1. Lincoln - Kept the country together/ Freed the Slaves.
2. Washington - Could have been King. Chose Democracy
3. Reagan – The Great Communicator Brought the Soviet Union to it's knees. Created 20 million new jobs.
4. Teddy Roosevelt - the first real free trader and environmentalist.
5. GWB – The Great Liberator Kept America safe from Terrorists Attacks after 9/11. Liberated 50 million hopeless Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq (Soon to be Iran). Smoking Hot economy & Brought Honor & Dignity back to the White House after the Impeached Clinton.
Bottom 5
1. Woodrow Wilson - WWI was a horrible choice.
2. Andrew Johnson - Impeached
3. Carter – Soviets marching everywhere, hostages being taken, long gas lines, high interest rates and unemployment. Basically the worst parts of the Bible.
4. Clinton – The Great Fornicator Brought a 19 year old Chubby Intern to her knees, lied about it and was IMPEACHED. Then he was disbarred.
5. Millard Fillmore!
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