This might be in the wrong section but let's give it a shot.
Here is a snap shot of Rome just as they were about to fall:
War with Persia (Iran) over the real estate between the Tigris and the Euphrates.
Endemic outsourcing of labor
Huge trade gaps
Huge wage gaps
A Populace no longer willing to defend their enjoyed freedoms (save a few brave souls)
More concerned with chariot races then the state of the failing empire (think Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan)
Problems with stopping unwanted border crossings (one of those crossers, The Goths, sacked Rome in 410).
Politicians no longer cared for the needs or wants of the people.
More concerned with Christianity then proper governing
And the people were beyond apathetic
If this is what Rome looked like just before it fell, and the US is doing the same, are we not headed for the same fate as the Romans if we the people do not stand up and take our country back from the Dems, Repubs, and Corporations?
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