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All categories - 29 September 2007

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Although I don't really know what knocking means, but, this car when running seems 'knocking'. I measured the compression pressure, they are 200, 200, 60, 200...aaah...3rd cylinder has problem. I poured a tea spoon of oil, rechecked the pressure, still 60, so, piston rings are not the problem. So, could it be the crankshaft bearing? and, also, the cause of knocking?

2007-09-29 14:47:23 · 4 answers · asked by James1982 2 in Dodge

28 Sept. 2007. Online bank shut down by the U.S. government. The bank's dirty little secret was excessive level of mortgage defaults. The FDIC only insures up to $100,000. $109 million of Americans money was not insured and is lost. Hope your money is not in this bank. Who will be next to go? Are you sure your bank is safe or does it have dirty little secrets of it's own.


2007-09-29 14:47:22 · 6 answers · asked by Mike 2 in Personal Finance

Anyone know of a white haired anime character? Guy please.

2007-09-29 14:47:17 · 15 answers · asked by control_friz_eak 1 in Comics & Animation

My computer crashed so I did a fresh install of windows. I had a bunch of pics on my hard drive that I did not back up. (stupid I know) Does anyone know of a way that I can recover those? Thank you.

2007-09-29 14:47:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Desktops

Generation 6; The goofy looking ones they make now.
Gen. 5; 90s to 00s
Gen. 4; 1984- 90's
G. 3; 68-83 mako shark derivitive
G.2; 63-67 sting ray
That only leaves 1 more generation. It can't be 1953- 1962!, There is so much difference between the '53 ,with the blue flame 6+2 sp. powerglide , GM's attempt to make a Jaguar xk120, and the "62 there is no way a rational person would put both in the same generation. Maybe one could put the 53,54+55 in gen.1 and squeeze 56 to 62 into the same generation, but thery're at least 2 or 3. Perhaps they dont consider the 1st corvettes to be real corvettes, and count the '56 with the V8 and dual 4 barrels as the 1st corvette, and ignore the earlier ones? The guy who named the current generation G.6 must be some kind of a retard

2007-09-29 14:47:09 · 6 answers · asked by KABANGA 3 in Chevrolet

2007-09-29 14:47:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

For the 2008 NHL Stanley Cup, I see the Detroit Red Wings of the Western Conference and the Atlanta Thrashers of the Eastern Conference and I see the Red Wings winning is six games.

2007-09-29 14:46:52 · 17 answers · asked by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7 in Hockey

with Cancer? lv Jo xx

2007-09-29 14:46:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I bought a rotisserie oven online; it was a great bargain, but it arrived with minimal instructions, and a pair of heat-resistant, long silicone gloves, for lifting food off the spit. I then rinse them with boiling water & add them to the dishwasher at 50 degrees. I think they are sterile - but they look grubby, and stained.

I regularly put running shoes through the washing machine, at 40 degrees, with detergent. Do you think that I should try that with these gloves?

There's no online deal to replace them or to buy a spare pair, and I have planned a Halloween party based on the oven. Should I risk it? My neighbour tried once to wash oven gloves & they got shredded!?

2007-09-29 14:46:13 · 2 answers · asked by WomanWhoReads 5 in Cleaning & Laundry

If Hitler won WW2?

2007-09-29 14:46:09 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

Drat. Nothing here right now.
Why don't you become the first to ask a question instead?

Yahoo told me to! LOL

2007-09-29 14:46:07 · 15 answers · asked by Breezey is saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY 7 in Polls & Surveys

When does "dating" turn into "boyfriend"???? I dont want ask him what we are and look silly, but i realize that because i'm beginning to wonder, maybe i should be asking. Any suggestions?

2007-09-29 14:45:37 · 3 answers · asked by gallcat_11 2 in Singles & Dating

I was just reading my brother's copy and it just brought back so many memories :)

2007-09-29 14:45:22 · 28 answers · asked by mymelody 6 in Polls & Surveys

How much did you pay a night?

2007-09-29 14:45:17 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Yeah that's a perfect idea!

I can speak Spanish and I like communism! It shouldn’t be hard to make a living since every one gets paid the same!

After they interrogate me and ask me why on earth would I want to come there and I tell them, and they look at me with a strange face and say ok, “or shoot me” I can ask them what are the qualifications of joining there army.

The hard part is convincing them that I'm not a spy, since only about half of the people like cuba, as im always hearing about people trying to run away from there.

But that's a great idea! Just PERFECT! and if I make it and sign up as a citizen and then maybe in there army, I'm not going to let anyone ruin my new great way of life!

That includes all the enemies of cuba! And if a rebellion ever takes place!

2007-09-29 14:45:08 · 7 answers · asked by Dead account 2 in Cuba

2007-09-29 14:45:03 · 13 answers · asked by Antares 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Has anyone used their IRA funds to buy real estate?

I was told that you can. Any thoughts?

2007-09-29 14:45:01 · 4 answers · asked by Steve B 6 in Renting & Real Estate

okay im 18 and there is this guy that i work with that is disrespectful in my opinion. he asks me really weird personal, sexual questions. I felt violated at first but now im used to him being dumb. (hes 22 by the way) anyway we had some dumb bet on another person at work, and since he "won" he wants a "prize". Yeah, you know what i mean. only i think hes serious cause its not the first time he has said it. and also another person i work with also thinks hes weird, so i know its not just me. I feel so disrespected, and dont know what to say to him. I mean i know other guys that are not this way, so what is wrong with him?? Funny thing is he is going to school to be a psychologist of all things! He just started working there about a month ago so i dont even know him that well. its just weird. please Help!!!! what if hes a crazy stalker???!!!

2007-09-29 14:44:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

For anyone on P&S suffering with Cancer? jo

2007-09-29 14:44:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Okay, I am going to post an introductory paragraph I wrote. If it sucks please give me some useful tips on improving it. (or reword it, whatever you feel like) Oh, and does it "excite" you about the further paragraphs?

Oh, and are you supposed to include your three supporting points in your introductory paragraph or not. This essay has to be 600 words, and I had to keep chopping my intro down because it was like 120 words....

here it is
"Many would agree that America is the greatest Nation in the world. It is home of the brave, the beautiful, and most importantly the free. Recently, the United States has invaded the country of Iraq, and among others things, has expressed its goal in stabilizing Iraq and establishing a Democratic form of government. Realistically, a lasting Democracy in Iraq is not a realistic feat for Americans.

2007-09-29 14:44:21 · 6 answers · asked by gravytrain036 5 in Homework Help

I'm talking on a federal level. A tax of 15-20% would be roughly equal to what the IRS takes in in sales tax. This would be more fair to the people, because it taxes on how much they spend, not on what they do for a living (work). Also, you have some influence over how much you pay in taxes. Seems like a good idea to me, are there any drawbacks? Oh yeah it would also make taxes much simpler, cause tax code is about 10x longer than the Bible.

2007-09-29 14:44:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

Whats the best Stretch Mark removal cream or lotion that is easily available?

2007-09-29 14:44:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

2007-09-29 14:44:00 · 21 answers · asked by andy r 3 in Politics

like someone tagged me in their pictures and they wont take them off. somehow it shoes on my site. How can i take it off? they wont do it!

2007-09-29 14:43:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Facebook

She ran away from home with a total unknown guy to us and found in a room with him at his house. I'm eff pissed-off and i feel like strangling her!! The problem here is, she's only 11 and had already d courage to run away with some old, adult guy. I'm very, very mad and I told her f off and told her indirectly she's not my sister. But, i'm confused. What i should really do? I actually don't give sh*t at all of whatever she wanna do; she can go f---ing around and get all kinda STDs she wants, but i pity my parents. They're d only reason i forced myself to feel responsible & concerned. She's d last in my famly, & has alwiz been secretive. Me& my big sis suspect dat it's juz dat she got wrong companies in her all-girls school. I never really bother about her and it's like no difference whether she exists or not, i pretended i was concerned juz bcoz people say i have to.

2007-09-29 14:43:26 · 10 answers · asked by Aisyah 2 in Family

okay before you start teasing me about my age ; i have pimples i got pimple cream right i just want to know you know the toner well when you spray it on your face to you wash it off or just leave it there and wait for it to sink in then but mosterizer on? im ( 12 ) no rude comments please thank you

2007-09-29 14:43:14 · 4 answers · asked by Thuy Quinnie Hoang 1 in Makeup

My ex is taking my kids on vaction in january for 15 days and i'm seriously thinking of finally taking a trip to England which i've wanted to do for a long time. I'm 43 and a female, tips would be helpful. I also understand that it's really cold during january. Anyone care to share there experience with me? (female/male responses are welcomed. Thanks!!

2007-09-29 14:43:07 · 4 answers · asked by F. 44 yr old lost in argentina 2 in Other - Europe

In my Spanish class we're having a fashion show to "test" how well we know clothing and colors. We have to have a script, a certain number of clothing items, etc. I need to come up with some sort of background music to play while we're reading our scripts, and I can't think of anything at all. Does anyone have any suggestions? It doesn't have to be Spanish or anything special-just school appropriate. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :]

2007-09-29 14:43:07 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Performing Arts


2007-09-29 14:43:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

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