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All categories - 16 October 2007

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2007-10-16 19:34:00 · 26 answers · asked by Buddy Hodor 7 in Polls & Surveys

Here is the link: http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/europe/10/16/artist.controversy/index.html

Now someone earlier on another blog commented that the reason christians didn't react so blood-thirstily when he portrayed jesus as a pedophile, was because they don't love jesus as much.

Isn't that a bit much like a man who kills his wife for having an affair saying the guys that don't kill just didn't love their wife as much as he did? It's pretty brain damaged reasoning, in my humble opinion.

Anyway, tell me what you think.

2007-10-16 19:33:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

A 1.7 kg body is initially moving northward at 15 m/s. Then a force of 20 N, toward the east, acts on it for a time of 4.5 s.

(a) At the end of that time, what is the body's final velocity?
Direction_________° north of east
(b) What is the change in momentum during that time?

2007-10-16 19:33:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

example:El Nino or El Nina meaning boy/girl or other latin names.is that because spanish is becoming very well-known and accepted as the 2nd common language? is that discrimination against other languages, such as asian languages,etc or should meterologists/weather naming people alternate between different language names/terms and spice it up since the U.S. is very diverse (ex:Category 5 Hurricane = (italian)Mamma Mia! or (french)Le Danger!) or (chinese)Dai-lo*Big Boss*? or should they just all be in english since that is the universal language in the united states? what are your opinions? thanks.

2007-10-16 19:33:13 · 7 answers · asked by polly-pocket 5 in Weather

We have been married 17 yrs, had sex about 10 times since "I DO"! No kidding. We have a 15 year old son. My husband travels Mon 6am to Fri 5pm.. I have met someone I feel I am crazy in love with. My problem is I feel like there is no way for me to pursue this relationship without damaging my son. My husband and I don't argue or fight nor do we have much communication at all. When Fri comes I leave and come back on Sunday evening. I promised my son I will always be here overnight from Sun through Thur, school nights. But we all know while I am here trying to live one life, my mind is somewhere else, trying to see myself in another life. How long before I lose my mind? I love this man so much, he fills every void inside. How do I move forward. I have no job nor can I work to support myself and my son, which is my fault. My son wants be with me, he wants to be home too. That is all he knows. I want to be happy and not hurt my son.

2007-10-16 19:32:19 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

1 boob is bigger than the other!!!!!!!!! WAAY WWAAAY WAAAAAAAAAAAY BIGGER!

2007-10-16 19:32:09 · 9 answers · asked by Lynette R 1 in Women's Health

2007-10-16 19:32:05 · 15 answers · asked by NoLongerHere 7 in Polls & Surveys

2007-10-16 19:31:29 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

if you don't hate it, why are you ignorant of it? or should people conclude that you have your own version of history to suit your hate propaganda?

you don't even know where the Bible came from, how it was preserved, you don't even know where you've inherited your beliefs from, you don't even know how you started, you are even very far from really knowing what the Scripture is saying, name it, what is it that you know, really? basically, your beliefs are just reactionary to the things that don't suit your personal agendas. it is also doubtful that you even know what you're talking about; what you are preaching, and what you are spreading.

2007-10-16 19:30:58 · 12 answers · asked by Ťango 3 in Religion & Spirituality

please sugges how to remove the tree along with its roots,,,,i dont know which chemical can be used here.

2007-10-16 19:30:25 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Home & Garden

Ok. So I answered this question (and she ripped me a new one for pointing out more than 20 spelling errors- I'm just saying use spell check), but I didn't realize what the heck she was saying until I saw her response to the best answer she picked. Take a look....


Is she actually trying to get people NOT to vote as some sort of protest? That's the way I'm reading it and I would NEVER, EVER give up my right to vote. Do you vote? Is there ever a reason you would not vote?

2007-10-16 19:30:24 · 10 answers · asked by crazymommy3 4 in Polls & Surveys

Advice is cheap you can take it from me
It's yours to keep 'cause opinions are free
Nobody knows 'bout the trouble I've seen
Nobody's perfect mister nobody's clean
It cost too much and takes too long to find out too late
Some words are not heard 'til after they're spoken
Your role was protective, your soul was too defective
Some people just don't have a heart to be broken
You take a piece of whatever you touch
Too many pieces means you're touching too much
You never win if you can't play it straight
You only beat me if you get me to hate
It must be so lonely to think that you have only
Somebody else's life to live if they let you
I ain't too selective, but it don't take no detective
To find out how fast your friends will forget you
This was not your calling, just look how far you've fallen
I heard your story, man, you've got to be joking
Keep things in perspective, this is my true objective
Why tear this heart out if it's only been broken?

2007-10-16 19:30:06 · 1 answers · asked by remove me 5 in Polls & Surveys

Some of my bowel movements have been only fluid, no poo at all. What could that mean? And I've been holding it in because it burns so bad and I don't like the feeling of peeing from my butthole, it's also very painful. What could happen if I keep holding it in?

2007-10-16 19:29:49 · 3 answers · asked by lost.in.love 4 in Other - Health

i cant stop snacking in between meals - i sit in an office all day and just eat and eat and eat! how do i stop and just eat my meals

2007-10-16 19:29:43 · 8 answers · asked by loonylondonlad 1 in Diet & Fitness

2007-10-16 19:29:38 · 11 answers · asked by Lord of Chaos 4 in Other - Environment

How different is “Destiny” from “Luck”? How they are related to “Effort”?

2007-10-16 19:29:06 · 8 answers · asked by Bhatta 2 in Paranormal Phenomena

ok my husband and i are seperating and going thru a divorce,he's been begging me to stay with him but i feel it's time for me to move on after 13 years now he's turned mean cause i won't take him back he now calls me fat and even say's my vgina is big,when all these years he's had no complaint's but now he's saying horrible things because he knows i'm interested in someone else,him saying all this is making me wonder if it's true,i'm even looking into vaginal tightening surgery's.i just don't understand during our marriage he alway's was satisfied he alway's said i was perfect now that i don't do it with him anymore and want to possibly do it with someone else he shoots my self esteem down should i look into surgery before i have sex with the new guy?

2007-10-16 19:28:45 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I hear girls always saying that

2007-10-16 19:27:52 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

It was back in the 60's or 70's...Its a guy singing it. It goes something like this; "Get out of my loneliness....Day after day....Bring it soon...baby bring it soon...I give my love to you".

2007-10-16 19:27:31 · 3 answers · asked by LaLa 4 in Other - Music

he did build it with his bear hands and all 427 of his teeths after all... And slave labor, but that's not important.

2007-10-16 19:27:16 · 5 answers · asked by Shadowfyre 6 in Polls & Surveys

i was paying on a car loan- which i had defaulted on back in 2003, and started paying on again in 2005- to aug of this year
well we could not work out a way to continue paying with the bank- they just ignored us- we were wanting to make a reasonable payment so it could get paid off quicker, but they refused it and so we stop paying on it

now my question is shouldn't this accout go to a collection agency rather than the bank its originated from?
another question, i just recently stopped paying them for the second time, shouldn't they be calling me to work something out? because they have never called my house in the past couple of months after we made no payment, i thought they are suppose to get in contact with you to make arrangements on the payment before going to a lawyer

please don't give rude answers i want serious answers only
i know i should be paying on this, i don't need anyone to answer this if you are going to say pay your debt- thats what i am working on doing

2007-10-16 19:26:58 · 3 answers · asked by samantha r 2 in Credit

I have found when dealing with a problem/concern regarding Carnival, it is extremely difficult to get questions answered or problems solved. In reading blogs and passenger comments, it seems to be the norm rather than the exception. As with anything, problems arise. I have written, called only to get voice mail with no returned calls and emailed. What is the answer to resolving issues and problems at Carnival. Is no one accessible in mangement?

2007-10-16 19:26:49 · 2 answers · asked by pse76 1 in Other - Business & Finance

i am man enought to say i was wrong for divorcing her.20. years ago we have.2. sons i still love her but never had the ***. to tell her that .is there a chance we could get back together we have.4. grandchildren as well . out .2. children are married as well can we renuite out selves s we was i still love her she was and is still a good woman and she is yet my life but never had the *** to tell her can love happen again with us thank you all for your honest answers..

2007-10-16 19:26:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I developed an allergy to my birth control that causes my hands and feet to itch really bad, it even wakes me up in the middle of the night. I've stopped taking it but the symptoms still bug me. How long before it leaves my system for good? Is there any way to flush it out faster? Also, can somebody tell me how to ease the itching? I've tried claritin and it hasn't worked.

2007-10-16 19:26:10 · 3 answers · asked by tea_green22 2 in Allergies

Since so many Christians spend a lot of time explaining why others are not "true" Christians....... will they also start explaining why others are not "true" republicans ?


2007-10-16 19:25:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

does anyone know any good glitches in pokemon diamond or pearl?

ones that help me out please

2007-10-16 19:24:57 · 2 answers · asked by we wo 2 in Video & Online Games

Which is a good topic to write about interpersonal interaction 6 page term paper?

It can be from nonverbal behaviors, culture, gender, difference between men and woman, stage of relationship, language, perception, listening, stereotyping etc... I need one that has a lot of resource both in the internet and book as well.

What topic you think i should pick for my term paper deal with interpersonal?

2007-10-16 19:24:34 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help

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