vegan

I'm wanting to take my dog to obidence class, to train her to behave she's just a puppy so it would be good for her to learn now. Was it successful for you and your dog after your dog have been trained? Does your dog actually listen to the comands or atleast try to ? or occasionally? I live in canada i'm planning to take my dog to train at pet cetera if anyone has advice on that or facts please let me know

2007-11-03 15:35:13 · 13 answers · asked by onne2slick 2 in Dogs

In December, I'm going to Paris. I've been there once for a short trip, but can't even remember the name of the St Germain area hotel I stayed at.

I don't want to stay at some out of the way place just to save a little money, but I don't want to spend 200 euro a night either.

I found a hotel called the Danube. Looks fairly good.

Do you have any hotel suggestions? Please answer only if you have first hand knowledge. I know a lot of websites I can search on, but I'd like to get real, personal opinions.

The most important factors about the hotel are location (St. Germain is good because it's very centralized, and you can walk to the Lourve), a comfortable and large bed, and a room without noise from the street.

Also, any suggestions about sites to see? Besides the typical (The Lourve, Eiffel Tower, Orsay Museum, Palace at Versailles, Notre Dame, the catacombs, the Le Pere Cemetary), are there any sites you'd recommend? Anything really special to buy?

2007-11-03 15:35:02 · 4 answers · asked by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 in Paris

2007-11-03 15:34:51 · 9 answers · asked by Fox Paws 6 in Polls & Surveys

If you are labeled a terroist you have no rights ther have been two people which the CIA have taken without any civil rights to be heard of and incarcerated them without any sign of release or charges being made.

2007-11-03 15:34:47 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

The (x,y) co-ordinates

2007-11-03 15:34:44 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

I really don't know if i'm depressed or not... so i want to know the symptoms.. thanks.

2007-11-03 15:34:31 · 5 answers · asked by Evoke 6 in Mental Health

They were trying to find what I equals. V=60 and R=40 and answer is 1.5 but I dont understand how they got to I= 1.5
The problem reads I=V/R but V=60 and R=40
Please help me Thank you!

2007-11-03 15:34:29 · 5 answers · asked by Bridgette H 1 in Mathematics

2007-11-03 15:34:25 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Games & Recreation

2007-11-03 15:34:24 · 9 answers · asked by Rebbecca F 1 in Biology

kayla wont sleep in her crib unless she is really out before i put her there, so she either sleeps in her swing or we fall asleap together while she is breastfeeding.

2007-11-03 15:34:19 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I'm 13, but I read at an adult level so don't recomend a teen book. I'll give you an idea of what kind of books I like:

-no books that took place anywhere during 1960 and back
-I love to read memoirs
-I adore authors like John Elder Robinson, Augusten Burroughs, Jeanette Walls, and James Frey
-I would rather read about a mean-spirited pissed off hilarious person rather than kind hearted and sweet.
-I love to read about mental disorders

Thanks everyone!

2007-11-03 15:34:18 · 11 answers · asked by Andrea M 3 in Books & Authors


A....Did you come in on the turnip truck?


B....Is that your fleet of turnip trucks outside?


C....Were you born yesterday
and they left you in the Turnip Patch?

2007-11-03 15:33:57 · 25 answers · asked by ♫ Bubastes, Cat Goddess♥ 7 in Polls & Surveys

2007-11-03 15:33:54 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cooking & Recipes

just wondering

2007-11-03 15:33:40 · 13 answers · asked by draewilly 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

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