I met my boyfriend 3yrs ago. I was not interested, but be pursued me. I knew that he was married and that his wife was pregnant with his second daughter. We saw each other briefly before I ended it. About a year later, i ended a bad relationship, and out of lonliness I initiated the beginning of out current relationship. We have been together for about a 1.5 yrs. We got an apt and he moved out 8 months ago. I am 5 mnths prengant and now he says he feels like he is leaving one family for another. He wanted this baby, and now he is unsure. He has a hard time making decisions in his personal life. But he has always told me he never was in love with her, and that he he felt guilty cuz she was older and waited for the proposal for years. He claimed he felt obligated to marry her. Now he only wants to go back, because of the kids. He says he still loves me...Am i wasting my time, should i leave...? He says he want to take care of me and the baby, but i dont know what to do...
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Marriage & Divorce