Ms Doris Meissner , as a White House fellow and assistant to the Attorney Generall Hon. Levy was directing an inter-cabinet task force on undocumented workers issue in l975 . She asked me via the Assistant Secretary of Labor Hon. Abraham Weiss , to write a couple of articles/ papers regarding the impact of undocumented worket on the US Labor market and the Bracero program which were published in a report to President Ford. However, she omitted my name as the author of the articles in the report while someone from the US Department of lLAbor who did not write anything was cited as a participant to the task force. That is if you read the report , it is as I never existed when in fact i spent months on that task force.. My direct supervisors were very upset at the time. I ignored the lady and went on with my life. Now retired 15 years from the US Department of Labor I can be objective bout Ms. Meissner. Has she ever written anything on her own?
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