One happened less than 70 years ago and the other less than 100 years ago.
Now as many will project your hate and lies on me, I say bring it on. It is not OK to deny either. And to give in to Turkey and its threats is to give in to terrorism. These events happened and for those who will defend the act of denial are no deferent than those who deny the fact we can never compromise with evil as we will lose the backing of God and our souls.
Let me put this in to perspective for my fellow Republicans who are bowing down to Turkey. It is like the saying about the left. When two Lib’s’ walking past and see a man attacking a women they say “he needs help” Or to den this is like saying we can not win the war in Iraq with out the help of Turkey. To deny this is to go back to the days when we would help evil dictators on the basis of the lesser of two evils. Was this right then and is it now? NO. And when we claimed to go after the head of the snake or evil we had better make sure our own house is clean. And today it is not and the Jewish lobby is fighting this very evil act and denying the ties and training ground of the holocaust as Germany was in on this. One more thing about the fear tactics of our leaders, which is the lefts tactics to use fear to control us all. To say we can not win with out Turkey is saying we are weak which is what the left says every day and we need the world to defend us which is a lie.
Now for those on the left you want to make friends with Syria and Iran but not Turkey and they all Muslims that is will and want us dead and to trust any is pure blindness on our part. We must win the war and never compromise with any of them.
Now to give some quotes from our past great leaders.
After WW I former president Theodor Roosevelt berated Woodrow Wilson for his refusal to take action to stop the genocide, “ The Armenian massacre’ “ was the greatest crime of war, and the failure to act against Turkey is to condone it”. The Harvard College Library.
Today we see this happening all over again by surrendering our just and morals and gives us no right to fight any evil if we turn our head to one and attack another. This is called hypocrisy and to be a part of this evil!
USA ambassador Henry Morgenthau in a telegram July 16th 1915 “ A campaign of race extermination “ against the Armenians. National Archives, State Department
Turkey has fought to bury this black page of history and our leaders are dipping their hands in this blood of Christians today. I ask that every Republican and Democrat unite for once in this our history that is being made today. By sharing these facts and looking into them for your self’s. Than call the news media and politicians and tell them to support HR 106.
We do not want the blood of innocent people on our hands. For the right it is the belief in God and for the left it is your claim that you care.
Unite today and send a message to congress if they deny this they deny the Holocaust and both are wrong.
And tell Rush and Glenn beck not to sell out the USA and Gods word. To cave in to Turkey and bury this evil is to dip your hands and soul in the blood of innocent Christians and side with Islam that is to convert us all or enslave and kill us.
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