My daughter will be 2 in November and doesn't remember him actually last time she saw him she cried because he scared her. I want a divorce but can't find him. He ran to Oregon from California because he missed his felony charge court dates for holding an illegal substance. And is living in An R.V. they put out an APB for him in Oregon and in California. He hasn't payed any child support, and if they catch him he will go to prison for 2 years if not more for being a felon.
I have moved on with my life, I moved to New Jersey from California, because I met someone I am completely in love with that my daughter calls daddy. She loves him and we want to get married.
So I guess my question is this, how do I divorce him if I can't find him, so I can marry this wonderful man who loves me, and my daughter as if she was his own.
All I want is to be happy and rid of the past, please someone help me!!!!!!
10 answers
asked by
Tara S
Marriage & Divorce