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All categories - 5 October 2007

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Apart from the website here, i like spending time with youtube.com
And you??

2007-10-05 14:49:41 · 26 answers · asked by GINGER B 3 in Polls & Surveys

my ex husband just died today. He can no longer hurt me. I can go on now. I suffered PTSD and depression. He can't hurt me anymore. From years of emotional, physical, mental abuse. What a huge weight off my shoulders. SHOOOOOOOO!

2007-10-05 14:49:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I just went into CVS looking for a wedding card for my sister. None of them were anything special, and I'd LOVE something unique. .Are there any places online where I can order a wedding card or are there any GREAT stores for cards? (Aside from Hallmark, Walgreens, Etc.)

2007-10-05 14:49:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings


Islam is a religion of mercy to all people, both Muslims and non-Muslims. The Prophet was described as being a mercy in the Quran due to the message he brought for humanity:

“And We have not sent you but as a mercy to all the worlds.” (Quran 21:107)

When a person analyzes the legislations of Islam with an open mind, the Mercy mentioned in this verse will definitely become apparent. One of the aspects constituting an epitome of this Mercy is the way the legislations of Islam deal with people of other faiths. The tolerant attitude of Islam towards non-Muslims, whether they be those residing in their own countries or within the Muslim lands, can be clearly seen through a study of history. This fact is not only purported by Muslims, but many non-Muslim historians also accept it. Patriarch Ghaytho wrote:

‘The Arabs, to whom the Lord has given control over the world, treat us as you know; they are not the enemies of Christians. Indeed, they praise our community, and treat our priests and saints with dignity, and offer aid to churches and monasteries.’[1]

Will Durant wrote:

‘At the time of the Umayyad caliphate, the people of the covenant, Christians, Zoroastrians, Jews, and Sabians, all enjoyed degree of tolerance that we do not find even today in Christian countries. They were free to practice the rituals of their religion and their churches and temples were preserved. They enjoyed autonomy in that they were subject to the religious laws of the scholars and judges.’[2]

These just relations between Muslims and people of other faiths were not due to mere politics played by Muslim rulers, but rather they were a direct result of the teachings of the religion of Islam, one which preaches that people of other religions be free to practice their own faith, only accepting the guidance offered by Islam by their own choice. God says in the Quran:

“There is no compulsion in religion…” (Quran 2:256)

Not only does Islam demand their freedom to practice religion, but also that they be treated justly as any other fellow human. Warning against any abuse of non-Muslims in an Islamic society, the Prophet stated:

“Beware! Whoever is cruel and hard on a non-Muslim minority, curtails their rights, burdens them with more than they can bear, or takes anything from them against their free will; I (Prophet Muhammad) will complain against the person on the Day of Judgment.” (Abu Dawud)

How far is this mannerism than the majority of nations, to this day, which not only suppress the rights of foreign religions, but also foreign peoples and races! In a time when Muslims were being tortured to death in then pagan Mecca, Jews were being persecuted in Christian Europe, and various peoples were being subjugated due to their particular race or caste, Islam called to the just treatment of all peoples and religions, due to its merciful tenets which gave humanity the right to their humanness.

2007-10-05 14:49:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

He completely finished shedding, except for his feet. The dead skin has been stuck on there for almost 5 days now. I tried getting it off for him, but he freaked out, and struggled so hard that I was afraid he was going to hurt himself.

That dead skin is bad for him, I assume? What should I do?

2007-10-05 14:49:20 · 5 answers · asked by Brenda 4 in Reptiles

Movies like, Almost Famous, La Babamba, Walk the Line , That thing thing you do, that look at bands or singers rises to fame.

2007-10-05 14:49:16 · 2 answers · asked by LuvBrownies 2 in Movies

Please, grab your husband, have him read this, because I need to get a different point of view...
Our son just turned one. I told my husband that grabbing him away from his toys and whisking him up stairs for a bath was probably not the best way to transition for our son, who screamed the whole way up the stairs and half way through his bath... my husband said it was dumb, and sarcastically tonight told our son, in 5 minutes you're going to get a bath...I also told him that its important for us to read to our son, so I told him I would love to have a night off from this routine- he read the book, but with no feeling and really dull, and skipped over words, I mean my goodness, it was Goodnight moon.... He plays well with our son, and he sure feels the need that our son should respect us (he'll hold our sons hands down if he puts them in front of his mouth during meal time), I just think he is being harsh and unrealistic with the needs of our child at age one. What can I say to him?

2007-10-05 14:49:15 · 12 answers · asked by Kass 2 in Parenting

2007-10-05 14:48:56 · 3 answers · asked by blue diamond 1 in Military

I don't know if this counts as philosophy, but what the hell... :-)

2007-10-05 14:48:54 · 16 answers · asked by Too Cold to Shiver 3 in Philosophy

my wife heard on the tv that a light over the bed is bad for the health?????so i had to take ours down and she does not wnat me to have one over the bed???? have any one ever heard of anything so rediculious

2007-10-05 14:48:50 · 6 answers · asked by terry p 2 in Marriage & Divorce

i think joe is definitely the cutest!

2007-10-05 14:48:47 · 17 answers · asked by Glitter 5 in Celebrities

i get onto the comp straight away.

2007-10-05 14:48:38 · 59 answers · asked by possessed by insanity 3 in Polls & Surveys

2007-10-05 14:48:37 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

why do these cops think they can do anything? pepper spraying her eyes when she is already restrained? they get a rise out of doing this, especially to coloured people.

2007-10-05 14:48:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-10-05 14:48:03 · 18 answers · asked by ShannyBikdiK 2 in Football (American)

What if you happiness begins to decline? For example, you are struck by a car tomorrow and lose the use of half your body and are faced with decades of pain, the inability to do anything that you enjoy?

2007-10-05 14:48:01 · 7 answers · asked by guru 7 in Philosophy

I am 19, slim. Attending a ballet with a girl. What's a sharp look? Khakis, black shoes, black belt, and white shirt seem to be the classic look here, but any other ideas or some extra touches I could add?

Also, it it okay to wear a non-loose gray sweater when attending ballet?

Also, I know some people will say I should wear whatever I want, and if the girl isn't shallow she'll be okay with it... But lets skip all this stuff. I want to look like I know how to dress to such an event.

2007-10-05 14:47:45 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

my friend told me that if you feel below your tummy going to your vergina. if its hard then that means a baby is grown. if its not hard and soft then your not pregnant. is this ture?

2007-10-05 14:47:28 · 12 answers · asked by allie laught alot 3 in Pregnancy

..........other people don't believe in your god? Obviously this question isn't only directed towards Christians.

Now I'm not asking if you're offended if an atheist attacks you saying your god doesn't exist, but are you offended at just their denial of belief?

2007-10-05 14:47:18 · 28 answers · asked by Tony AM 5 in Religion & Spirituality

My son has been to many doctors. Even a G.I. doctor I can not get him to eat. We have tried powerpacking his food and everything. I am still nursing because I have tried everything to get him to drink milk and he will have nothing to do with it. I tried all different flavors of milk. They tell me nothing major is wrong I just need him to eat. How can I do that? I have done Everything I can think of . Any ideas?

2007-10-05 14:47:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

Remember, he is the symbol of Cleveland sports, and he is rooting for the Yankees against Cleveland. Do you think that is in good taste?


2007-10-05 14:47:14 · 13 answers · asked by Steve C 7 in Baseball

2007-10-05 14:46:37 · 7 answers · asked by yoshismom 3 in Trivia

I live in Australia & have heard in news lately that 'creationism' is being introduced into a large percentage of USA schools.
Is this true? If so, is it a blatant oppression of other than Christian beliefs? Is this the reason behind it?
There has been talk of bringing it in into some Aussie schools too. I am past school age myself, just interested in others opinions on this.
My own beliefs are other than Christian & think it would be detrimental to wipe out other belief systems.

2007-10-05 14:46:25 · 37 answers · asked by Blood Makes Noise 6 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-05 14:46:22 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-10-05 14:46:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Wrestling

Hey there, I am an airbrush artist who is looking long and hard to find someone in Ohio who wants to get free temporary tattoos.

I use my Iwata HP-CR and Badger's Totally tattoo paints, if you are willing to get a tattoo please contact me as soon as you can.
I've created a Craigslist ad for this also, http://cleveland.craigslist.org/act/440440318.html

Note: I am in the "Mayfield heights" area.
You can contact me with:
AIM: Hekinsieden
YIM: Hekinsieden
EMail: Brokusan@gmail.com

If you want a certain tattoo we can discuss it before you arrive so I can prepare it for you. The whole process is free and painless, all you need to do is come to my little spray desk.

Here are just a few samples of what I have done before.

2007-10-05 14:46:13 · 1 answers · asked by hekinsieden 3 in Painting

Media reports of the day listed the COMMUNIST PLA woes of the early 1990's due to COMMUNISM'S historically proven failed economics and a nearly bankrupt central government. Boots for every other soldier, guns for half their men with only 5 BULLETS PER GUN, no real navy and precious little effective air forces. Command was antiquated as were communications, nuclear capacity and field armor with moral was tanked due to nonpayment of salaries throughout the conscripted service of the P.L.A. The student uprising of 1989 by unarmed citizens seeking FREEDOM nearly defeated the PLA but was repelled with an excess of 10000 MURDERED students in the streets of China's capital. Point is, the people nearly won. 1994 saw the realization of the dream of capitalizing from tyranny while undermining freedom and avoiding living wages by a small group of Arkansas traitors when Clinton, acting as a WMT lawyer while President of the USA, extended "favored nation" trading status to the enemy of freedom

2007-10-05 14:45:49 · 3 answers · asked by DAVID MICHAEL 1 in Civic Participation

Who would win? Both we're legends of their arts.

2007-10-05 14:45:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Martial Arts

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