Anyone who downplays the importance of those suspensions is full of it. It is impossible to overstate how crucial it was to the Spurs advancing. And yet all I hear on sports radio & TV here in San Antonio is how the Suns should just accept it, they still could have won, stop whining, etc.
And before you morons out there freak out about me whining, know that I'M A LIFELONG SPURS FAN FROM SAN ANTONIO. I just happen to prefer honesty.
It absolutely sucks that the NBA stepped in and ruined this series, which had the potential to go down as one of the greatest in recent memory. Now it's just a black eye, an embarassment.
I know the Suns would have taken Game 5 with Stoudamire & Diaw, and right now, instead of all this bitching and moaning and wondering what might have been, we'd all be looking toward Game 7, expecting it to be the high point of the entire season, the real Final.
I'd gladly trade the Spurs advancing tonight for the chance to watch that game.
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