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All categories - 1 August 2007

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it was a question asked by soccer goddess and i went to my answers under my profile and the question isnt there. was it pulled? i was interested in answers other people gave.

2007-08-01 19:10:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

For the past few weeks. One dream i had the baby, others im pregnant, VERRY vivid dreams. ONe i was vomiting in the dream, last night was the most realistic. I felt my tummy in the dream and i felt the small spot and felt the heart beat. It felt do real. What do you think?

I am Sexually active, but i dont think im pregnant.

2007-08-01 19:10:19 · 5 answers · asked by KGcutie 2 in Dream Interpretation

I was, LOL!! never wanted it in the first place!! It was here then it was gone!! Good, now I can relax again!

2007-08-01 19:10:17 · 9 answers · asked by Lori F 6 in Polls & Surveys

My best friend thinks shes never going to have her period and i keep telling her SHE IS
but she won't believe me what can i say to make her believe that she will most likely have her period

and also her mom and my dad are dating and me and my best friend both has older brothers who are also friends and they keep making fun of her saying she's a boy when she's not how can i make then stop?

and also how can i convince her to wear a bra?
and shes also afraid to tell her dad about wearing a bra
and is very self concious [if thats how u spell it] and thinks that everybody is looking at her bra

2007-08-01 19:10:14 · 1 answers · asked by Ashley M 1 in Friends

F is a vector field, f is a scalar field

One of the definitions given: ( f F) (x,y,z) = f(x,y,z)F(x,y,z)

So I have to prove these:

curl(fF) = fcurlF + (del f) x F


curl(curlF) = grad(divF) - del^2 F


2007-08-01 19:10:02 · 2 answers · asked by jpaomp 2 in Mathematics

Does anyone know if the macbook pro has a built-in microphone? I'm doing podcasts and I plan on getting one.

2007-08-01 19:09:55 · 4 answers · asked by ? 2 in Polls & Surveys

For the people who STILL support President Bush: why (specifically) do you support him?
I used to believe in my country. I used to be patriotic...until Dubya was "elected".

2007-08-01 19:09:53 · 14 answers · asked by Justine M 2 in Preschool

Many people claim that God is coming for the world again pretty soon. We are all waiting to see that day. But I must say I disgree with the bible in many ways. Me, myself, have found the bible to be pretty faulty, so I do not put much interest in the bible. Nevertheless, a lot of what the bible says is true.

According to what I got to understand, God comes for the world everyday without us realizing it. Once you die, there you go ( Your judgement day has arrived). You either was sent to hell or to heaven with the Lord. You are no longer a part of the world.

So, bear in mind God comes for the world everyday. Your time is limited and immient to expire, but only God knows your date.

May I hear your thoughts?

2007-08-01 19:09:52 · 13 answers · asked by John 2 in Religion & Spirituality


should they be banned or not and why?

2007-08-01 19:09:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

My brother was diagnosed with Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy at the ripe age of four, this disease killed him a eighteen, after fourteen years of being unable to walk and slowly losing the control of his muscles, including his heart. This disease was very painful to the family and to my dear brother.

I am a MD carrier of 50%, this means that if I have a boy there is a 50% chance he would have the disease. If I had a girl, there is a 50% chance that she would also be a carrier. Now, I have no idea how my husbands genes would contribute and there is no way in knowing if he can lower the chances.

We want to have one baby and adopt one but I have no idea if it the right thing to do. I am forever grateful that I had my brother in my life, he really was the only security I had but is it right for me to take such a risk knowing what the disease is about?

2007-08-01 19:09:43 · 2 answers · asked by tuckerjess 2 in Other - Diseases

or when your being evaluated. even on things youv done a million times when you are being watched ,by your boss or your instructor for example, you can get nervous and mess up.

2007-08-01 19:09:43 · 3 answers · asked by J's leather emporium 3 in Psychology

I am a fundamentalist Christian and I take the Bible to be the absolute truth of God. I am confused when it comes to more liberal Christians that pick and choose what they what to believe? How do they choose what to believe in? What are they basing this on? Where is their evidence?

It doesn't sound very scientific.

They will believe one story happened and the next one they will take as allegorical and it's not all based on how hard they are to believe.

Most of the more liberal Christians actually believe the stories of Jesus happened pretty the way they are written down. They have no problem with Jesus walking on water, but they don't believe a woman was turned into salt. My argument is God is all powerful so who says he can't do whatever he wants?

Anyways, regardless of what you think of my beliefs, you can at least say I am consistent in them.

What do you think?

2007-08-01 19:09:15 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

that my other best friends liked.. should i tell them?
if i should how should i do it?

2007-08-01 19:09:12 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I want big hair like....well I've seen like the girl's next door ( they're porn stars) and their hair is really big I can't seem to imitate it. I've used hair spray my hair is medium length with mostly long layers so Help please?

2007-08-01 19:08:15 · 6 answers · asked by Jennifer J 2 in Hair

2007-08-01 19:08:15 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-08-01 19:07:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Birds

I'm not sure if it's oxygen or not. But if you think its something else, please explain. Thanks!

2007-08-01 19:07:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry


Why does the air in the northern hemisphere remain north while that in the southern remain south? please explain

2007-08-01 19:07:14 · 4 answers · asked by Aakash 1 in Earth Sciences & Geology

Then might he be interested or is he just being nice? I already know he's a really nice guy, but I really like him so I want to know whether he is interested or just friendly. I added him and he said that I look familiar but he doesn't think he's ever talked to me. So I replied, and he replied, and I replied again, and so on. The conversation is still going and he never acts like he is trying to end it, so which is it? FYI: I'm almost 15, he's 16, and I met him because we go to the same church.

2007-08-01 19:06:08 · 1 answers · asked by †StrongAsDeath† 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-08-01 19:05:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

Just wondering...

2007-08-01 19:05:43 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

Sources please?

2007-08-01 19:05:43 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

It seems that the more scientists learn about the universe, and life and things in general, they are realizing that most religious beliefs (and they are just that, beliefs) aren't quite as believable as religious people think they are. Im sure there are lots.

2007-08-01 19:05:35 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I bought this for my husband on our honeymoon:

"Driver carries no cash... he's married"

When he got another work truck he bought himself this one:

"Lost, wife and dog. Reward for dog."

Now it's just plain and simple: "Old Guys Rule"

2007-08-01 19:05:06 · 25 answers · asked by Granny 6 in Senior Citizens

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