You are 23 and just finished college while working full-time to pay your way. You had moved from several hundred miles away to attend this college, and since moving have established yourself in a good job, made several friends, and come enjoy the area.
You have a girlfriend back home whom you have dated for about a year and a half. You have been utterly miserable with the relationship for several months, but the fact that it is long-distance has made it tolerable because you only have to see her once or twice a month and you stay busy with school and work all the other time.
Before you graduate, she realizes that the relationship is going sour and that you don't plan on moving back after finishing. She decides to stop taking her birth control and becomes pregnant in an effort to make you move back home and get married.
What do you do? Marry her and try to make it work? Don't marry her but take responsibility for the child? Does she move up there with you or do you go back to her?
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Religion & Spirituality